Yoga for Postpartum Back Pain - Aura Wellness Center

Yoga for Postpartum Back Pain

about the importance of warm upsBy Michael Gleason

Can Yoga help women suffering with postpartum back pain? The literal meaning of yoga is to join or to yoke. And after a life-changing event, such as giving birth, resuming your yoga practice is very important in order for a mother to feel whole again – especially in the singular sense. During the postpartum segment of young motherhood is the reality of back pain or discomfort.


What to Know About Yoga for Postpartum Back Pain

First, a mother has been carrying a baby whilst the embryo developed into an infant. Second, the care for an infant includes nursing, skin-to-skin contact in order to bond, and rocking. At the end of each day or, as often the case, another series of nursing, changing, or lulling but in the middle of the night. In addition to postpartum yoga – for the sake of appreciating the immediate benefits – there will be postures to help with any potential back pain.

Midway through the pregnancy the female anatomy releases a series of hormones including Relaxin. While other hormones focus on the production of breast milk and the mother’s metabolism per eating for two. It is Relaxin that literally relaxes a pregnant woman’s muscles, joints, and ligaments. This includes the joints around the cervix, uterus, and pelvis. Because the back of the hip cradle is practically the start of the backbone and spine regions it stands to reason that, after pregnancy and the Relaxin subsides, mother’s will get a sore back.

A practical approach to address this postpartum back pain is some standard yet modified yoga postures. Remember, a mother’s body has been stretched out to accommodate the carrying and birthing so take care when getting into yoga or Pilates. Sally Susinno, RYT-200 of Wellesley, Mass noted that the abs and core muscles will also be stretched, too. Therefore sucking in the stomach muscles will make the most sense. This also bring strength to the back region and will make lifting the baby as she/he matures through toddlerhood that much easier.

Yoga for Postpartum Back Pain

– Do pull-in exercises per the care and concern for the abdominal region, this will impact the back, too.
– Definitely get into plank pose but keep the abs sucked in.
– Get into side plan and keep your body low and stay on your hip, you will feel it in your core.
– Cobra, locust, and bow poses will also help address postpartum back pain especially because a mother’s ab muscles are now much longer.

Locust pose is also good for postpartum back pain. It does require, however, for students to be mindful of how much opening one does of the lower back. Additionally, while it has many other benefits, avoid the Cobbler Pose post-natal as it may be too much strain on the back. Cobbler Pose in the future will certainly help with flat feet and has other potential benefits for women.

Lastly, consider doing a pyramid pose (also called runner’s triangle) but with great care. Doing so will have the following positive results:
– Hips are in line while legs are split, this by itself will release tightness from holding the baby.
– Getting out of the pose also helps as it requires focusing on pulling in or resuming that “sucking in” the core and abdominal muscles.

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Yoga for Postpartum Back Pain

By Gopi Rao and Sangeetha Saran

After giving birth, many new moms experience postpartum back pain due to the physical strain of pregnancy and childbirth. The changes in posture, weight distribution, and hormone levels during pregnancy can contribute to discomfort in the lower back. Additionally, carrying and caring for a newborn can further exacerbate these issues.

Postpartum back pain may manifest as dull aches, sharp pains, or stiffness in the lower back region. It can make daily activities like bending over to pick up your baby or sitting for extended periods challenging. Understanding the root cause of your back pain is crucial in finding effective ways to alleviate it.

Factors such as weakened core muscles, poor posture while breastfeeding, and stress from sleep deprivation can all play a role in exacerbating postpartum back pain. By addressing these underlying issues through targeted exercise and relaxation techniques like yoga, you can begin to find relief and support your body’s recovery journey after childbirth.

How Yoga Can Help Alleviate Postpartum Back Pain

Postpartum back pain is a common issue for new mothers as they adjust to the physical demands of caring for their newborn. Yoga can gently and effectively alleviate this discomfort by improving flexibility, strength, and posture.

Yoga poses like the Cat-Cow stretch, Child’s pose, and Cobra pose can help release tension in the back muscles while strengthening the core muscles supporting the spine. These movements encourage proper alignment and relieve strain on the lower back.

The mindful breathing techniques practiced in yoga can also reduce stress levels, which may contribute to muscle tension and exacerbate back pain. You can promote relaxation and ease any discomfort by incorporating deep breathing exercises into your practice.

Additionally, yoga promotes overall well-being by enhancing mental clarity and encouraging mindfulness. This holistic approach can empower new moms to connect with their bodies postpartum and prioritize self-care during this transformative time.


Safe and Effective Poses for Postpartum Back Pain Relief

After giving birth, many new moms experience back pain due to the physical strain of pregnancy and childbirth. Yoga offers safe and effective poses to help alleviate postpartum back pain and promote healing.

Child’s Pose is a gentle stretch that releases tension in the lower back while providing a sense of relaxation. Cat-Cow pose helps improve flexibility in the spine, relieving stiffness and discomfort. Bridge Pose strengthens the muscles in the back and buttocks, offering support to the spine.

