Is Yoga Teacher Training Worth It - Yoga Practice Blog

Is Yoga Teacher Training Worth It?

Is Yoga Teacher Training Worth It?By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP

Many interns ask, “Is Yoga teacher training worth it?” If you’re considering becoming a yoga teacher, there’s no need to wait any longer. There are many excellent online and in-person Yoga certification programs available today. These programs offer students an incredible opportunity to learn about Yoga and its many benefits. They can also teach students how to provide quality instruction to others. Consider investing in a program to help you grow as a Yoga teacher.


Life Opportunity

Many people are curious about the benefits of Yoga teacher training. After all, it’s an intensive program that can change your life for the better. Here are several reasons why you should consider pursuing this amazing opportunity. Yoga instructor training can provide you with valuable skills. The program will teach you how to manage your practice and teach different styles of Yoga. This will allow you to create your class and customize the experience for each student.


Personal Improvement

Yoga teacher training can help you improve your flexibility and balance. These skills are essential for any type of physical activity, including teaching Yoga. Proper alignment and balance enable you to lead a safe and effective class. Yoga instructor training is a great way to connect with others as you enhance the quality of your health.


Layers of Education

A solid program offers preparatory education and ongoing support groups where you can share ideas and experiences with other students. This support network will be invaluable as you start your career as a yoga teacher. Yoga certification programs can help you resolve personal issues. Many people find that Yoga instructor training leads to increased self-awareness and improved mindfulness skills. This can help you address challenging issues in your life without feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.


Mastery of Self-Empowerment

If you’re thinking: ‘Is Yoga teacher training worth it?’ you should consider all the benefits. A Yoga teacher certification course grants you the gift of self-empowerment and the ability to empower your students. In addition to teaching Yoga, many programs also teach meditation, healthy eating habits, and stress management. So if you’re looking for a way to improve your health completely, find a program that fits your needs and schedule.


Options Based on Needs

Sometimes, interns love Yoga but have no plans to teach classes. It is important to consider whether or not the knowledge required to teach Yoga classes is worth it. Many Yoga instructor training programs require students to complete anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology coursework. This knowledge can be helpful if you want to teach classes, but it may not be necessary if you prefer not to teach classes. It is also important to consider whether or not you have the time, money, and energy to commit to a full-time Yoga teacher training program. Online courses are self-paced and less expensive.


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If you are considering: Is Yoga teacher training worth it? Please visit the following link to see our selection of Yoga certification courses.


The Purpose of Yoga: Motivation for Better Health

By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP

How can Yoga improve motivation for better health? Yoga, in all of its forms, creates positive energy. As a result of practice, your mindset becomes positive. In an atmosphere of positive energy, you become successful and live a life where powerful visions become a reality. Regular physical Yogic exercise practice will improve your complete health exponentially.

Holistic Development

Yoga training has many good health aspects from which a person can benefit. Yet, some people see it only as a workout.  As a result of this perception, Yoga has become classified, in the west, as an exercise. Although Hatha, Kundalini, and Raja contain many different Yogic breathing exercises (Pranayama) and postures (Asanas), Yoga is not merely another physical exercise system.


Physical Mastery

Hatha Yoga is the most popular form of Yogic methodology outside India. Hatha is also known as the unity of mind, body, and spirit through physical mastery. The initial results of regimented Hatha practice are physical fitness, motivation for better health, clear thought, and increased energy.  There are many more benefits from long-term Hatha practice. If we could make a “Hatha Pill,” we would be billionaires!  The reason is that when some people hear “physical fitness,” they think of torture, so they avoid Yogic exercise of any kind.


Complete Health Maintenance System

Yet, the masses will gladly spend billions of dollars on ineffective over-the-counter drugs, fad diet products, exercise gadgets, and life-endangering pills to manage their body weight.  So, a Hatha pill, with no side effects, would sell like hotcakes.  However, the Hatha pill is only part of my imagination and the ultimate dream of career couch potatoes.  Yet, couch potatoes need motivation for better health because they would benefit far beyond improving their physical health.  The Yogic methodology is not purely physical fitness but a complete health maintenance system for our existence’s physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional planes.


