YOGA FOR MENTAL HEALTH Archives - Page 3 of 17 - Aura Wellness Center


Increase Happiness with Yoga

By Bhavan Kumar How can you increase happiness with yoga? Since yoga moved onto the world stage, asana, pranayama, meditation, and other Yogic stress-reduction exercises have been studied as possible alternative treatments for mood-related disorders. However, the body of literature on the therapeutic benefits of yoga was relatively limited until the Internet propelled it forward. …

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Yoga for Developing Self-Confidence

Yoga for self-confidence also creates feelings of well being, clarity of mind, and empowerment, through the use of methodical and energizing movements. Yoga training also has a variety of proven breathing techniques, where difficulties can be brought into perspective. In turn, life becomes more manageable and less overwhelming. The realization that one can organize his or her life and take control, just as it occurs when practicing Yoga exercises, can impart the self-confidence necessary to confidently tackle obstacles and rise to heights that once seemed out of reach.

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A Yogic Technique for Managing Anxiety: Pratipaksa

This practice can have a profoundly healing effect on Yogis and Yoginis who may be struggling with self-defeating thoughts and beliefs that create fear and anxiety within. As we continue to gently pull our minds away from repetitive thoughts that create anxious feelings and focus our minds instead on positive, true and uplifting thoughts, we are literally restructuring the synaptic connections in our brains.

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Yoga Poses for Anxiety and Stress

Forward Bending Yoga poses are particularly soothing and nourishing. Forward Folds also help to calm you down because they encourage you to relax into the pose while pulling your senses inward, which allows you to rest for a few moments in your own inner essence. Forward Bending Yoga poses also allow you to curl your body into itself while protecting your heart and abdominal areas. Additionally, Forward Folds open up your hips and first chakra area, which releases stagnant survival energy and helps you to feel more empowered and grounded.

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Yoga: The Formula for Preventing Depression

How can Yoga be a cure for everything? Can Yoga really help prevent depression? Let’s take a look at some solutions for depression and see how Yoga can be useful.

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