Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP, Author at Aura Wellness Center - Page 3 of 58

Teaching Yin Yoga Classes

After practicing and teaching karate and tai chi for many years, I was drawn to yoga in my quest for a spiritual connection. First it was from books, then from videos and finally I started visiting local yoga studios in search of a teacher. In the beginning of my practice I was concentrating on the physical practice, and was not sure where I was going with it. I just loved the feeling of stretching and twisting my body into various postures. Soon I was addicted to the quest for perfect postures. At that point I found my teacher Alan Finger and my emphasis began to change. I realized that the physical practice was primarily meant for developing the strength of mind and body necessary to sit in meditation for at least 20 minutes and that the side effects of the physical practice like discipline, flexibility calmness and strength were secondary.

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Could Yoga for Kids Reduce Violence?

Violence is a result of many things, including mental illness and feelings of loss, anger, loneliness, and powerlessness. Fortunately, these feelings are something that a yoga practice can address, especially when meditation is guided by someone who intentionally wants to empower and encourage students who are dealing with these types of emotions.

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Teaching Yoga Postures with Awareness

By Faye Martins and Kimya Singh Teaching yoga postures is an art. Your techniques will set you apart from others. You can endear yourself to your students with small details like your selection of music or the use of fragrant aromatherapy sprays or essential oils. However, your ability and the techniques used to engage students …

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Benefits of Online Yoga Teacher Training

The cost of in person instruction also includes hidden costs that must be added to the tuition cost of the training course. Hidden costs would include the cost for tutoring, study materials, membership, application, enrollment fees, and other hidden fees that the institution may choose to include. You do not have these additional hidden costs with online Yoga training.

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Teaching Yoga as a Life Choice

By Kimaya Singh The way one chooses to earn their living is an important life choice. Most people need to work to support themselves, that’s a given. Not everybody does what they love, though. If you have a passion for yoga and would like to share what you know with others, teaching could be your …

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Preventing Back Injuries in Yoga Class

Other tips to avoid back injury are to keep your spine elongated and use your abdominal muscles. It is also wise to wait until you have successfully strengthened your back before attempting more complex asanas such as wheel, plow, and even camel.

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The Ultimate Guide to Yoga After Pregnancy

By Faye Martins and Rachel Holmes Congratulations on the arrival of your little bundle of joy! Do you need help with yoga after pregnancy? Of course, pregnancy and childbirth are transformative experiences, both physically and emotionally. As you navigate this beautiful journey into motherhood, it’s important to prioritize self-care and find ways to nurture your …

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Teaching Yoga and Effective Themes: Stress Relief

Yin Yoga postures are usually held for three to five minutes, instead of the traditional three to five breaths during a more fast-paced Ashtanga flow. For instance, Malasana, or Yogic Squat, can be practiced in a stress-relieving, Yin-style by asking your students to place their hands in a clasped position at the base of their skull, as they allow the gentle pull of gravity to elongate the delicate muscles in the back of the neck.

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Chair Yoga Promotes Student Safety: Inclusion

There are many different populations of students who can benefit enormously from a practice of Chair Yoga. Some of the specialized groups of students who benefit from a supported practice include older students, students who are recovering from head injuries, students who are healing from surgical procedures, and students who may be living with long-term, chronic diseases that affect their balance, coordination and their ability to stand for extended periods of time.

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Clarifying Your Sankalpa: Kapalabhati Pranayama

You make a wish to work up to 30 rounds at a time by doing several sets of 10 breaths, and then resting for a moment or two between sets. As you practice Kapalabhati Pranayama, imagine that you are invigorating your brain with fresh oxygen and clearing away all limiting thoughts and negative beliefs, in order to make room for uplifting thoughts that will support you in implementing your sankalpa.

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