YOGA FOR PHYSICAL HEALTH Archives - Page 9 of 19 - Aura Wellness Center


Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Online

Restorative poses are derived from Hatha Yoga poses, although the English names may have been changed because instructors come from a mix of lineages. Although some poses are similar, they are set apart from their original styles to adjust the posture for the unique body of the student. This is a different approach, which Paulji teaches, in that the body does not have to fit a preconceived mold.

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Ten Yoga Health Benefits

Yoga! It is not just a way to exercise, but it helps to improve immune system too. This fact is known about Yoga throughout the ages. The exercising techniques and the various postures used to perform this kind of art are externally easy and can be done anywhere anytime. Some efforts to learn such exercises can actually pay in the long run. It helps to maintain body weight, body shape, decreases the probability of heart diseases like stroke and blood pressure and also helps in curing diabetes and asthma.

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The Science of Breath

The organs of respiration consist of two lungs, one on either side of the chest and the air passages that lead to them. The lungs are located in the upper thoracic cavity of the chest, one on each side of the median line, and are separated from each other by the heart, the greater blood vessels and the larger air tubes. The lungs are spongy, porous, and their tissues are very elastic, containing innumerable air-sacs or alveoli. Each lung consists of an apex and a base. The base is directed towards the diaphragm, the muscular septum, the dividing wall between chest and the abdomen.

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How Much Is Too Much Pranayama in Yoga?

Health Warnings: The fact is that most people spend their whole life not paying attention to their breathing. After a lifetime of shallow breathing, an intense breathing regimen may be contraindicated for some students, especially those who suffer from asthma. Those new to practicing Pranayama techniques may initially suffer from headaches, dizziness, lethargy, or nausea to name a few. Therefore, keep a close watch on students and look for signals of the occurrence of these maladies.

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Energizing Yoga Poses for Students to Increase Productivity

There are a number of energizing Yoga asanas and sequences that will help students to increase their level of productivity. Students are often challenged by many different commitments to their academic studies, personal interests, friends, sports and family obligations. Yoga postures and sequences that help to energize and invigorate both the body and the mind will help a student to reach his or her goals while maintaining good mental and physical health.

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A Brief History of Yoga Therapy

Some of the many conditions Yoga therapy has relieved are: Depression, insomnia, breathing difficulties, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, mourning, sciatica and muscle tension, autoimmune illnesses, nervousness, perfectionism, and many other ailments.

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Hatha Yoga for Type 2 Diabetes

There hundreds of millions of people, worldwide, who suffer from diabetes, and other related health problems. With less physical activity, these figures are expected to climb in the next 10 to 20 years. However, the Hatha yoga techniques provide a holistic perspective for type 2 diabetes. In addition to organ dysfunction, psychological, emotional, and mental stress; inactivity promotes the occurrence of the disease.

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