OnSite Yoga Teacher Training Courses - Aura Wellness Center

On-Site Yoga Teacher Training

Or Online Yoga Certification Courses?

Whether you want to deepen your practice or embark on a new career path, choosing between on-site training and online certification can be a pivotal decision. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each option, uncovering the unique benefits they offer for aspiring yoga teachers. 

on-site yoga teacher training

Pros and Cons of On-Site Training vs Online Yoga Certification

Various factors must be considered when deciding between on-site yoga teacher training and online certification courses. On-site training provides a hands-on learning experience where you can interact with instructors and classmates in person. This setting allows immediate feedback, personalized attention, and real-time guidance during practice sessions.

However, online certification courses offer flexibility in terms of scheduling and location. You can complete the coursework at your own pace from the comfort of your home. Online platforms often provide multimedia resources, discussion forums, and virtual support from instructors.

One potential drawback of on-site training is the time commitment required to attend classes in a physical location. Travel expenses may also be a consideration for some individuals. On the other hand, online courses at Aura Wellness Center use Zoom meetings for face-to-face interaction, which is essential to traditional yoga teacher training programs.

It’s important to weigh the pros and cons based on your learning style, schedule constraints, and budget considerations before making a decision about on-site or online yoga teacher training.

Benefits of On-Site Yoga Teacher Training

On-site yoga teacher training offers a unique and immersive learning experience that immerses you in the practice entirely. Being physically present in a dedicated training space can help deepen your understanding of yoga principles and techniques.

One of the main benefits of on-site training is real-time interaction with instructors and fellow trainees. This direct engagement allows immediate feedback, personalized guidance, and instant clarification on questions or concerns.

Additionally, being surrounded by like-minded individuals who share your passion for yoga creates a supportive learning environment. The sense of community fostered during on-site training can be incredibly motivating and inspiring as you progress through your certification journey.

Furthermore, practicing teaching in person under the guidance of experienced instructors can help boost your confidence and enhance your teaching skills. The hands-on experience gained from on-site training can prepare you for leading classes confidently once certified.

relaxing restorative yoga class

Benefits of Online Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Online yoga teacher training courses offer flexibility and convenience for aspiring teachers. With online courses, you can study from home or anywhere with a Wi-Fi or an internet connection. This means no travel time or expenses, making it a cost-effective option.

Additionally, online yoga certification courses often have self-paced learning modules, allowing you to progress quickly and review materials as needed. You can also choose when to study based on your schedule, balancing other commitments like work or family easier.

Furthermore, online training provides access to a broader range of instructors and teaching styles worldwide. This exposure can enrich your understanding of yoga philosophy and practice, leading to a well-rounded education.

Online yoga teacher training offers a convenient way to pursue your passion for teaching yoga without the constraints of traditional in-person programs.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between On-Site and Online Yoga Certification

Several factors must be considered when deciding between on-site and online yoga teacher training courses. One important aspect is your learning style—do you thrive in a physical classroom setting or prefer the flexibility of studying from home? Additionally, think about your schedule and commitments. On-site training may require time away from other responsibilities, while online courses offer more convenience and accessibility.

Another factor to consider is the level of interaction and support you prefer. On-site training provides face-to-face contact with instructors and classmates, fostering a sense of community. In contrast, online courses offer virtual communication options but lack in-person connections.

Consider the practical aspects as well, such as cost and travel requirements. Secondly, on-site training may involve additional expenses for accommodation and transportation, whereas online courses eliminate these logistical challenges. Finally, on-site yoga teacher training will cost thousands of dollars, while a Yoga Alliance approved online certification will cost hundreds of dollars.

Reflect on what environment will best support your personal growth as a future yoga teacher before making a decision that aligns with your needs and preferences.

RYT-200 Yoga Teacher Training Online

Tips for Success in Online Yoga Teacher Certification

Setting up a designated study space can help create a focused learning environment when embarking on your online yoga certification journey. Ensure you have a reliable internet connection and all necessary materials within reach to avoid distractions. 

Establish a consistent study schedule that aligns with your daily routine to maintain discipline and momentum throughout the course. Utilize digital tools such as online forums, webinars, and video tutorials to enhance your understanding of key concepts.

Engage actively with instructors and fellow students through virtual platforms to exchange ideas, seek clarification, and build a supportive community. Stay motivated by setting specific goals for each module or week of training and celebrating achievements along the way.

Practice self-care routines like meditation, mindfulness exercises, or gentle yoga flows to alleviate stress and promote mental clarity during intense study sessions. Remember that patience and persistence are vital virtues in mastering the art of online yoga teacher certification.

Tips for Success in On-Site Training

When embarking on an on-site yoga teacher training journey, it’s essential to immerse yourself fully in the experience. Engage with your instructors and fellow trainees to create a supportive learning environment. Stay open-minded and be willing to challenge yourself both physically and mentally during the program.

