YOGA TEACHING Archives - Aura Wellness Center


Teaching Yoga for Brain Health

Hyper-extended elbows are quite common for active people and this can create problems for the average yoga student. Stretch your arm out in front of you and if it easily twists outward, then you will have to be particularly conscious of your elbows while in weight-bearing postures. Putting weight on a hyperextended joint will wear away the joint tissue and cartilage over time. If a joint is inflamed it requires a healing process that may include a doctor’s visit, hot and cold therapy, rest, or something else.

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Opportunities After Vinyasa Yoga Instructor Certification

The audience needs to feel engaged. While it may seem like an obvious factor in the success of a video, it is often forgotten. Gone are the days where watching a yoga instructor in a studio satisfied viewers. Today, successful yoga videos need to inspire and stimulate. Viewers should be drawn to watch the video, whether or not they are following along. The trend is for yoga DVDs to feel more like feature films.

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Preventing Hip Injuries in Yoga Classes

This is just not so, outside of Asia. Most people spend most of the day sitting in chairs, cars, airplanes, or on sofas. This eventually leads to tightening of the hip joints. Keep in mind that most of your students walk in the door with tight hips. It is important to stress to everyone during the warm-up to open his or her hips slowly and gently.

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How to Maximize Safety in Yoga Classes

When you compare yoga to other types of physical activity, for example, surfing or rock climbing, it would seem yoga would be without incident. However, humans come in all shapes, sizes, and fitness levels. Many students who walk in your door may be recovering from illness or injury. Others may walk through in great physical shape, but harboring deep-seated emotional issues.

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Yoga Asana Safety for the Human Machine

Safety, in practicing and teaching Yoga asanas, is very important. The human machine is designed to move, flex, and bend in very specific ways. If you move against that specific design, injury is likely to occur. As the practice of Yoga moves into the mainstream, Yoga classes are taught in a variety of settings to different groups of practitioners.

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Addressing Fear in a Yoga Class

By: Virginia Iversen, M.Ed, Sangeetha Saran, and Gopi Rao The first step to addressing fear in a Yoga class is to become aware of and tuned into any of your students who may need additional support to be comfortable in class. Through the process of meeting and talking with each one of your students, you will …

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The Benefits of Online Yoga Teacher Training

Just as Yoga poses (asanas) increase the body’s strength, spiritual exercises increase mental fortitude. Your students live hectic lives filled with emotional stressors. Spiritual Yoga exercises can build up mental reserves, making it easy for your students to navigate the challenges of life. When your students spend several hours a week, communicating with themselves and their Greater Power, they are building up their emotional strength. Your Yoga classes will empower your students to live a more peaceful, enjoyable life.

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