Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP, Author at Aura Wellness Center - Page 2 of 58

Yoga as an Art of Living

“Mudras, or hand positions, work with the natural energy vortices located in the palms of the hands and fingers. When we place the fingers together to create certain shapes, we redirect this energy back into the body. Think of it as creating antennae with your hands. Mudras can bring focus and attention to certain areas of the body through breath awareness, they can also have an immediate effect on the emotions. They and may not be felt as strongly as the asanas. However, the practice is very valuable and can bring us more in tune with the inner workings of our mind, body, and emotions.”

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The Truth About Hatha Yoga Benefits

Most likely, however, yoga is a tool to change oneself. No one can really change you. No one can save you from yourself, not even the most advanced Yoga master. Yoga is a tool for inner change. Inner change won’t happen overnight, it is something that will need to be worked at. The only one who can do that work will be the student.

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Yoga Alignment and the Human Machine

It is important to practice Yoga while in optimal internal alignment. This internal alignment, with the flow of divine grace, is experienced through the correct alignment of our thoughts, words, and deeds. Study of the Yoga Sutras, by Patanjali, helps students to align their thoughts and actions with the deep wisdom of the Yogic tradition.

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Specializing Versus Generalizing as a Yoga Instructor

All involved directors were interested in my offering my knowledge of the form, resulting in my own class in it at the private studio, and workshops in it at the YMCAs (with the appropriate qualifications to students of my non-certified status, as well as discretion on my part as an instructor, of course). My general knowledge set up prior opportunities and good working relationships with the directors and other teachers, while my more specialized knowledge allowed me to contribute something new and fresh (as well as gain great teaching experience, and frankly much-needed cash flow, for myself).

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Yoga Poses For Stamina and Energy

Yoga not only benefits the mother, it also has positive benefits for the baby because during Yoga exercises, the baby receives higher levels of oxygen and endorphins. Yoga for pregnant woman helps improve circulation and fluid retention in the body. Asanas also help in relieving the aches and pains of pregnancy as a result of the growing weight of your baby.

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Yoga Instructor Training: Varicose Veins

In addition to these specific asanas, the practice of controlled breathing relaxes muscles and calms the autonomic nervous system, reducing vascular pressure and lowering heart rate. Recommended poses and breathing exercises vary depending on individual experience and degree of symptoms. As you should have learned in your foundational yoga teacher training, most of the recommended asanas for varicose veins are inversions which are contraindicated for high blood pressure, stroke recovery, eye problems, and heart conditions.

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Energy Cultivation With Pranayama

You can think of prana as “life force.” In yoga, the word “prana” is used, but the same concept is present in many forms of philosophy, religion and medicine that arose in the Far East. In Chinese medicine, it’s called “chi” or “qi.” In some forms of Buddhism, it’s translated as “energy wind” or “inner wind.” Regardless of what it’s called, moving, strengthening and cleansing our prana is one of the primary goals, if not the primary goal, of yoga, not to mention the goal of Tai Chi, Qigong, acupuncture, Reiki, certain forms of massage and certain meditative practices.

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The Origin of Hot Yoga

The practice of Hot Yoga has grown out of Bikram Yoga. Bikram Yoga outlines a set practice of Yoga asanas, in a specific order. Hot Yoga utilizes Bikram Yoga as a framework from which to build a powerful and effective Yoga practice. The use of a heated and humid room is also a core element of any Hot Yoga practice. Truly, Hot Yoga practitioners and teachers owe a debt of gratitude to Bikram Choudhury and his teacher, Bishnu Ghosh, in the creation of such a powerful and healing Yoga practice…

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