Practice self-care throughout the training by prioritizing rest, hydration, and nourishing food choices. Remember that taking care of your well-being is crucial for effectively guiding others in their practice. Embrace feedback from your teachers and peers as valuable opportunities for growth and refinement in your teaching skills.

Set specific goals for what you want to achieve during the training period, and stay committed. Consistency in practice, study, and teaching will help you maximize this intensive learning experience. Trust the process, stay present, and allow yourself to absorb all that on-site training offers.

restorative yoga certification course

Either Way, You Have a Network of Teachers

Whether you choose on-site yoga teacher training or an online certification course, one thing remains constant – the network of teachers you’ll have access to. This community of experienced instructors can offer guidance, support, and inspiration as you embark on your teaching journey. 

In an on-site setting, fellow trainees and instructors become your immediate circle of support. You can bond over shared experiences in real-time and form lasting connections beyond the training program. 

On the other hand, online courses also provide opportunities to connect with a diverse group of teachers from around the world. Virtual forums, discussion boards, and video calls enable interactions that transcend geographical boundaries.

Having a network of teachers means having resources at your fingertips – whether you need advice on sequencing a class, tips for handling difficult students, or simply a listening ear during challenging times in your teaching career.

Fostering these relationships within the yoga community can enrich your practice and elevate your teaching skills.

Yoga Alliance Recognizes Online and On-Site Teacher Training

Yoga Alliance, the largest nonprofit association representing the yoga community, recognizes online and on-site teacher training programs. This recognition ensures that aspiring teachers who complete either type of course meet specific educational standards. By acknowledging online training programs, Yoga Alliance embraces the evolving landscape of education in the digital age.

Online yoga teacher training offers flexibility and convenience for those unable to attend in-person sessions due to various commitments or geographic constraints. Conversely, on-site training provides a hands-on experience with direct guidance from instructors and classmates.

Whether you choose an online or on-site program, completing a Yoga Alliance-recognized certification can enhance your credibility as a yoga teacher. It demonstrates that you have met established standards and are equipped to guide students safely through their practice.

keeping yoga students safe


As we reach the end of this discussion on yoga teacher training, it’s important to reflect on the key points covered throughout this article. We’ve explored the benefits of on-site and online certification courses, delved into factors to consider when choosing between the two options, and provided tips for success in each scenario.

On-site training offers a hands-on approach with immediate feedback from instructors and peers. It provides an immersive experience where you can deepen your practice in a supportive environment. Online yoga certification courses, on the other hand, offer flexibility and convenience for those with busy schedules or limited access to in-person programs.

Regardless of your option, remember that on-site and online training can lead to valuable connections within the yoga community. Whether it’s fellow students or experienced teachers, building a network is essential for growth in your teaching journey.

Whether you opt for on-site or online certification, know that Yoga Alliance recognizes both paths and can lead to a fulfilling career as a yoga instructor.


In the world of yoga teacher training, whether you choose to pursue on-site or online certification, the key is to find a program that aligns with your goals and lifestyle. Both options have their own set of advantages and considerations. On-site training offers immersive experiences, hands-on learning, and real-time interactions with instructors and peers. On the other hand, online courses provide flexibility, accessibility, and convenience for those balancing busy schedules.

Regardless of your choice, remember that success in yoga teacher training ultimately depends on your dedication, passion for yoga, and willingness to learn. By carefully considering the factors discussed on this page and following the tips for on-site and online programs, you can embark on a fulfilling journey toward becoming a certified yoga instructor.

Whether you opt for traditional on-site training or embrace the convenience of online certification courses, rest assured that both paths lead to valuable knowledge, personal growth, and a supportive community within yoga teaching. Trust your instincts, commit wholeheartedly to your practice, and let your journey as a yoga teacher unfold organically. Namaste!

yoga student safety

On-site Yoga Teacher Training at Aura

Enrollment Status: Full

Aura onsite Yoga Teacher Training

Aura Wellness Center’s Onsite Yoga Teacher Training is currently in progress at our Attleboro, MA facility, located at:

21 Park Street, Suite 202, in downtown Attleboro.

Experienced Yoga Teachers, Yoga Teacher interns, and serious students, may attend any Yoga Teacher Workshops (See Schedule)

Summer 2024 – On-Site Yoga Teacher Training

Our next Yoga Teacher certification course begins on July 8, 2024. Candidates should have, at least, two years of steady training in Aura’s Restorative/Hatha Yoga Style or comparable training within a similar style. Restorative and Hatha Yoga are gentle styles that fit the needs of everyone. Client safety is our number one concern.


We meet the 200 hour Yoga Teacher requirements, and contact hour guidelines, set by Yoga Alliance. The teacher trainer is Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP.

