YOGA STYLES: Modern Archives - Page 4 of 5 - Aura Wellness Center


What Is the Purpose of Restorative Yoga?

This type of Yoga also uses props, such as blankets, straps, pillows, blocks, bolsters, walls, stools, chairs, or a mat, to support the body, which will allow you to hold poses longer. This eliminates unnecessary straining. It is believed that the more support your body is given, the more peaceful and restful you will be during and after your Yoga practice. As you begin practicing restorative Yoga, you will be able to drop into a place of great contentment.

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Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Online

Restorative poses are derived from Hatha Yoga poses, although the English names may have been changed because instructors come from a mix of lineages. Although some poses are similar, they are set apart from their original styles to adjust the posture for the unique body of the student. This is a different approach, which Paulji teaches, in that the body does not have to fit a preconceived mold.

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Office Chair Yoga at Your Desk

The benefits of yoga are well-documented. Flexibility, relaxed muscles, strength and tone, and the sense of calm you gain from doing yoga are great. But many individuals find that they do not have the time in their busy schedule to visit the gym, or even to spend some time in front of the TV with their favorite yoga video.

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Has Modern Yoga Strayed Too Far from Its Roots?

Stiles, however, is crying all the way to the bank. She runs an immensely popular yoga studio in New York that draws over 150 people to 40 classes each week. She published a book, Slim Calm Sexy, which remained the No. 1 Amazon yoga book category for months. She put out a yoga video with Jane Fonda that sold out in Target, and her 200+ YouTube videos have millions upon millions of views.

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Yoga in the Workplace – Employee Health

Employees and supervisors would need a bit of training to educate about specific yoga poses to use in specific situations, as well as breathing techniques to ease stress and clear the mind. Some companies might hire a Yoga teacher to educate the staff, or to lead Yoga classes at designated times.

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Health Benefits of Chair Yoga Classes

Although Chair Yoga provides many of the same benefits as traditional Hatha Yoga, it also has the potential to create emotional bonds that improve the quality of life and health of its participants.

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