YOGA FOR MENTAL HEALTH Archives - Page 17 of 17 - Aura Wellness Center


Yoga and Meditation for Less Violent Children

Since children have a shorter attention span than adults, Yoga teachers can incorporate music, songs and games to help children see yoga as a fun activity while engaging in different poses (asanas) that will give them an overall sense of well-being. Yoga can teach children the importance of positive social behavior, such as teamwork and compassion because Yogic methods and philosophy work systematically toward creating happier and healthier children.

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Teaching Yoga: Regulating Emotional Flow

Consider hosting a student or master’s workshop that addresses controlling emotional flow. If you hold a specialist Yoga teacher training workshop, this will help us reduce violence around the world. Yoga instructors…

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The Yogic Approach to Managing Depression

To summarize, the Yogic approach to managing depression is to take the energetic view. We can reduce depressive states and gather the strength and willpower to embark on the next phase – that of examining and resolving the underlying causes of the depression

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Yoga of the Heart: Modified Forward Fold

Hold Modified Standing Forward Fold for 3 to 5 complete breaths. When you have completed your final breath in the posture, release the clasp of your hands and bring your fingers back down beside your feet on your Yoga mat. With your next inhale, release the clasp of your hands, stand up and raise your arms overhead with your hands in Prayer Position. With your next exhale, bring your hands back down in front of your Heart Chakra and pause for a moment to enjoy the expansive pulsation of energy throughout your entire heart area.

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Yoga Shows Promise for Treating PTSD

In 2008, The Washington Post reported that the cost of PTSD and depression caused by combat stress in recent wars could run as high as $6 million in two years. Yoga for post traumatic stress disorder not only has the potential to eliminate many of the symptoms of PTSD; but it, also, shows promise in offering sufferers a future filled with peace and joy.

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Yoga for Families At Risk

As a capstone to the program, participants were invited to two yoga workshops each, in which they explored practices for stress reduction, back health, emotional regulation, and relaxation. Activities were taught in a way that encouraged participants to take ownership of the practices they deemed most helpful and continue practicing them at home. At the end of the second session, each family was awarded a yoga mat, strap, and photo-guide to take home. As one participant commented after her first session, “Yoga is really good because we feel a lot of stress. Yoga helps us alleviate the pain we feel, and we feel better mentally too.”

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