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Hatha Yoga and Cancer Recovery

During the 15th century, an Indian Yogi named Swatmarama introduced a combination of physical, lifestyle, breathing and spiritual discipline that came together to make up what we know today has Hatha yoga. According to Yogi Swatmarama, the reconciling of our essential and opposing natures could result in a life of balance and ultimately peace.

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Yoga and Weight Loss Tips

Some people may need to start out with a gentle Yoga class that emphasizes slow stretching and maybe some meditation. But as the weight comes off, energy levels tend to rise. Power Yoga might be just the solution that can help the process along. Losing fat, building muscle and adapting to a healthier lifestyle are wonderful goals to have – and practicing Yoga can often enhance those goals.

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Yoga Pose Transitions for Weight Loss

A regular, moderate to vigorous practice of Yoga will help to boost your metabolism, burn calories and drop unwanted pounds. Yoga will…

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Hatha Yoga for Headaches

There are a large number of Hatha Yoga poses that can relieve headache pain. As a general rule, only poses or asanas that do not require the head to sink lower than the level of the heart should be practiced. Helpful poses include but are not limited to Cow Pose, Cobra Pose, Reclining Pose, Table Pose, and Corpse Pose. While asanas can be performed at any time, the standard recommendation is that Yoga sessions should be practiced three times a week to gain all of its physical and mental benefits.

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Stroke Recovery and Yoga

Although scientific research is still incomplete, initial reports show that Yoga may not only promote the recovery of stroke symptoms, but it may, also, help with the management and prevention of underlying causes, as well as related health issues. Therapeutic Yoga promotes self awareness and a sense of well-being that is valuable to overall health.

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Reducing Back Pain With Yoga

Yoga is one of the easiest and best ways for us to look after our physical wellbeing. The reason for this is that yoga exercises are so incredibly simple that they can be performed by even the most out of shape person and the more regularly you exercise the healthier you become. Yoga is also an efficient way of releasing stress and tension. During our normal workdays certain blockages develop around the body and that’s results in a number of vital organs not getting enough oxygen and other nutrients they need to function efficiently. Yoga designed to stretch different muscle groups in a particular ways that will remove these blockages from the body and the blood flow will bring all the oxygen and other nutrients to all body organs.

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Teaching Yoga to Students with Heart Problems

By engaging in such poses as the sun salutation, savasana (corpse pose), locust, and lotus, Yoga practitioners with heart problems will diminish both the systolic and diastolic pressure of the blood pumping to and from the heart muscle. This is a direct correlation with significantly reduced blood pressure levels. Hypertensive Yoga students will become and feel much more relaxed in every day life. Their heart muscles will be under much less tension and in a less tightened state during pumping action.

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Healthy Spine and Yoga

In Kundalini Yoga, a healthy spine has a significance of its own, as far as the Nadis and Chakras are concerned; but in this article, we shall consider…

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