YOGA BY CONDITION Archives - Page 6 of 10 - Aura Wellness Center


Therapeutic Hatha Yoga for Scoliosis

Therapeutic Hatha Yoga for scoliosis can help address these imbalances because, even though each scoliosis patient is unique, there are common patterns. The spine often moves to the side and rotates. This shift creates a rounded back, the ribs compress toward the front, while the pelvis and lower back rotate toward the back. Yoga can help to relieve the discomfort brought on by the results of the curving spine. For example, compression in the vertebrae can cause one hip to be raised. This imbalance can find balance with the breath awareness and postures that emphasize hip alignment.

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Yoga Inversions and Spinal Compression

Yoga is well known for its health and spiritual benefits, and many people wish to take advantage of it. This leads to a huge diversity of age and ability within beginning and intermediate levels of Yoga practice. It is essential that Yoga teachers, interns, and students be aware of and educated about safe guidelines and techniques for all practitioners of this popular discipline.

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Yoga for Immunity

A very accessible Yoga asana that is quite effective for boosting the functioning of the immune system is Wide-Legged Forward Fold. Other inversions such as Headstand, Handstand, Upward Facing Bow and Plow Pose will also help to boost your immune system.

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Teaching Yoga to Reduce Anxiety

When one decides to become a Yoga instructor it is gratifying to see so many people reduce their stress levels. In today’s impossibly fast paced world, more people than ever are suffering from anxiety.

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Three Office Yoga Techniques for Back Pain

Back pain is often exacerbated by tension in the neck, shoulders, and arms. Even a brief seated Yoga break will help to dissipate the tension that has built up in these areas over several hours of work. The following are three Office Chair Yoga techniques that will help to ease back pain. Companies who seek an office Yoga specialist would do well to hire a certified chair Yoga teacher specialist.

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Use Yoga Accessories to Relieve Back Pain Now

Yoga Heals Back Pain Quickly – “Yoga works on stretching and strengthening, and the key to long-term healing is strength,” says Liz Owen, who studied with B.K.S. Iyengar, founder of the Iyengar yoga discipline. “Since the emotional effects of chronic pain are often devastating, the calming, grounding benefits of yoga can be very therapeutic.” Viniyoga is an modified form of yoga that focuses on slow stretches and deep breathing and the use of several yoga accessories such as blocks. It is used in many medical institutions such as UCLA’s Pediatric Pain Program which features yoga, and the Seattle Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center which offers yoga classes along with acupuncture and nutritional counseling.

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Teaching Yoga for Spinal Stenosis

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, a part of the US Department of Health and Human Sciences, states that research studies have showcased that yoga can be beneficial for people with low-back pain. In 2009, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), again a part of the US Department of Health and Human Sciences, funded research activities to examine the impact of Iyengar yoga, a form of Hatha yoga, on chronic low-back pain. Research studies revealed that yoga reduced functional disability, depression, as well as pain in people (research participants) suffering from chronic low-back pain.

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Yoga for Sleep and Anxiety

Turning off an overactive mind at the end of the day is crucial to being able to rest deeply. An overly anxious or busy mind that is always in “doing mode” drives the sympathetic nervous system to remain on as the mind simultaneously continues to plan what to do next. This is all too true for many Yogis and Yoginis even after a modern day mini-crisis, such as making it to the bank or post office before the stroke of 5, comes to an end. If you find that you often operate on the adrenalin rush that your own body produces in response to an unending series of crises throughout the day, you probably have difficulty falling asleep and sleeping uninterruptedly throughout the night.

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