YOGA FOR PHYSICAL HEALTH Archives - Page 4 of 19 - Aura Wellness Center


Pranayama for Stress and Anxiety

In Yoga, breathing is considered a very important process as it is the most vital means of absorbing Prana into the body. The Shastras explain how Prana gives consciousness and life to every creature which breathes. According to Taittiriya, Brahmana and Maitri Upanishads and Shiva Swarodaya, the breath is referred to as the vehicle of Brahman or cosmic consciousness.

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The Healing Power of Yoga

Many people hold themselves back from making progress in life. Some people do not believe they are worthy of a good life, they deserve less or program themselves for failure. Paul teaches us that pranayama, asana and meditation cause us to cultivate positive energy. This changes one’s mindset to have a positiver outlook on life. Long-time students tend to seek higher education, look for better jobs, become a yoga instructor or look forward to daily life with a positive viewpoint.

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Teaching Yoga for Aerobic Benefits

One of the most important aspects about teaching Yoga for aerobic benefits, is a two-fold practice that includes holding challenging poses to build strength, while maintaining a flow from pose to pose, during less challenging postures. To achieve this, your students must be experienced enough to know pose names and positions, as well as to hold the pose with correct technique.

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Hatha Yoga for Headaches

There are a large number of Hatha Yoga poses that can relieve headache pain. As a general rule, only poses or asanas that do not require the head to sink lower than the level of the heart should be practiced. Helpful poses include but are not limited to Cow Pose, Cobra Pose, Reclining Pose, Table Pose, and Corpse Pose. While asanas can be performed at any time, the standard recommendation is that Yoga sessions should be practiced three times a week to gain all of its physical and mental benefits.

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