How to Educate Prospective Yoga Students

How to Educate Prospective Yoga Students

prospective yoga studentsBy Faye Martins

How can you educate prospective yoga students? You don’t have much time to capture the attention of anyone these days. People are distracted by the beeps and chirps of electronic devices. Therefore, when prospective yoga students seek you out for information about your classes, you must be prepared. Many in the yoga industry feel uncomfortable with the business aspect of their practice. Even so, most who follow the path to teaching yoga still need an income. As a studio owner or teacher, one way to be more successful is to convert curious browsers into regular yoga practitioners.


How to Explain Benefits to Prospective Yoga Students

To successfully explain the benefits of yoga to walk-in neophytes, you may want to consider a well-planned marketing approach. One good idea is to create an information package for your studio. Computers and printers make it simple to create a professional-looking marketing package for prospective students. If you’ve ever tried to explain the benefits of yoga to someone who’s never tried it, you know it can be tough. They may not understand how yoga can help them feel better, both physically and mentally. Here are a few tips on how to explain yoga’s benefits to prospective students:

1. Start with the physical benefits. For many people, the appeal of yoga is its ability to improve physical health. Yoga can help increase flexibility, build strength, and improve balance and coordination. It’s also a low-impact form of exercise, which makes it ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels.

2. Explain how yoga can benefit mental health. Yoga isn’t just good for the body – it’s also good for the mind. Practicing yoga can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve concentration and focus. If someone is interested in exploring the mental health benefits of yoga, be sure to suggest some specific classes or techniques that might be helpful for them.

3. Share your personal experience with yoga. If you practice yoga yourself, share your story with prospective students! Talk about how yoga has helped you physically, mentally, or emotionally.

Website or Brochure?

With a free blog and social media accounts, you can give prospective students an inside view into your classes and services. On the other hand, some teachers prefer using printed matter. Many teachers use both methods to get their messages out. Your website or brochure should include the following:

1. Supply the information about your studio, a personal biography, and the class schedules.

2. Add a list of past or future events, such as workshops, to give them an idea of what is available.

3. Include two or three articles about yoga written by yourself or anyone explaining yoga’s benefits and why.

4. Include a page with links or, even better quick response codes that scan to a couple of formal studies explaining the benefits of yoga.

5. Offer a free class coupon. Make sure all free classes are gentle beginner classes so as not to scare away the prospective client.

6. Include testimonials from regular clients describing the benefits the practice has brought to their life.

7. A diagram sheet showing simple postures is also a good idea.

8. Include a personal business card, which includes your name, studio address, and website address.

9. If possible, create a striking visual cover for your packet.


Making Information Available

Give the student a card or packet and offer them a cozy place with good lighting and a cup of tea to review the materials. Make sure they know you are available to answer any questions at all. If you have the time and they seem relaxed, you may offer to give them a 10-minute quickie introductory sample class, which includes one or two postures and a breathing technique. During this process, explain the benefits of what you are showing them. It is much easier to digest information by doing than by telling. By now, you will have developed a rapport with the prospective student. They have a website or a beautiful packet of information to refer back to explaining the many benefits of attending your yoga classes.


Internet Information

When you are ready to start attracting yoga students, one of the first things you need to do is make sure that your website or blog contains accurate and up-to-date information. This will help prospective students get a better sense of who you are and what you have to offer, and it will also give them a way to contact you if they have any questions. Some of the key information that you should include on your website or blog includes:

1. Your name and contact information

2. A brief biography

3. A description of your yoga teaching experience

4. A list of the classes you offer

5. Class schedules and locations

6. Prices for classes and private sessions

7. A photo/video gallery

8. Testimonials from past students


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