YOGA TEACHING Archives - Page 4 of 19 - Aura Wellness Center


Benefits of Online YTT Courses

By Bhavan Kumar, Gopi Rao, and Kimaya Singh Welcome to the ultimate guide on the benefits of online YTT courses. Whether you’re an experienced student looking to deepen your practice or someone dreaming of becoming a certified yoga instructor, this article is for you. Online YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) courses have gained immense popularity in …

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Benefits of Online Yoga Teacher Training

The cost of in person instruction also includes hidden costs that must be added to the tuition cost of the training course. Hidden costs would include the cost for tutoring, study materials, membership, application, enrollment fees, and other hidden fees that the institution may choose to include. You do not have these additional hidden costs with online Yoga training.

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Teaching Yoga as a Life Choice

By Kimaya Singh The way one chooses to earn their living is an important life choice. Most people need to work to support themselves, that’s a given. Not everybody does what they love, though. If you have a passion for yoga and would like to share what you know with others, teaching could be your …

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Preventing Back Injuries in Yoga Class

Other tips to avoid back injury are to keep your spine elongated and use your abdominal muscles. It is also wise to wait until you have successfully strengthened your back before attempting more complex asanas such as wheel, plow, and even camel.

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Teaching Yoga and Effective Themes: Stress Relief

Yin Yoga postures are usually held for three to five minutes, instead of the traditional three to five breaths during a more fast-paced Ashtanga flow. For instance, Malasana, or Yogic Squat, can be practiced in a stress-relieving, Yin-style by asking your students to place their hands in a clasped position at the base of their skull, as they allow the gentle pull of gravity to elongate the delicate muscles in the back of the neck.

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The Evolution of Becoming a Yoga Instructor

Decide where and how you will approach your teacher certification. Will you take the minimum required 200-hour program or go for a 500-hour program? Will you do an intensive course over a month or spread it out over a longer time frame on evenings and weekends? It is important to consider your budget and time restrictions. In addition, make sure you feel comfortable with the teacher, as they will have a huge impact on the result.

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Yoga for the Physically Challenged

Please consult your health professional, physician, or a medical specialist before practicing Yoga. Do your research. Yoga student safety is really important. Please take some private lessons with a competent Yoga teacher to understand the basics before practicing with a DVD.

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Teaching Yoga Students Recovering from Surgery

It is also important to remember that it can be quite intimidating for new Yoga students to attend a multi-level class, even without an injury. Attending a multi-level class as a new student, with an injury or illness, takes even more courage.

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Teaching Chair Yoga Classes

Chair yoga is a wonderful alternative for students who have trouble with mobility or balance. They can still gain many of the benefits of yoga stretches and breathing exercises while staying on or near a chair for support. Instructing a class that uses a chair as the main prop will be a change from a regular class of students with full range of motion capabilities. Yoga teachers must be careful to be sensitive to the needs of their students.

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