Yoga for the Planet
You could spend years analyzing the words of Mahatma Gandhi. In a Yoga teacher training course, he is often mentioned as the example…
You could spend years analyzing the words of Mahatma Gandhi. In a Yoga teacher training course, he is often mentioned as the example…
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna advised Arjuna to act, to fight. He tells Arjuna that Karma Yoga is working, not for the fruits of one’s…
Selfless Service, which we know as Karma Yoga can be practiced by anyone. It does not matter, which religion you practice; that is entirely your own prerogative.
Within the Bhagavad-Gita, Karma Yoga is mentioned as a spiritual discipline, which is based upon giving and service without the desire for rewards. We might also say that Karma Yoga points us toward supreme consciousness through selfless service and actions of giving.