Yoga for Reducing Teen Stress - Yoga Practice Blog

Yoga for Reducing Teen Stress

kids yoga teacher training online courseBy Bhavan Kumar

Yoga for reducing teen stress is an effective method. A recent study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry found that yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety in teen girls. The study, which researchers conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that yoga can help reduce rumination (a type of thinking that leads to negative emotions) and can also help increase positive emotions and body satisfaction.


More About the Research

The study involved a group of 72 girls. All of them were 14-years of age and divided into three groups. One group participated in a weekly yoga class, another participated in a weekly mindfulness meditation class, and the third served as a control group and did not participate in any classes.

The girls who participated in the yoga class showed significantly less rumination than the other two groups and had higher positive emotions and body satisfaction. This study is just one of many that have shown the benefits of yoga for reducing stress and anxiety. Yoga may be a great option if you’re looking to help your teen reduce stress.


Not Part of Foundational Training

When studying a Yoga teacher training course, most interns do not hear much about teen Yoga.  This largely ignored population needs to find inner calm and remain fit.  Teens often have poor diets and work on homework during the late hours that should be spent sleeping. For thousands of years, yogic methods have been a form of self-development. The practice dates back to ancient India. Today, many people find yoga relieves stress in hectic lives. Teens are not immune to stress and often deal with stress at school, at home, and in the countless other activities that occupy young people’s schedules today.

Practical Solution

Teens faced with stressful situations may be surprised that a practical solution does not involve a pill or an expensive treatment, a trip to the family doctor, or a therapy session with a stranger asking them to reveal their deepest feelings. Yoga is timeless and not just for adults. Teens may be surprised to find yoga is a viable solution to handle the stress in their lives. In teens, stress can cause several problems; these include the following conditions.


General Irritability

It’s no secret that teenagers are under a lot of stress. Many factors can cause anxiety and irritability, from academic pressure to social media. While some stress is part of life, too much can lead to serious health problems. One of the ways that teen stress manifests is through irritability. They may feel on edge, easily angered, and short-tempered when stressed. This can affect all aspects of their lives, from school to their relationships.


Unlike adults, teens are not set in their ways. They still seek approval from others and feel the pressure of being under scrutiny. Below are typical daily pressures that can become a crisis for teens.

Academic pressure: Whether getting good grades or getting into a good college, academic pressure can be a significant source of stress for teenagers.

Peer pressure: Fitting in and being accepted by peers is vital for teenagers, and the pressure to conform can be stressful.

Social media: The constant comparison that comes with social media can be very stressful for teenagers. Self-image can be compromised on social media.

Changes in the body: Teen years can be stressful as bodies change and grow. The good news is that there are things that teenagers can do to reduce their stress levels. One of those things is yoga.



Though stress is a normal part of life, too much stress can affect your physical and mental health. When you’re under a lot of stress, your body goes into survival mode, leading to several problems, including fatigue. When you’re buried in stress, the body delivers cortisol. Cortisol is part of our natural defense and helps us cope with short-term stress by giving us a burst of energy. However, when cortisol levels are constantly high, it can lead to fatigue. In addition to causing physical fatigue, stress can lead to mental and emotional exhaustion. When constantly worrying about things, relaxing and enjoying your life is hard. This can leave you feeling drained and unable to cope with even minor challenges.

Struggling with Fatigue

If you’re struggling with fatigue due to stress, there are several things you can do to help yourself feel better. First, try to identify the sources of your stress and see if there are any that you can eliminate or reduce. If work or school stresses you out, see if there’s anything you can do to make your life easier. If school is the problem, talk to your teacher or counselor about ways to make it less stressful. In addition to removing stressors from your life, several relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and improve your overall sense of well-being. Yoga is one such technique that can be very helpful for reducing teen stress. Yoga helps us by promoting positive energy.


Upset Stomach or Nausea

If a teen is experiencing an upset stomach, a few yoga poses can help relieve the discomfort. The first pose is called the Child’s Pose, and it involves your teen sitting on their heels with their forehead resting on the ground. They should then extend their arms out in front of them, keeping their back as straight as possible. This pose will help to stretch the abdominal muscles and help to relieve any tension in the gut. However, the downward slope of this pose might not be ideal if stomach acid is a factor.

Sphinx Pose

Another pose that can help is called the Sphinx pose. This pose involves your teen lying on their stomach with their elbows bent and forearms parallel to the ground. They should lift their head and chest off the ground, arching their back slightly. This pose helps to stimulate digestion and can also help ease pain in the lower back or abdomen.



Finally, the Corpse pose (Savasana) is a good option for teens who are particularly stressed or anxious. This pose involves your teen lying on their back with their arms at their sides and their legs slightly apart. They should focus on relaxing every muscle in their body, from their toes to their head. If they start to feel any tightness in their stomach, they can place a hand on their belly and breathe deeply into it. This pose will help calm both the mind and body and can also be used to visualize relaxation.


Yoga postures (asanas) work the range of motion pretty much the same as an exercise routine a teen would get from an aerobic workout.  The big difference is the movements are practiced much slower and with much deeper intention. Specific poses and moves associated with yoga are not that difficult to learn. Below are some basic yoga techniques for reducing stress.


