YOGA FOR PHYSICAL HEALTH Archives - Page 7 of 19 - Aura Wellness Center


Seven Holistic Health Benefits of Yoga

Holistic is perhaps the best term to define yoga. The practice is one that incorporates physical, mental, and spiritual health all into one big bundle of joy. If you are ready to embark on an activity to improve overall good health, you will find that nothing else can stand up to the completeness of the yoga package.

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Yoga is For Everyone

The most enjoyable way to learn yoga, is to take one or two movements each day and practice them until you feel you are ready to take on another move or two. Remember there is no stress or pressure on you to keep up with anyone else. You do it at your own pace.

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Yoga For Emotional Health

Do you know why students come to your classes? Do you ever ask? You might think stress or weight loss and you might be right, but the truth is there are many different reasons. Some students want to belong and some want a sanctuary from anxiety, depressed feelings and the pressure of life. Yoga teacher training has equipped instructors with the tools to offer a haven where students can recover and restore emotional health.

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Therapeutic Yoga for Osteoporosis

Yoga, Pilates, and progressive weight resistance are treatments that show much promise. Each of these methods require a trainer, instructor, or teacher who is experienced and certified. With the supervision of a trained, experienced, and certified yoga teacher, asana (yoga posture) is the perfect exercise for a person with osteoporosis.

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Proper Yogic Breathing in Daily Life

At first, breathing this deeply and thoughtfully probably won’t come naturally. You’re sure to spend most of your day breathing shallowly. To start incorporating yogic breathing into your daily life, try setting an alarm on your smartphone. Whenever it goes off, set aside a minute or two to practice pranayama. You can do this anywhere you happen to be. Even if you’re at the gym engaging in intense cardio, you can force yourself to be mindful of the way you’re breathing. If you’re just sitting at a desk or otherwise being sedentary, it’s especially easy – and beneficial – to engage in this type of breathing.

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Yoga for Shoulder Pain or Tightness

Come to Extended Child’s Pose on your Yoga mat with your knees apart and your arms extended out in front of you. Take a few deep breaths as you enjoy a nice stretch. To come into Threading the Needle pose, with an inhale come to your knees and raise your right hand up toward the ceiling and parallel to the wall.

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