YOGA STYLES: Traditional Archives - Aura Wellness Center

YOGA STYLES: Traditional

Yin Yoga Poses to Relieve Anxiety

Anxiety is a state of agitation and hyper-arousal that is fueled by adrenalin and cortisol. When in a crisis situation, an extra shot of adrenalin can be incredibly helpful. It may assist you in the landing that big deal you have been chasing, finishing a challenging 10k race or saving somebody from a dangerous situation. Unfortunately, when adrenalin and cortisol continue to circulate throughout the body from unremitting daily stress, these otherwise life-saving hormones can degrade the health of both the body and mind.

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Yoga for the Planet

You could spend years analyzing the words of Mahatma Gandhi. In a Yoga teacher training course, he is often mentioned as the example…

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Teaching Yin Yoga Classes

After practicing and teaching karate and tai chi for many years, I was drawn to yoga in my quest for a spiritual connection. First it was from books, then from videos and finally I started visiting local yoga studios in search of a teacher. In the beginning of my practice I was concentrating on the physical practice, and was not sure where I was going with it. I just loved the feeling of stretching and twisting my body into various postures. Soon I was addicted to the quest for perfect postures. At that point I found my teacher Alan Finger and my emphasis began to change. I realized that the physical practice was primarily meant for developing the strength of mind and body necessary to sit in meditation for at least 20 minutes and that the side effects of the physical practice like discipline, flexibility calmness and strength were secondary.

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Kundalini Yoga for Beginners

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India. It is a tantric branch of Yogic methodology and is known by its practitioners as the mother of all Yoga practices. Practitioners of all levels are welcome in a Kundalini class. A Kundalini class usually begins with a dedication or intention for your practice and the singing of sacred mantras and scriptural verses. A typical class will be comprised of a balanced set of yogic techniques that include physical postures, breathing exercises, chanting and specific meditation practices.

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What is Kundalini Yoga Meditation?

When the Kundalini energy is awakened, she ascends upwards along the spine until it pierces the seventh chakra in the crown of the head. When this happens, great bliss and knowledge arises within the meditator’s field of awareness. Kundalini Yoga meditation practices both awaken the Kundalini Shakti energy, while nourishing and supporting the awakened energy as it ascends up through the chakras.

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Meditation and Bhakti Yoga

In non-dual forms of meditation practice, the Yoga practitioner strives to observe and then eliminate or transcend unwanted thoughts. In Bhakti Yoga meditation practices, the Bhakta strives to increase the thoughts of his or her beloved teacher until the very essence of the Yogi or Yogini melts into the divine essence of all beings.

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The Nine Main Styles of Indian Yoga

Jnana Yoga: Union by knowledge; this is the path of spiritual wisdom and knowledge, in which the intellect penetrates the veils of ignorance that prevent man from seeing his True Self (Atman). The disciplines of this path are those of study and meditation. To some degree Vedanta Yoga and Jnana are one in the same.

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