Yoga Teacher Training classes meet  July 8, 2024 – August 10, 2024

You must make a commitment to be at all of the teacher training classes and go through an internship. Level I Yoga Teacher training is based on 200 hours of intensive study within the many aspects of Hatha Yoga.

Some flexibility can be built into your Yoga Teacher internship, based upon hours with your mentor and teaching Yoga classes. We will cover this on orientation day or you can call ahead.

Telephone 508-222-0092.

This Yoga certification program includes hands-on development with Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP, the Director of Yoga Teacher Training, independent research, YTT manual, and the home-study of teacher texts. We adhere to the International Standards for Yoga Teacher Training hours.

All Yoga Teacher Training sessions are held with Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP.

Technical Training:

  • Eighteen (18) intensive sessions
  • Eighteen (18) more hands-on classes to develop your teaching skills
  • Guidance during your internship
  • Quizzes
  • Short Answer Exams
  • Final Exam
  • Practical Exam


  • Kriyas
  • Asanas
  • Modifications for Asanas
  • Yoga Philosophy & Yoga Teaching Methodology
  • Assisting with Asana alignment
  • Working with special populations
  • Chair Yoga & Office Yoga
  • Yoga for Seniors & Yoga as Therapy
  • Using Yoga Props
  • The Pilates Connection to Yoga
  • Yoga Teaching Tips
  • Yoga Business Development
  • Yoga Teacher Marketing
  • Networking with Yoga Teachers
  • Anatomy
  • Kinesiology
  • Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga
  • Communication with Yoga Students
  • Chakras
  • Bandhas
  • Mudras
  • Yamas, Niyamas, and Yoga Sutras
  • Pranayama Methods
  • Meditation Methods
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Yoga Teacher Ethics

Benefits of Onsite Yoga Teacher Training

  • Continued Technical Support
  • Yoga Certification
  • Yoga Teachers Training Materials worth $747.00
  • Three Teacher Texts
  • Free Liability Insurance for classes you teach at Aura
  • Job placement, as it becomes available
  • Many more Free Yoga Teacher Handouts
  • Business & Marketing Materials

In 2023: This training was sold out in just 2 1/2 weeks!

Total Cost (Due at Time of Registration):

Aura Onsite Yoga Teacher Training Application Download:

onsite yoga teacher training

Click here to download.

This is the most reasonably priced, and comprehensive Semi-Private Yoga Teacher Training Program, in the area. Space is limited to 6 candidates.

Transportation to off site, hands on classes included.

Yoga Teacher Training Workshops 2024

Orientation, Written Exam Prep, and Yoga Asana Techniques

Continuation of Written Exam Prep, Yoga Philosophy, and Yoga Teaching Methodology

Yoga Asanas, Mantras / Japa

Basic Lesson Planning, Yoga Asanas, Stage-by-Stage Relaxation Methods

Chakras, Nadis, the Subtle Body, Yoga Asanas

Mudras, Pranayama Methods, Meditation Methods, and Bandhas

Senior and Chair Yoga, Yoga Sutras, Doshas, & Kriyas

Pre-and-Post-Natal Yoga Overview, Contraindications Overview, Yoga Class Practice

Yoga Asana Alignment, Yoga Props, and Modifications

Yoga on the Ball, Pilates Connection to Yoga, and More Yoga Props (Written Exams are Due)

Practical Classes (Interns must have a lesson plan prepared)

Pranayama Methods, Asana Techniques, Introduction to Anatomy

Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology in Yoga

Philosophy: Yamas, Niyamas, Yoga Sutras, and Yoga Class Practice (Essay Due)

Teaching Yoga and Personal Yoga Practice

Yoga Teacher Ethics, Yoga Marketing, & Yoga Business

Integrating Yoga Techniques into Your Lesson Plan

Final Practical Exams and Graduation

Additional Information:

  • Interns, and Yoga Teachers, may attend any of these workshops for continuing education credits and contact hour requirements.
  • Interns should schedule teaching hours (teaching or assisting a live Yoga class) 10 days prior to the desired date.
  • Continuing Education and Contact Hour Certificates for onsite Yoga Teacher training are issued upon completion of workshops.
  • Private Yoga Teacher training sessions are available at the private training rate.
  • Yoga Teacher Apprenticeships, Mentoring, and Private Intensives should be scheduled 60 days prior to the session.

Cancellation Policy:

The first $1000, of your tuition, is a non-refundable deposit. After July 1, 2024, all fees are non-refundable. There is no refund if you leave the training early, you may postpone your yoga certification classes if there is a medical note provided by your physician.

Classes are conducted at:

Aura Wellness Center
21 Park Street, Suite 202, Attleboro, MA 02703
Phone: 508-222-0092

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