yoga education Archives - Aura Wellness Center

yoga education

The Ultimate Guide to Yoga Retreats for 2024

Yoga is an extensive field with various types of practices including Kundalini, Bhakti and Hot Yoga. Before you specialize in an intensive program, make sure to try out all the other types to find the one that most suits your personality and preferences. There’s no telling what you will discover about yourself by attempting other types of yoga before focusing on one.

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Yoga Online – Educational Value

Yoga DVDs are an alternative for students who are unable to come to classes as often as they would like. While the DVDs offer ease for students, it’s important to note that they aren’t as effective as in person instruction when it comes to perfecting form and offering modifications to poses in the routines.

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Continuing Education Online for Yoga Teachers

You can learn so much from the online learning method, especially by interacting with your classmates and taking advantage of the variety of resources available on though an online yoga school. Treat these hours as a way of deepening your personal experience of yoga and enjoy the chance to refresh yourself.

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Online Yoga Education – Saving Expenses

Getting an online Yoga education will also save you a great deal of expenses. First of all, you will not have to drive to a physical location in order to attend a class. With the rising prices of gas, this is a considerable expense to save on. However, this is not the only way in which you save.

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Which Yoga Students Do I Want to Teach?

By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP Which Yoga students do I want to teach? This seems like a discriminatory question, but in terms of student safety, not all Yoga students are the same. Some students bring years of experience to the classroom, while others have just signed up for their very first class. Some …

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Teaching Yoga and Demonstrating Ethical Behavior

Becoming a yoga teacher involves more then just learning the basic poses and sequences. It involves a lot of personal growth, spiritual attunement, and reflection on respect and ethics both in and out of the yoga studio. Taking the time to develop your own personal ethics and responsibilities will ensure that your class is more than just a place to practice yoga. Through your demonstrations and examples of kind and compassionate behavior, you can encourage change in your community, starting one student at a time.

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