YOGIC LIFESTYLE Archives - Aura Wellness Center


Why Is Yoga So Popular?

Since it does not involve lifting free weights or running for extended periods of time, some do not think of Yoga as a substantial physical activity. However, the most impressive aspect of this practice is that it can be altered to meet the needs of any aspiring Yogi. From the simple cat pose to the most difficult forearm-stand scorpion, yoga evolves to each individual’s fitness level.

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Yoga for Cost-Effective Wellness

As with any type of physical exercise, Yoga has numerous health benefits. Increased flexibility and muscle, cardio endurance, and circulatory health are among the few benefits of this practice. Enhance metabolism and improved respiration are also beneficial. Interestingly, the practice of Yoga requires individuals to concentrate deeply on correcting poses and positions. As a result, most individuals do not feel as though they are working out and increases the likelihood of continued physical activity.

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Yoga as an Art of Living

“Mudras, or hand positions, work with the natural energy vortices located in the palms of the hands and fingers. When we place the fingers together to create certain shapes, we redirect this energy back into the body. Think of it as creating antennae with your hands. Mudras can bring focus and attention to certain areas of the body through breath awareness, they can also have an immediate effect on the emotions. They and may not be felt as strongly as the asanas. However, the practice is very valuable and can bring us more in tune with the inner workings of our mind, body, and emotions.”

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Yoga Teacher Online Training Today

While many students attend class after work, the perfumes and lotions that remain on their skin are often distracting during class. Some students have allergic reactions, headaches, or other sensitivities as a result of strong smells, and the best practice is to just skip the scents on the days when you attend yoga class. For the benefit of all, students who do not believe in bathing should not be admitted to a yoga class.

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The Purpose of Postures in Yoga

For instance, the practice of Warrior II may quickly highlight a lack of concentration and a wandering mind. As you practice Warrior II, take a moment to see if your mind quickly becomes bored with holding a steady drishti, or gazing point on the horizon, as you hold the posture. Does this lack of patience and focus translate into a lack of patience and focus on daily tasks at work or at home?

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Low Cost Yoga Teacher Training Online

Low cost Yoga is a reality. Some neighborhoods have Yoga groups that meet informally and charge no fees. If there is no local get-together, starting one is free and easy. All it takes are a few interested people and a place to meet. Often members host in their homes, and these gatherings become social gatherings.

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