YOGA INTRODUCTION & HISTORY Archives - Page 3 of 4 - Aura Wellness Center


Ten Yoga Health Benefits

Yoga! It is not just a way to exercise, but it helps to improve immune system too. This fact is known about Yoga throughout the ages. The exercising techniques and the various postures used to perform this kind of art are externally easy and can be done anywhere anytime. Some efforts to learn such exercises can actually pay in the long run. It helps to maintain body weight, body shape, decreases the probability of heart diseases like stroke and blood pressure and also helps in curing diabetes and asthma.

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The Importance Of Yama In Yoga Today

Yoga is a lifestyle, which can enrich a practitioner’s life far beyond the physical practice time spent in classes. Yoga promotes a peaceful co-existence with everything. This Yogic mindset creates a setting of living in harmony, in order to get better along with one’s self, as well as with others. Within the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, yama is a vital part of a complete life. The yamas teach us principles and values, which lay the foundations of social behavior. These guidelines of social behavior are the first limb of Patanjali’s Raja Yoga. The yamas are a reference for living a lifestyle that is in complete harmony with the world around us.

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The Eight Limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra

The ideal Yoga practice is a delicate balance between science and art, creating a union between mind, body, and spirit. The practitioner uses the body and breath to nurture an awareness of individual and unified focus. The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali describes the foundations and framework of Yoga philosophy from before 200 A.D. The sacred text offers a description of the innermost workings of the mind and provides an eight-part practice for controlling mental restlessness and cultivating unshakeable peace.

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Benefits of Yoga Teacher Continuing Education

Have you been familiar with yoga? Well I have heard from a lot of people that yoga has its own way of making the body function at its optimum state. The health and fitness benefits of yoga have long been reported by experts and via scientific research. But first I’d prefer to give you short details pertaining to yoga. Yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which means “union” taking place between the mind, body and spirit. It originated in India where there is a physical and mental discipline together with meditative practices of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Give yoga a try and learn what it can do for your body, your mind, and your soul.

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Hypnotherapy & Yoga: Healing the Five Layers of Human Existence

Unwanted thoughts, behaviors, habits, feelings, phobias and situational reactions are programmed deep within the Manomaya Kosa (mental layer). This deep seeded programming creates inner conflicts and mental agitation that is harmful to overall health.

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Using Viveka to Work with the Shreyas and Preyas

A keenly developed sense of viveka allows a Yoga practitioner to discern between the preyas and shreyas. In Yogic philosophy, the preyas refer to actions and thoughts that are enticing and pleasurable in the short term, but are harmful in the long run. Shreyas, on the other hand, are actions and thoughts that are filled with nobility and divinity. Some of the virtues of the shreyas are compassion, love, sacrifice, and dharmic livelihood. Shreyas enhance spiritual growth.

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