Yoga Lifestyle

The benefit of motivation from regular Yoga training makes it different from all other health maintenance systems. Yoga can become a lifestyle because there is no torture.  Why do most diets fail? Why do most exercisers quit? Lack of motivation is the reason for diet and exercise failure. People already know they should eat better, walk more, exercise, and drink more water, but they need to maintain their level of motivation without mentally burning out.



In Yoga practice, positive energy is all around the classroom. Positive energy creates motivation for better health and creates powerful visions of success. The next step is to believe in your powerful visions of success.  At the same time, some people have a fear of success. Maybe they inherently feel a lack of self-worth, but Yogic philosophy also works on improving this aspect of life. It is normal for people to feel apprehensive about change, but change is often one of the gateways to success.



Lastly, regular practice will lower stress levels, allowing you to sleep better, and feel energized the next morning. No wonder Yoga teachers and students are so full of motivation.  Yoga instructor training is a small step through a gateway and a life-long journey of self-acceptance and empowerment.  What you learn today will positively shape every life with which you come into contact.  Yoga teachers always have motivation for better health and make their positive energy contagious.

Going Deep

Many people are interested in becoming Yoga teachers, but are unsure of whether or not it’s worth their time. While there is no one answer to this question, deepening your Yoga practice can have a huge impact on your overall well-being. Yoga teaches you how to relax and focus your mind, both of which can be incredibly helpful in everyday life. If you’re interested in becoming a Yoga teacher, be sure to research the training required and weigh the benefits against the costs. Finally, consider online training options that are far less expensive.

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division


Related Resources

Sherman, K.J.; Cherkin, D.C.; Erro, J.; Miglioretti, D.L.; Deyo, R.A. Comparing yoga, exercise, and a self-care book for chronic low back pain: A randomized, controlled trial. Ann. Intern. Med. 2005, 143, 849–856.

Livingston, E.; Collette-Merrill, K. Effectiveness of integrative restoration (iRest) Yoga Nidra on mindfulness, sleep, and pain in health care workers. Holist. Nurs. Pract. 2018, 32, 160–166.

Manocha, R.; Marks, G.B.; Kenchington, P.; Peters, D.; Salome, C.M. Sahaia yoga in managing moderate to severe asthma: A randomized controlled trial. Thorax 2002, 57, 110–115.

Culos-Reed, S.N.; Carlson, L.E.; Daroux, L.M.; Hately-Aldous, S. A pilot study of yoga for breast cancer survivors: Physical and psychological benefits. Psycho-Oncol. 2006, 15, 891–897.

Kirkwood, G.; Rampes, H.; Tuffrey, V.; Richardson, J.; Pilkington, K. Yoga for anxiety: A systematic review of the research evidence. Br. J. Sport Med. 2005, 39, 884–891.

Brenes, G.A.; Divers, J.; Miller, M.E.; Danhauer, S.C. A randomized preference trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy and yoga for treating worry in anxious older adults. Contemp. Clin. Trials Commun. 2018, 10, 169–176.

Related Studies

Woolery, A.; Myers, H.; Sternlieb, B.; Zeltzer, L. A yoga intervention for young adults with elevated symptoms of depression. Altern. Ther. Health Med. 2004, 10, 60–63.

Pilkington, K.; Kirkwood, G.; Rampes, H.; Richardson, J. Yoga for depression: The research evidence. J. Affect. Disord. 2005, 89, 13–24.

Chung, Y.N.; Park, I.-H. The service quality and the customer satisfaction of the yoga center. Korean J. Phys. Educ. 2005, 44, 463–474.

Chin, J. The effect of service quality on customers’ intention to revisit and word of mouth in a yoga center. Korea Sport Res. 2006, 17, 439–448.

Il, L.S.; Yu, H. The influence of yoga center’s service quality on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. J. Sports Leisure Stud. 2007, 31, 353–364.

Kim, S.-Y. The effects of service quality, image, and service value on customer’s satisfaction and intention to revisit: Focus on the service quality of the yoga center. J. Prod. Res. 2007, 25, 111–125.

If you are wondering: Is Yoga teacher training worth it? Please visit the following link to see our selection of Yoga teacher training courses and continuing education courses for Yoga certification.

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