Dedicating Time to Practice Yoga Every Day - Aura Wellness Center

Dedicating Time to Practice Yoga Every Day

about dedicating time to practice Yoga every dayBy Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP

Our students struggle with dedicating time to practice Yoga every day. Even so, teachers eventually struggle with making time to reach out to the maximum amount of students. Then again, as the years go by, we never seem to match schedules with every student, but there is a way to reach all of our students 24/7.


Online Yoga Outreach

Granted, you will meet students who have rock-solid excuses for not practicing. Sometimes, students will say they don’t use Zoom, YouTube, or Facebook. However, you can always get a blog and embed your videos. Eventually, you will meet a student who can’t meet your schedule and claims to boycott the Internet. Nevertheless, you can reach anyone who has a cell phone with online access.

Convenient Time

Online classes are a great way for dedicating time to practice Yoga every day. You can create live and pre-recorded classes that fit student schedules. Firstly, many online classes also offer modifications for students with different abilities. Secondly, this makes it easy for students to find a class that meets their specific needs. Thirdly, online yoga classes are also generally more affordable than in-person classes. Lastly, free classes on YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms are great for introducing yourself to a large audience.


Ideas for Yoga Teachers

If you’re interested in teaching online yoga classes, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you’ll need to create a space in your studio or home that’s quiet and free from distractions. You’ll also need to invest in a good quality webcam and microphone so that your students can see and hear you clearly. Additionally, it’s important to have a strong internet connection, for live classes, to avoid any interruptions during your class. Finally, be sure to create a lesson plan that’s both challenging and enjoyable for your students.


Teacher Solutions

We know our students need solutions for dedicating time to practice Yoga every day. Now that you have a solution for them, it’s time to start teaching classes. However, you have now discovered that you have many new opportunities.  You can either teach in-person classes or online classes. If you want to reach a larger audience, you can teach online classes.


Yoga Lifestyle

You can create video lessons and post them on YouTube or other video-sharing websites. You can also create a website where people can sign up for your classes. You’ll need to promote your website to get people to sign up. Yet, once you get started, teaching yoga online can be a great way to live your lifestyle.


© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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Related Resources


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See our testimonials to find out what our graduates have to say about our selection of online Yoga and meditation teacher training courses. Of course, you may also want to go green with intensive courses.


Time to Practice Yoga

By: Virginia Iversen, M.Ed

Daily Yoga practice offers a practitioner many benefits. These benefits range from an increased range of flexibility to a more positive outlook on life. On a physical level, a daily practice of asanas, pranayama exercises, and meditation will energize your body and calm your mind by balancing the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. Of course, a regular practice of asanas increases flexibility and muscular strength and helps to prevent injuries due to misalignment and repetitive stress. There are even yoga postures that help to undo some of the tension and stress that ultimately lead to Carpel Tunnel Syndrome!


Relief From Anxiety

Sometimes, the less visible but equally important benefits of a daily practice of Yoga include a sense of calm, peace, and overall well-being. This is especially true if the asanas are practiced in conjunction with breathing exercises and a period of meditation at the end of practice. Many dedicated students experience relief from anxiety, depression, anger, and compulsive behavior after practicing Yoga. This relief is due, in part, to the balancing effect of the postures and breathing exercises on the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.


Scheduling Your Routine

You may find it difficult to dedicate thirty to sixty minutes a day to doing Yoga. Many of us are quite busy simply keeping all of the different elements of our lives afloat and on track. However, a regular practice of Yoga poses, breathing exercises, and a brief period of meditation will help to calm you and energize you for the day ahead. A practice as short as twenty minutes a day will noticeably increase your flexibility and strength.


Online Options

As you begin to realize the benefit of practicing daily, it may become easier to streamline some other activities in order to schedule your daily Yoga practice. If you find that it is difficult to get to a studio every day, there are a number of websites that offer Yoga classes online for a nominal monthly charge. These websites will allow you to practice at your convenience and in the comfort of your own home.


Purpose of Practice

Taking part in a daily Yoga practice with a sense of dedication towards increasing your own well-being, in order to serve the world by offering a small act of kindness or compassion on a daily basis, will give your Yoga practice a broader sense of purpose and meaning. By offering and dedicating time to practice Yoga every day, you will find meaning and purpose far beyond your own self. For instance, you may find that the simplicity of bringing a smile to one person’s face will go a long way towards uplifting your own heart and will, ultimately, bring a smile to your own face.

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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