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Yoga Student Safety

Continuing Education Online for Yoga Teachers

You can learn so much from the online learning method, especially by interacting with your classmates and taking advantage of the variety of resources available on though an online yoga school. Treat these hours as a way of deepening your personal experience of yoga and enjoy the chance to refresh yourself.

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How to Make Yoga Classes Safe

At the beginning of class, fairly bright lighting should be used. Once students have completed their warm up stretching and the instructor is satisfied that each individual is capable of performing the poses correctly, atmospheric lighting can be used. Likewise, all students should have soft mats, which will allow them to complete the session without injuring their backs or necks.

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Pros and Cons of Aerial Yoga

As yoga studios begin to overpopulate, many jump onto whatever the latest trend is that will set them apart from the masses. The flavor “du jour” just may be aerial yoga. Sporting names like “Fly” or “Defy Gravity,” these unique specialty studios are offering something new and exciting for yoga practitioners.

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Preventing Joint Injuries in Yoga Classes

Certain asanas put a great deal of pressure on the gliding joints, which are the wrists and ankles. Offer props to students with weak wrists to relieve some pressure in weight-bearing poses like downward dog. Also, explain that not all the weight should rest on the heels of the hand. Advise students to press down with their knuckles and spread their fingers. The lotus pose is the clear winner for ankle discomfort. Suggest to students with weak ankles to practice a modified lotus pose.

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Yoga Pose Safety Tips

Even though Hatha Yoga is a gentle practice, and anyone can do it, it should be practiced safely, for the sake of avoiding injury. The fact is – we can injure ourselves at the dinner table if we take risks and refuse to pay attention to what we are doing. The following are four Yoga posture safety tips, to always keep in mind, in order to have the very best possible experience for many decades to come.

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Training with an Egotistical Yoga Teacher

Yoga practices are based on an awakening of the divine awareness within our own beings. When this inner divinity is awakened and respected, that sense of respect radiates outward from the core of our beings to everything that we think and do. An egotistical Yoga teacher, who disrespects a student’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual capacities and challenges, is disrespecting the student at a very deep level and putting him or her at risk of harm during the class.

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Which Yoga Students Do I Want to Teach?

By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP Which Yoga students do I want to teach? This seems like a discriminatory question, but in terms of student safety, not all Yoga students are the same. Some students bring years of experience to the classroom, while others have just signed up for their very first class. Some …

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