pmjiii, Author at Aura Wellness Center - Page 3 of 27

Kundalini Yoga for Beginners

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India. It is a tantric branch of Yogic methodology and is known by its practitioners as the mother of all Yoga practices. Practitioners of all levels are welcome in a Kundalini class. A Kundalini class usually begins with a dedication or intention for your practice and the singing of sacred mantras and scriptural verses. A typical class will be comprised of a balanced set of yogic techniques that include physical postures, breathing exercises, chanting and specific meditation practices.

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Trauma Sensitive Yoga Poses – Beginner Seated Postures

Supported Forward Fold, Seated Twist and Fire Log Pose are all very effective Yoga asanas that are available to Yoga practitioners of all levels. Seated Yoga asanas that are practiced in a restorative manner are particularly nourishing and relaxing. Restorative Poses will also help a trauma survivor to feel held and supported. Supported Forward Fold is an accessible Yoga asana that allows a trauma survivor to relax and release a feeling of being frozen.

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Yoga for the Physically Challenged

Please consult your health professional, physician, or a medical specialist before practicing Yoga. Do your research. Yoga student safety is really important. Please take some private lessons with a competent Yoga teacher to understand the basics before practicing with a DVD.

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Four Yoga Postures For People Who Are Not Flexible

Most people, who struggle with the lack of flexibility, quickly discover that Yoga is one of the easiest methods to increase flexibility. Starting with the simplest poses will help to build confidence in beginners. In addition, they realize the positions are much easier than they look. For many people, Yoga poses are intimidating.

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Meditation for Controlling Emotional Flow

Many studies have proved meditation as being able to severely cut stress in one’s life. Stress, as you already know, can block the way to positive thinking and damage every aspect of your life. Practicing deep breathing techniques, during meditation, can help you achieve a level of calm that stress cannot alter. Even after the end of your meditation session, try to hold on to that feeling of calm, as you live your life and return to it, if you ever find yourself in a stressful situation. Use those meditative, deep breathing techniques, while in a tough situation, to avoid negative emotions surfacing in your mind.

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Telling Stories for Kids Yoga Postures

Depending on the age of your Yoga students, they will most likely be ready and willing to make up a story or two. To help, you can set the scene, and identify a problem the characters will face, before beginning to tell the story. You can let each child tell a part of the story, breaking it up into the beginning, middle, and end; or you can let the story flow in different directions. Remember that the importance of the story lies in the Yoga postures – not whether the story makes perfect sense.

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