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The Dark Side of Spiritual Yoga Classes

Spirituality is a key feature of Bhakti, Karma, and Raja classes. However, physical based styles like Hatha and Vinyasa don’t need to touch the deeper aspects of spiritual beauty. Eventually, student who practice for physical purposes for years will find their own spiritual beauty based upon their own religion. Therefore, don’t sanitize your lessons by removing all traces of deeper meaning, but remember to stay safe. Make spiritual practices an optional part of your Yoga school. Keep your energy positive and welcoming to all who step into your studio and respect the diversity in all of your students.

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Yoga Teacher Ethics And Guidelines

Yoga is all about the mind and body connection. It is about being in tune with your breath and your posture, so the issue of ethics and liability is often far from many yoga instructors’ minds. That is not to say these teachers are unethical, only that this indicates their passion for yoga. The fact is their students often take precedent over potential ethical and legal concerns.

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When Yoga Practice Gets Stale

Repeating a favorite series of asanas can really ground a practice and help focus, but sometimes Yoga training sessions can feel stale. Trying some new tricks can help even the most advanced Yoga practitioner see himself in a new light and make him look forward to his time on the mat.

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How to Get Traffic to Your Yoga Website

The visual aspects of a website are taken in before the content is, and attracting visitors to a yoga website is difficult if the design is boring and plain. An appealing website is well-organized and easy to maneuver. If people cannot find what they are looking for with ease, they will often move on, and this is a visitor and potential student that is lost. The colors used should not clash, and the font should be something professional and easy to read. Pages should be clearly labeled, and navigating the website should not require more skill than flying a jet.

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Common Yoga Student Misalignments

Yoga has been known to improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and enhance balance. However, if practiced incorrectly yoga can do more damage to the body than good. Misaligned poses can lead to injuries ranging from aching joints to pulled muscles. “Yoga injuries are often a result of not knowing or realizing your body’s limitations.”

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Understanding a Good Yoga Class

Patanjali Yoga Sutra explains Raja Yoga. The Gheranda Samhita and Hatha Yoga Prathipika advocate Hatha Yoga before Raja Yoga. The reason for this as explained in the Gheranda Samhita, is that a person should attain control of the body, before he or she can begin exercises in control of the mind.

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