YOGA FOR PHYSICAL HEALTH Archives - Page 10 of 19 - Aura Wellness Center


Yogic Healing Through the Journey of Life

One of the most important benefits of yoga is its ability to reduce stress. This is one of the reasons so many modern people with hectic lives embrace it. Stress reduction is not only crucial for functioning well in everyday life, it can also help to prevent conditions such as anxiety and depression. A 2012 study at UCLA, for example, showed that doing a brief yogic meditation reduced stress in people who were caregivers for Alzheimer’s patients. Researchers determined that this practice contributed to reduced levels if inflammation in the bodies of those who participated. Inflammation is associated not only with stress, but also with the overall strength of the immune system.

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Practical Ways to Include Pranayama Practices into your Yoga Class

An easy way to include pranayama exercises into your Yoga classes it to begin or end each class with a brief period of meditation or contemplation and five minutes of simple breathing exercises. Even five minutes of deep breathing will help to calm, center and energize your students. Dirga Pranayama, or Three Part Breath, is an easy pranayama exercise that will center the mind and balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

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Can Online Yoga Renew My Health

As a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, students approach me everyday with questions about this unique and beautiful yoga. Thanks to all of you who have shared your thoughts so freely with me! Your open curiosity provides me with confirmations and “a-ha” moments about this yogic path of self discovery, soul searching, healing, and awakening.

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Yoga Tips for Tennis Players

In an emotional game, often pitting one against one opponent, composure is imperative. Yoga, long proven to increase focus, also teaches calming breathing techniques. When facing an opponent, use experience gained from meditation and pranayama to put on a serene game-face. Quite a few professional tennis players make headlines with their on-court temper tantrums. Composed players gain more respect from both competitors and spectators.

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The Good and Bad About Yoga for Your Wrists

Typical postures that trigger discomfort within the wrists are yoga poses, such as the crow, downward-facing dog, upward-facing dog and side plank, simply because they need the wrists to be in total extension, and to maintain the body weight up. Each of these poses can be achieved on your forearms, taking away all pressure on your wrists. Concentrate on your wrists, and make adjustments while you are in the pose.

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Yin Yoga for Pain

The connective tissues in the body often hold surgical trauma and emotional bracing. Yin Yoga postures are very effective for releasing some of this deeply held fear and tension, by undoing the physical constriction in the body and washing away some of the anxious thoughts in the mind, in a safe and effective manner. The deep sense of relaxation and release that comes from a practice of Yin Yoga will help to further support you during your cancer recovery process, which is understandably a very challenging and difficult time for most Yoga practitioners.

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How Yoga Affects the Pineal Gland

In the journal “Medical Hypotheses,” psychiatrist Eric Leskowitz of the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, theorizes that the pineal gland might be the scientific explanation for what ancient Yogis described as the third eye, or crown chakra. If so, the balancing act of Yoga poses, breathing, meditation, and chanting may be all we need to mend our minds and get our circadian rhythms back in sync.

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Yoga Training for Self-Image

Yoga training is all about cultivating personal energy. By practicing yoga on a regular basis you will be more in tune with your own personal energy and how it affects everything in your daily life. If you are able to change your thought patterns from negative to positive by taking the time to reflect and filter out the needless chatter, you will find your lifestyle could change according to your mood and attitude. Learning how to calm the mind of endless thoughts is just one of the many positive aspects that yoga holds.

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Blood Sugar – Diabetes and Yoga

In another research article published in 2011 in US-based The Journal of Clinical and Applied Research and Education, Diabetes Care, the research study concluded that “yoga can be used as an effective therapy in reducing oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes”. It further stated that yoga along with standard care helps in reducing body-mass index and improving glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients.

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Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga offers postures or asanas that can work every joint, muscle, ligament and tendon of the body. When done together, in the correct order and under knowledgeable guidance, these seemingly unrelated postures work in harmony to massage all the internal glands and organs of the body in a thorough manner. This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn keep away disease and often provides a forewarning of a likely onset of disorder.

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