Postnatal Yoga for Mother and Child - Yoga Practice Blog

Postnatal Yoga for Mother and Child

yoga instructor certificationBy Faye Martins

Postnatal yoga is an excellent solution to the stresses of new motherhood and a great way to ease your body back into shape. You can also incorporate your baby into your yoga practice and bond with them as you exercise. Before attempting postnatal yoga or any other type of exercise, it is important you give your body adequate time to heal and don’t begin anything until you receive your doctor’s okay.


One Step at a Time

The first area you are most likely going to want to tone would be your abs, as they have no doubt become weakened from months of carrying an infant. It is a good idea to ease into exercising your abs by first practicing pelvic tilts and then working your way up to more challenging positions such as the boat pose.

During this time of becoming a new mom you are undoubtedly suffering from neck, shoulder, and arm pain from all those feedings and baby toting. The cow face pose is excellent to remedy these sore muscles, as well as any other slow arm and shoulder stretches. Due to lack of sleep you will be feeling a considerable loss of energy; poses like Warrior II can help bring some back. Although Warrior II can be demanding, it will gradually help you regain energy levels.

Getting Your Baby Involved

Make sure you don’t leave your little one out of all this yoga fun! Your baby can spend your yoga sessions playing or lying on a blanket next to your mat; they will probably enjoy watching you flow through the poses, and you are setting an early healthy example for them. You can also try this great gas reliever: with your baby flat on his or her back, bring their knees up to their chest and move their legs in a slow bicycling motion.

Also try holding your baby to your chest and practice deep breathing exercises; this can be an excellent soother for baby. Provide another great stress reliever for your baby by giving him or her a little massage. When baby is in a quietly alert mood, lay them out on a comfortable surface and rub their entire body using soft, slow motions, either dry or with baby lotion. Experiment with different types of touch to see what your baby prefers.

You are embarking on an incredible journey of a lifetime. Incorporate postnatal yoga into you and your baby’s daily routine and it will surely be a big help with dealing with all the stresses along the way.

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division


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Postnatal Yoga for Mother and Child

By Gopi Rao and Amruta Kulkarni, CYT 1000

Welcome to the ultimate guide on postnatal yoga for mothers and their little ones! As a new mom, navigating motherhood’s journey can be rewarding and challenging. Postnatal yoga offers a unique opportunity to nurture your body and strengthen the bond with your baby. This comprehensive guide will explore the physical and emotional benefits of postnatal yoga for mothers, how it can positively impact your child, tips for a successful practice, and much more. This guide is here to support you on your postpartum wellness journey.

What is Postnatal Yoga, and Why is it Beneficial?

Postnatal yoga is a gentle and nurturing practice designed for new mothers to support their physical and emotional well-being after childbirth. It focuses on poses that help strengthen the core muscles, improve flexibility, and relieve tension in areas commonly affected during pregnancy. Additionally, postnatal yoga incorporates breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to promote overall stress reduction and mindfulness.

This specialized form of yoga can benefit mothers by offering a safe space to reconnect with their bodies, regain strength, and enhance postpartum recovery. Beyond the physical benefits, postnatal yoga provides a supportive environment where moms can bond with other women going through similar experiences. The practice encourages self-care and self-compassion during significant change and adjustment in motherhood.

The Physical Benefits for Mothers

Postnatal yoga offers a range of physical benefits for mothers looking to regain strength and flexibility after childbirth. The gentle yet effective movements help tone muscles, especially in the core and pelvic floor areas that may have weakened during pregnancy and delivery. By focusing on these key muscle groups, postnatal yoga can help improve posture and relieve back pain commonly experienced by new moms.

Regular postnatal yoga sessions can also contribute to overall body awareness, helping mothers reconnect with their bodies postpartum. Through mindful breathing techniques and intentional movements, women can gradually enhance their balance, coordination, and stamina. This increased physical awareness is beneficial for daily activities and promotes a sense of empowerment as mothers navigate through the challenges of motherhood.

Moreover, practicing postnatal yoga can assist in alleviating tension held in the shoulders, neck, and hips due to caring for a newborn or breastfeeding. The gentle stretches incorporated into postnatal yoga routines promote relaxation while enhancing flexibility throughout the body. As mothers dedicate time to self-care through these practices, they are better equipped to handle the demands of motherhood with improved physical well-being.


The Emotional Benefits for Mothers

Motherhood can bring a whirlwind of emotions, from joy and love to stress and fatigue. Postnatal yoga offers a safe space for mothers to reconnect with themselves emotionally. It provides an opportunity to release tension, calm the mind, and cultivate inner peace amidst the chaos of daily life.

