Asana Archives - Aura Wellness Center


Trauma Sensitive Yoga Poses – Beginner Seated Postures

Supported Forward Fold, Seated Twist and Fire Log Pose are all very effective Yoga asanas that are available to Yoga practitioners of all levels. Seated Yoga asanas that are practiced in a restorative manner are particularly nourishing and relaxing. Restorative Poses will also help a trauma survivor to feel held and supported. Supported Forward Fold is an accessible Yoga asana that allows a trauma survivor to relax and release a feeling of being frozen.

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Yoga Poses for Stress

This posture is sometimes called “Half Lord of the Fishes pose.” The name can be traced to Sage Matsyendra. Ardha Matsyendrasana can be confusing to some, but it releases physical tension within the entire body. Physical tension stored at a desk, in a car, and on the couch is a recipe for stress overload.

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Four Yoga Postures For People Who Are Not Flexible

Most people, who struggle with the lack of flexibility, quickly discover that Yoga is one of the easiest methods to increase flexibility. Starting with the simplest poses will help to build confidence in beginners. In addition, they realize the positions are much easier than they look. For many people, Yoga poses are intimidating.

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How to Keep your Heart Open in Warrior 1 Pose

Warrior 1 Pose is a solution to much of what ails humankind. In our day-to-day lives, many painful, difficult and stressful experiences are held in the body and mind. Relationships that are challenging at best, and devastatingly painful at worst, often close down our heart areas. A collapsed chest area and tense shoulders also restrict our capacity to breath fully and deeply.

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Yoga Poses for the First Chakra

To practice Uttanasana, stand at the top of your Yoga mat in Samasthiti with your feet parallel and hips’ distance apart. With an inhale, raise your arms over your head. With an exhale, slowly bring your arms down along the sides of your body until they reach your knees, shins or toes.

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Nurturing Independence with Yoga – Tree Pose

If you sway so much that you fall out of the pose, simply reestablish the posture and continue to hold Vriksasana until your are ready to come out of the posture. Tree Pose offers many Yoga practitioners the opportunity to practice patience over and over again! When you are finished with your practice of Tree Pose on the right side, with an exhale release your hands and your right foot and come back to Tadasana at the front of your Yoga mat. Pause for a moment in Tadasana, and then repeat Tree Pose on the left side when you are ready.

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