Yoga for Health Archives - Page 2 of 9 - Aura Wellness Center

Yoga for Health

Hatha Yoga for High Blood Pressure

Certain Yoga poses (asanas) have been shown to help manage stress and hypertension. The Easy Pose (Sukasana) is recommended for stress reduction. If it is practiced after the Corpse Pose (Sivasana), this pose strengthens the spine, slows the metabolism, and promotes quiet stillness of mind.

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What is Power Yoga?

You may have noticed that Aura Wellness Center recently added a Power yoga course. Yet, people considering yoga teacher training courses often wonder what the “power” is all about. To some people the word (power) doesn’t seem yogic. So, what’s all the hype about this particular style?

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Yoga for the Flu

Make these yoga training practices part of your daily routine to help ensure that your body gets a healthy boost to its immune system and you can get a dose of positive energy and physical balance.

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Yoga: The Formula for Preventing Depression

How can Yoga be a cure for everything? Can Yoga really help prevent depression? Let’s take a look at some solutions for depression and see how Yoga can be useful.

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Yoga and Neck Problems: What’s the Risk?

Chair Yoga sessions or classes may be advisable in some instances. Yoga postures practiced during chair Yoga classes will not put pressure on the neck. Contrary to popular belief Chair Yoga is not for Seniors only.

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Yoga Practice for States of Bliss

If an individual begins practicing Yoga on a regular basis, the brushes with bliss will continue to pop up, often when least expected. In this state, the thoughts and musings of the ego are still there in full force; but there is a blessed distinction between the true self and the ego, from which the practitioner is aware.

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Hatha Yoga for Heart Conditions

Reducing the heart rate through the practice of hatha yoga is beneficial for those with hypertension, those who have suffered a stroke, or have heart disease. Hatha yoga consists of controlled postures that gently move from one to another. The breathing is slow and methodical, and the body stretches with each movement. This alone is calming to the nervous system.

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Hatha Yoga and Cancer Recovery

During the 15th century, an Indian Yogi named Swatmarama introduced a combination of physical, lifestyle, breathing and spiritual discipline that came together to make up what we know today has Hatha yoga. According to Yogi Swatmarama, the reconciling of our essential and opposing natures could result in a life of balance and ultimately peace.

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