By practicing postnatal yoga, mothers can experience a sense of grounding and centering that helps them navigate the ups and downs of motherhood with more ease. The breathing techniques taught in postnatal yoga classes can help mothers manage anxiety, improve mood, and promote relaxation.

Through gentle movements and mindful poses, postnatal yoga encourages mothers to be present in the moment and foster a deeper connection with their bodies. This heightened awareness can increase self-confidence, self-compassion, and overall emotional well-being.

Incorporating regular postnatal yoga practice into your routine can benefit your physical health and nourish your emotional health as you embrace the journey of motherhood.

How Postnatal Yoga Can Benefit Your Child

Postnatal yoga isn’t just beneficial for mothers – it can also positively impact your child. As you flow through gentle poses and breathing exercises, your baby can experience a sense of calm and relaxation too. The soothing environment of a postnatal yoga class can create a nurturing space for both mother and child to bond.

Postnatal yoga can help regulate your baby’s sleep patterns, leading to better rest for the entire family. The gentle movements in postnatal yoga classes may also aid in promoting digestion and reducing colic symptoms in infants. By incorporating your little one into the practice, they witness movement, breath work, and relaxation techniques from an early age.

Moreover, engaging with your baby during postnatal yoga sessions encourages sensory development and strengthens the parent-child connection. It’s a beautiful way to introduce mindfulness practices from infancy while fostering mutual well-being between you and your little one.


Preparing for Postnatal Yoga: What You Need to Know

So, you’ve decided to embark on your postnatal yoga journey – congratulations! Before rolling out your mat, remember a few key things. It’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen, including postnatal yoga. Your body has been through a lot during pregnancy and childbirth, so ensuring you’re physically ready is essential.

When selecting a postnatal yoga class or instructor, look for someone who works with new mothers. They will understand postpartum bodies’ unique needs and concerns and can provide modifications as needed.

As you prepare for your first session, gather props, such as blocks or straps, that may enhance your practice. Comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement is also essential.

Approach your practice with an open mind and be gentle with yourself throughout the process. Remember that each person’s postpartum journey is different – honor where you are now without judgment or comparison.

Postnatal Yoga Poses and Modifications for New Mothers

Postnatal yoga poses and modifications cater specifically to the needs of new mothers, focusing on safely rebuilding strength and flexibility. As a new mom, your body has undergone immense changes during pregnancy and childbirth, so it’s crucial to ease back into physical activity gently.

Poses like Cat-Cow stretches can help relieve tension in the spine while strengthening the core muscles that may have weakened during pregnancy. Modified versions of poses like Downward Dog or Warrior I allow you to gradually regain strength without straining your body.

Pelvic floor exercises are also essential in postnatal yoga, aiding pelvic floor recovery after birth. Incorporating gentle twists and hip-opening poses can help release tightness accumulated from carrying and delivering your baby.

Remember, every mother’s journey is unique, so listen to your body and only go as far as feels comfortable for you. Consult with your instructor for personalized modifications tailored to your individual needs.


Incorporating Your Baby into the Practice

Incorporating your baby into postnatal yoga practice can deepen the bond between you and your little one while allowing you to focus on your well-being. Start by ensuring your baby is safe and comfortable, such as lying next to you on a soft mat or in a carrier.

During gentle poses, like cat-cow stretches or seated twists, interact with your baby by making eye contact or gently touching them. Incorporate soothing music or white noise to create a calming atmosphere for both of you.

For more active poses, such as warrior sequences or gentle lunges, consider holding your baby securely against your chest or incorporating them into the movements. Baby-wearing wraps can be beneficial during these dynamic exercises.

Remember that it’s okay if your baby doesn’t participate actively – simply having them present can enhance the overall experience. Listen to their cues and adjust accordingly throughout the practice.

Tips for a Successful Postnatal Yoga Experience

When embarking on your postnatal yoga journey, listening to your body is essential. Be mindful of discomfort or pain, and always communicate with your instructor.

Setting realistic expectations is key. Understand that progress takes time, and be gentle with yourself as you navigate through this new phase of motherhood while practicing yoga.

Prioritize self-care by carving out dedicated time for your practice. Whether it’s a few minutes in the morning or during naptime, make space for yourself to rejuvenate both mentally and physically.

Stay hydrated before, during, and after yoga sessions to support optimal postpartum recovery. Nourish your body with nutritious foods that will fuel you for the demands of motherhood and yoga practice.

