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Yoga Teacher Resources Today

As a Kundalini teacher, you are a vessel, not a creator. You will learn yoga asanas that have been developed over thousands of years and passed down from Yogi Bhajan to you. Sharing these teachings with your students is a solemn duty. You cannot cut out meditation because it takes too long or eliminate pranayama because you don’t like it. You must share the original, sacred teachings. In Kundalini yoga, your individual preferences are not important; only your students matter.

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Stroke Recovery and Yoga

Although scientific research is still incomplete, initial reports show that Yoga may not only promote the recovery of stroke symptoms, but it may, also, help with the management and prevention of underlying causes, as well as related health issues. Therapeutic Yoga promotes self awareness and a sense of well-being that is valuable to overall health.

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Teaching Yoga Students About Abundance

Practicing the art of Yoga on a regular basis helps to eradicate a sense of individual separateness and lack. The comprehensive art of Yoga is not just limited to physical asanas, it also includes breathing techniques, which increase the circulation of prana or life force energy, in addition to meditation and contemplative practices that help to ease anxiety, depression and an abiding sense a separateness.

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Teaching Yoga Classes that Foster Courage: Postures

So practicing Yoga postures that foster courage has a long and illustrious background! The noble quality of courage is highly regarded in Indian culture and in many of the myths and stories that have been told in a variety of cultures throughout the ages. Another example of the high regard for the development of courage is the Native American practice of sending a young adolescent on a vision quest. During this traditional four day time period, the young person fasts and spends four entire days and nights alone in a specified sacred circle of only fifteen feet or so, usually on a mountaintop.

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Preventing Yoga Injuries Today

Separation of the sacral-iliac ligament joint and lower back ligaments are among the common injuries in yoga. The injury can happen by attempting a forward fold the cause with straight legs and forcing. By merely bending your knees you can decrease the force and the potential for injury. Students with pre-existing medical conditions related to the sacral-iliac ligament joint and lower back ligaments should approach twisting and bending with extreme caution.

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Giving Yoga Students Safe Challenges

When you do challenge a student, check in with him or her to insure they feel comfortable throughout the adjustment or verbal cue. Try and do so somewhat intimately, instead of involving the class for ego. Keep the intentions pure for growth in a specific posture or series, take your time to listen and you and your student’s practice will flourish.

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From Student to Yoga Instructor

Unless one learns to do yoga very well, unless there is a high level of commitment to improving how one does yoga, it is very difficult to be certified as a teacher. Teacher training is demanding because teacher training schools want to turn out teachers who represent the best that yoga has to offer the general public. In other words, slackers won’t cut it. Those who cannot do asanas properly, provide solid advice and instruction, and represent the ideals of yoga in a coherent way are not likely to be considered qualified to teach yoga.

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How to Teach Yoga Breath Awareness Meditation for Children

When teaching classes, almost every yoga instructor agrees that focusing on the breath is the easiest way to help students focus. Depending on the age of the yoga student, teaching children to be aware of their breath can be just as effective as teaching the practice to adults.

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Teachers Mixing Yoga and Money

Another new emerging concept is the teacher owned co-op studio. The tricky aspect of this is finding enough teachers with the same types of goals that work well together. One way to work out expenses is to figure out space cost per hour, and work out a plan around that.

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