YOGA BY CONDITION Archives - Page 2 of 10 - Aura Wellness Center


Teaching Yin Yoga for Hip Health

Yin poses are typically held for at least 3 to 5 minutes, though some can last for much longer than that. This longer holding time puts minor strain on the connective tissues surrounding the spine and joints. When the muscles, tendons, and ligaments are stressed in this manner, they will stretch if they are relaxed, allowing for greater flexibility and range of motion. Because these connective tissues cannot stretch if a joint is tense, these poses must be done in a relaxed state and position or they will not be effective. The movement of these tissues and the increased flow of oxygen through them also enhances the blood flow and circulation to various parts of the body.

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Yoga to Relieve Tailbone Pain

By Michael Gleason Does yoga to relieve tail bone pain work? What can yoga postures do for tailbone pain? The objective to yoga is taking the time to realize you are in your body. While sweating and caloric output have their places, yoga is the opportunity to learn what your body is non-verbally conveying to …

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Preventing Back Injuries in Yoga Class

Other tips to avoid back injury are to keep your spine elongated and use your abdominal muscles. It is also wise to wait until you have successfully strengthened your back before attempting more complex asanas such as wheel, plow, and even camel.

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Chronic Back Pain Management with Yoga

Another therapeutic yoga pose that benefits the back and assists in managing back pain is the triangle pose, which offers the additional benefits of strengthening the core and legs as well. This pose alleviates the pain from chronic back inflammation, as well as sciatica and neck pain, both of which contribute heavily to the problems of chronic back pain. Alleviating the contributing factors is a huge step towards managing back pain for long-term considerations.

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Yoga for Arthritis Pain

Yoga consists of breathing exercises, holding poses, meditation and other activities. A Restorative Hatha class gives a person complete freedom to perform the postures (asanas) without causing pain. People can modify yoga postures any way they want, to get the best possible alignment, and still gain the benefits. Yoga improves flexibility, enhances strength, balances muscle groups, boosts mental activity, improves physical energy, relieves stress, and improves one’s mood. Replacing constant pain, with positive feelings, is what separates physical yogic methodology from many fitness programs.

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Hatha Yoga for High Blood Pressure

Certain Yoga poses (asanas) have been shown to help manage stress and hypertension. The Easy Pose (Sukasana) is recommended for stress reduction. If it is practiced after the Corpse Pose (Sivasana), this pose strengthens the spine, slows the metabolism, and promotes quiet stillness of mind.

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Yoga for Stress Could Cause Weight Reduction

Mental clarity can increase, along with focus on intent, allowing the yoga student to be more present during his or her practice. This heightened sense of presence will also encourage a student to become more committed to his or her yoga training sessions. This boost in confidence can have an amazing upward spiral effect.

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Increase Happiness with Yoga

By Bhavan Kumar How can you increase happiness with yoga? Since yoga moved onto the world stage, asana, pranayama, meditation, and other Yogic stress-reduction exercises have been studied as possible alternative treatments for mood-related disorders. However, the body of literature on the therapeutic benefits of yoga was relatively limited until the Internet propelled it forward. …

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Where is the Evidence That Yoga Provides Anxiety Relief?

The studies mentioned above are just the beginning of research-based proof demonstrating that yoga helps in reducing anxiety. Without doubt, similar studies in the future will confirm what thousands of yoga practitioners have already experienced for themselves.

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