Connect with other mothers in your postnatal yoga class for support and camaraderie. Building a community can enhance your experience and provide a network of encouragement as you navigate this transformative period.

Finding a Postnatal Yoga Class or Instructor

When finding a postnatal yoga class or instructor, there are a few key things to consider. First and foremost, look for instructors who specialize in postnatal yoga and have experience working with new mothers. They should be knowledgeable about the physical and emotional needs of postpartum women.

Consider the location and schedule of the classes – find one that fits into your routine as a new mom. Look for courses that offer modifications for different levels, as your body may still be recovering from childbirth. Listening to your body and choosing a comfortable and supportive class is essential.

Ask for recommendations from other moms or check online reviews to get an idea of what to expect from a particular class or instructor. Don’t be afraid to try different classes until you find one that resonates with you and meets your needs as a mother and someone looking to practice yoga postpartum.


Online Postnatal Yoga Classes

Online Postnatal Yoga Classes offer convenience and flexibility for mothers who prioritize their well-being while caring for their little ones. With just a click away, you can join a virtual session from the comfort of your home, avoiding the need for babysitters or travel time.

These classes cater to postpartum bodies, focusing on gentle movements and poses that aid in recovery and strength-building. You can choose sessions that align with your schedule, making it easier to fit self-care into your busy day.

The online platform lets you connect with other moms virtually, creating a supportive community despite physical distance. Instructors guide you through practices designed explicitly for postnatal needs, ensuring safety and effectiveness throughout each session.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, online postnatal classes provide an inclusive space where you can nurture your body and mind while bonding with your baby.

Benefits of Online Postnatal Yoga Classes

Online postnatal yoga classes offer a convenient way for mothers to prioritize self-care while juggling the demands of motherhood. With just a few clicks, you can join a session from home, eliminating the need to travel or find childcare. This flexibility allows you to fit in a rejuvenating practice at any time that works best for you and your baby’s schedule.

Additionally, online classes often provide options explicitly tailored for postnatal recovery, catering to different fitness levels and stages of motherhood. You can choose from gentle restorative sessions to more dynamic flows, depending on what feels suitable for your body on any given day.

Engaging in virtual classes also creates a sense of community among fellow moms who understand the unique challenges and joys of this transformative period. The supportive environment fosters connection and encouragement, helping you feel less isolated during those early months with your little one by your side.

Moreover, online postnatal yoga classes allow you to progress at your own pace without feeling pressured or judged. You can pause when needed, modify poses according to your comfort level, and revisit sessions as many times as desired – empowering you to listen to your body’s needs and honor its journey toward healing and strength.



Bringing together the essence of postnatal yoga for both mother and child, the summary encapsulates the holistic benefits of this practice. It serves as a gentle reminder of how postnatal yoga can nurture the body, mind, and soul during this transformative phase of motherhood.

Incorporating your baby into the practice strengthens the bond between you both, creating beautiful moments of connection amidst movement and breath. Finding a supportive community through postnatal yoga classes or online sessions can be empowering and reassuring as you navigate this new chapter.

Mothers’ physical and emotional advantages extend beyond just fitness; they encompass self-care, stress relief, and emotional well-being in a nurturing environment. Postnatal yoga offers a safe space to heal, rejuvenate, and embrace your journey with compassion.


Postnatal yoga is a beautiful practice that offers many benefits for mothers and their children. From aiding in physical recovery to promoting emotional well-being, postnatal yoga can be a valuable tool in the journey of motherhood. Incorporating your baby into the practice and being mindful of modifications can create a meaningful bonding experience while caring for your health.

Finding a supportive community and knowledgeable instructor is crucial whether you attend in-person classes or opt for online sessions. Remember to listen to your body, take it at your own pace, and enjoy the process without putting pressure on yourself.

Postnatal yoga helps you regain strength and flexibility and fosters relaxation and connection with your little one. Embrace this special time as an opportunity for self-care, growth, and bonding. Start your postpartum journey with mindfulness and grace through the healing practice of postnatal yoga.

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

3 thoughts on “Postnatal Yoga for Mother and Child”

  1. Before attempting postnatal yoga it is important you give your body adequate time to heal and don’t begin anything until you receive your doctor’s okay. Thanks for posting this valuable article.

  2. Incorporate postnatal yoga into you and your baby’s daily routine and it will surely be a big help with dealing with all the stresses along the way. Really its very helpful article, thanks for sharing this informative article.

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