Yoga for Health Archives - Page 7 of 9 - Aura Wellness Center

Yoga for Health

Yoga Poses For The Holidays

Yoga poses that open up the heart area help to cultivate a deep sense of compassion for others and us. Practicing a brief period of meditation focused on compassion after practicing Yoga asanas that stimulate and open the heart region will help to solidify this awareness. In the past few years, researchers have been able to pinpoint the beneficial consequences of nurturing compassionate thoughts through magnetic resonance imaging devices of the brain.

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Yoga For Diabetes: What the Research Says

The author of a 2007 meta-analysis published in the Journal of the Association of Physicians of India and conducted at Osmania Medical College reported on the results of “well designed studies” that explored the role of yoga in diabetics and compared the results obtained from people without the disease. Overall, the findings confirmed the claim that yoga is useful in controlling diabetes because patients who practiced it experienced a significant decline in blood glucose levels and maintained a healthy glycemic status for prolonged periods. Patients also showed a decline in percentage of body fat, a reduction in acute complications and an improvement in insulin sensitivity.

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The Breath in Yoga Postures

Whether you just finished your third yoga certification course or are a new student breathing is an integral part of a well-rounded practice. It helps with circulation and relaxation, it helps you go deeper into a pose and it helps you hold poses longer. Competent Yoga instructors constantly remind students to pay attention to their breath.

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Can Yoga Help Cancer Treatment?

As many of you have learned in Yoga instructor training, there are many different styles. One sub-style of Hatha is Restorative Yoga. This particular therapeutic style is often recommended for people who are undergoing chemotherapy.

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Yoga Poses for Tight Hamstrings

Some of the more well-known Yoga poses that stretch the hamstrings are standing forward fold and seated forward fold. Additionally, many of the core movements of the Sun Salutation help to keep the hamstrings flexible and strong. Crescent Lunge into Forward Folding Hamstring Stretch and Parighasana or Gate Pose are wonderful Yoga asanas that deeply elongate the hamstrings. Parighasana also stretches out your oblique torso muscles, shoulders, chest and calf muscles. It is a great Yoga pose for runners, snowboarders and skiers.

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