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About Yoga

Yoga and the Removal of Conditioning

It has been often said that Yoga is not just the practice of postures or asanas. It is a multi-layered practice taking in not only asana but the other limbs of Patanjali’s Ashtanga system. This wholistic approach to Yoga allows the ‘deconstruction’ process as described by Donna Farhi, a process which will peel away the layers of conditioning to reveal the true you. This is akin to the dusty mirror that reflects a distorted view. The clear reflective mirror has always been there but has been covered with the dust of conditioning. Sometimes over many years. With Yoga we wipe clean the mirror and the true you or self is reflected back.

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Vicious Circles / Virtuous Circles

According to Yogic philosophy, everything is made up of the Gunas in different proportions. Gunas are the intertwining forces that weave together to make material nature, including human consciousness. These forces are divided into three categories, which are defined by Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas: Sattwa, the state of truth, simplicity and equanimity in action; Rajas, the state of dynamism and activity combined with full ego involvement; and Tamas, the state of inertia and ignorance.

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Laughing Yoga is Back!

So, here I am looking at the latest Yoga gadgets and somebody created a “chakra opener.” I’ve seen some fancy wine bottle openers, but let’s be honest – Do you really think it works? I would have called it, Sanjeev’s EZ-Open Chakra Opener, but I’d make no guarantees as to what it would do to anybody.

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