A seated Spinal Twist is beneficial for releasing tightness in the back muscles and improving spinal mobility. Cobra Pose gently stretches the front body while strengthening the muscles along the spine. Downward-Facing Dog elongates the spine, decompressing it after hours of carrying your newborn.

These poses should be practiced mindfully, listening to your body’s cues and never pushing yourself beyond your limits. Consistent practice can gradually ease postpartum back pain and contribute to well-being during this transformative time.

Tips for Postpartum Yoga Recovery

As a new mom navigating the challenges of postpartum recovery, incorporating yoga into your routine can be incredibly beneficial for relieving back pain and promoting overall well-being. Here are some tips to help you seamlessly integrate yoga into your postpartum journey.

Start slowly and listen to your body – Begin with gentle yoga poses that stretch and strengthen the back muscles. Avoid any movements that cause discomfort or strain.

Set realistic goals – Understand that progress takes time, especially after giving birth. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small achievements along the way.

Use a specific space – Designate a quiet area to practice yoga without distractions. Having a sacred space can enhance your mental focus and relaxation during sessions.

Find online resources: As a new mom with a busy schedule, consider taking online yoga classes explicitly tailored for postpartum women. This allows flexibility in timing while still reaping the benefits of guided instruction.

Involve your baby – If needed, incorporate your little one into your practice by including them in gentle stretches or using them as an added weight for certain poses. Bonding through movement can be fun and rewarding for you both during this time together.


Other Benefits of Practicing Yoga After Giving Birth

Practicing yoga after giving birth offers a myriad of benefits beyond just relieving back pain. It can help new moms regain strength and flexibility in their bodies, which may have been compromised during pregnancy and childbirth. Yoga promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels, providing much-needed emotional support postpartum.

Additionally, yoga can help improve posture, which is essential for preventing further strain on the back and neck muscles. It also helps to tone the core muscles, assisting in the recovery of abdominal separation that often occurs after childbirth. By focusing on mindfulness and breathwork, yoga encourages new mothers to connect with their bodies and find moments of peace amidst the chaos of caring for a newborn.

Furthermore, practicing yoga can promote better sleep patterns by calming the mind and relaxing tense muscles. It allows for some precious “me time” amid the demands of motherhood, fostering self-care practices vital for overall well-being in this transformative phase of life.

Precautions for New Moms Starting a Yoga Practice

When starting a postpartum yoga practice, new moms must prioritize their health and well-being. Before diving into any yoga routine, consult with your healthcare provider to ensure you’re physically ready. Listen to your body during each session, and avoid pushing yourself too hard.

Choose a gentle and beginner-friendly yoga class specifically designed for postpartum women. Look for instructors who are experienced in working with new moms and understand the unique needs of the postpartum body. Focus on poses that target strengthening the core muscles and relieving tension in the back.

Stay hydrated throughout your practice, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Take breaks if necessary. Modify poses to suit your comfort level. Remember that progress takes time, so be patient with yourself as you navigate this new journey into motherhood while incorporating yoga into your routine.

By taking these precautions and approaching your practice mindfully, you can experience yoga’s many benefits during the postpartum period.

Prioritize self-care as you embark on this healing journey through yoga tailored just for new moms like you!


Considerations for Starting a Postpartum Yoga Practice

After giving birth, starting a postpartum yoga practice involves understanding your body’s unique needs. It’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise routine, especially if you’ve had complications during pregnancy or delivery.

Consider your body’s physical changes and choose gentle yoga poses that strengthen the core and back muscles while promoting relaxation. Listen to your body and modify poses to prevent strain or discomfort.

Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your practice as you regain strength and flexibility. Remember that consistency is critical, so aim for short sessions several times a week rather than overexerting yourself in one long session.

Find a postpartum yoga class for new moms or follow online videos tailored to postnatal recovery. Consider joining a supportive community of other mothers who can share their experiences and provide encouragement.


As we wrap up our discussion on yoga for postpartum back pain, it’s essential to remember that practicing gentle yet effective yoga poses can be a game-changer in your postpartum recovery journey. Understanding yoga’s benefits and incorporating safe poses into your routine can alleviate discomfort and strengthen your body.

Yoga offers physical relief and mental and emotional support during this transformative time. It allows new moms to connect with their bodies, cultivate mindfulness, and foster self-care practices.

Remember to listen to your body, honor its limitations, and gradually progress in your practice. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, adapting yoga poses to suit your needs is critical in reaping the full benefits without causing harm.

Incorporating yoga into your postpartum routine may require patience and consistency, but the rewards are well worth it. So keep rolling out that mat, find moments of peace amidst the chaos of motherhood, and nurture yourself through the healing power of yoga.



Practicing yoga can be a valuable tool in alleviating postpartum back pain and aiding in your recovery journey after giving birth. By incorporating safe and effective yoga poses into your routine, you can strengthen your core muscles, improve flexibility, and relieve tension in the back.

Please remember to listen to your body, start slowly, and consult your healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise regimen. With dedication and mindfulness, you can experience the numerous benefits of yoga for physical and mental well-being during the postpartum period.

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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