Controlled Breathing Exercises

When we’re stressed, our breathing becomes shallow and fast. This type of breathing can actually make us feel more anxious and stressed. To help reduce stress, it’s important to breathe slowly and deeply. One way to do this is to practice yoga. Yoga helps to focus the mind and encourages slow, deep breathing. Regular yoga practice can help to reduce stress and anxiety. If you don’t have time for a yoga class, there are still ways you can incorporate deep breathing into your day. When you’re stressed, focus on your breath for a few minutes. Inhale slowly and deeply, filling your lungs. Then exhale slowly, letting all the air out. Repeat this a few times, and you should start to feel more relaxed.


Meditation is a simple and effective way to reduce stress. It allows you to focus on the present moment and let go of worries about the past or future. There are many different ways to meditate, but a good place to start is by sitting in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Focus on your breath and count inhales and exhales. If you lose concentration, bring your focus back to breathing. You can also try guided meditation. Some many free apps and websites offer guided meditations for beginners. Find one that you like and give it a try. Meditation can be done for just a few minutes or for longer periods. Start with what feels comfortable for you and gradually increase the time as you become more practiced.


Asana Practice

Yoga poses are an excellent method to reduce stress. Asanas, or yoga poses, can help to calm the mind and body and release tension. Many different asanas can be beneficial for reducing stress, and it is important to find the ones that work best for you. One of the most important things to remember when practicing asanas for stress relief is to focus on your breath. Breathing deeply and slowly can help to relax the body and mind and make the asanas more effective. Knowing your body and how it feels in each pose is also important. If you feel any pain or discomfort, stop the pose and rest.


Meditation doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming – even a few minutes of mindfulness can be helpful. One way to make meditation more effective is to focus on visualization. During meditation, focus on visualizing a calm, peaceful scene. It can be anything from a beautiful beach to a peaceful forest. The important thing is that it is a place where you feel relaxed and happy. As you visualize this scene, focus on the breath and try to clear the mind of any other thoughts. If other thoughts come into the mind, acknowledge them and then let them go. With practice, you will get better at clearing the mind and focusing on visualization. This type of visualization can be extremely effective in helping to reduce stress levels. It can also be used whenever you feel stressed – not just during meditation.


Flowing Movement

Teenagers today are under a lot of pressure. They’re juggling school, extracurricular activities, and social lives while figuring out who they are and what they want. It’s no wonder that so many teens struggle with stress and anxiety. Luckily, yoga can be an excellent tool for managing stress. Vinyasa yoga, in particular, is an active form of yoga that can help teens release pent-up energy and tension. In a vinyasa class, students move through various poses linked together by the breath. The flowing nature of the practice helps calm the mind and ease stress.

Busy Schedules

The great thing about yoga practice is that it does not have to require a significant amount of time. It is true that some posture (asana) routines may be done for hours and can involve deep meditation and concentration. Still, once teens learn the basic techniques, yoga can be easily incorporated into their busy schedules.


How Much Time?

No rule says a yoga session must last hours to be effective. Practicing the Sun Salutation sequences as the first physical exercise in the morning for about 10 minutes will release tension. Gentle asanas and pranayama for 10 to 30 minutes before bed can help teens get needed rest. Learning yoga does not take a lot of time, either. Lessons can be practiced by working with streaming videos, reading books, or attending classes a few days a week or on weekends. Yoga may not seem like the coolest activity in the world to teens, but they might be pleasantly surprised at its results. Besides reducing stress, the overall benefits of yoga for teens include the following aspects.

Better Sleep

In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it’s no wonder that teenagers are under a lot of stress. According to the American Psychological Association, nearly one-third of all teens report feeling stressed out daily. Fortunately, yoga can help. Yoga is a great way to reduce stress because it helps to promote relaxation and mindfulness.


Inner Calm

Various yoga poses can help relieve tension in the body and mind, and some specific poses are especially good for reducing stress. One of the most important things to remember when doing yoga for stress relief is to focus on your breath. Taking deep, slow breaths through your nose will help to calm your nervous system and allow you to focus better on the present moment.

Better Sense of Well-being

Here are some specific yoga poses that can help to reduce stress and increase a better sense of well-being.

1. Cat/Cow Poses: This pose helps to release tension in the spine and neck, which can often be where we hold a lot of stress.

2. Warrior II Pose: This pose helps us to feel strong and empowered, which can be helpful when we’re feeling overwhelmed by stressors in our life.

3. Camel Pose: This deep backbend helps open the chest and heart. Practicing Camel promotes feelings of love and compassion – something we could all use more of these days.


Improved Control of Anger

Anger management is a common issue that many teens struggle with. While some find healthy outlets for their anger, others may struggle to control their emotions. This can lead to problems at home, school, and in relationships. Yoga is a great way to help manage anger. The physical and mental components of yoga can help center the body and mind, allowing for greater control over emotions.


In addition, yoga can help to increase self-awareness and provide a space for reflection. If you want to try yoga for anger management, there are a few things to remember. First, finding a practice that feels comfortable for you is essential. There are many different styles of yoga, so try a few before settling on one. Second, be patient with yourself – controlling your anger takes time and practice.


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