YOGA FOR PHYSICAL HEALTH Archives - Page 18 of 19 - Aura Wellness Center


Thyroid Gland and Sarvangasana

The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped, pinkish-colored gland, situated in the neck in front of the trachea. It does not weigh more…

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Yoga Teaching Opportunities – Tennis Clubs

Now that you know how Yoga can positively impact a tennis player’s life, You will probably be more apt to finding time to bring Yoga into your local tennis club. Not only will it help to improve their concentration during matches, but it can build a strong physical core, as well relieve symptoms that come from playing tennis for an extended period of time. Practicing Yoga in their daily training routine can help take their tennis playing to the next level.

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Pranayama for Energy Cultivation

Another breathing technique which cultivates energy is Kapalbhati Pranayama (the skull-shining breath). This Yogic breath is effective in the purification process. The skull-shining breath implies a purification of the energy channels within the head. It helps to expel excess carbon dioxide from the blood. It also helps stir up mucous with forceful exhalations. This breathing technique provides more energy and can be useful if you are feeling tired and must stay awake as it can refresh you.

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Healthy Ways To Grow Taller With Yoga

Yoga positions urge your body to extend and elongate. Yoga will cause you to become more mindful of your form – how you stand and take a seat innately, and if you slouch when you. This will cause you to walk more upright, producing the impression that you are taller. Following a small number of yoga classes, you’ll discover that your stance will have developed and the aligning of your upper body feels like you’ve added an inch or so.

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Yoga for Pregnancy – First Trimester

Pregnancy is a great opportunity to relax and turn your attention inwards. Hormones released during pregnancy cause dramatic changes in the body. For example: the hormone relaxin, softens the connective tissue, cartilage, and supports the joints to prepare for an easier delivery. Any asana or pranayama technique that doesn’t make you feel good should be stopped immediately.

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Yoga Techniques for Core Work

Imagine your body as the trunk of a tree. Without the trunk, the tree would have nothing to support the branches; in the case of the body, the branches equate to the arms and legs. Your core includes your essential breathing muscle, (the diaphragm). Therefore, weak core muscles prevent you from breathing deeply. A well-developed core enables you to lift heavy objects with less incidence of injury and provides balance and stability for your body.

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