Yoga School Archives - Aura Wellness Center

Yoga School

Tips for Observing and Assisting Yoga Students

Leave your own mat when possible. Do not stay at the front of the class the entire time, but rather walk through your class. Offer suggestions to your students’ poses such as modifications or advanced moves when the poses allow. Remember that all of your students will progress through the poses at their own pace and may require modifications based on their own needs. Your students will thank you for the individualized attention you can give them during the class.

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How to Educate Prospective Yoga Students

If you have the time and they seem relaxed, you may offer to give them a 10-minute quickie introductory sample class, which includes one or two postures and a breathing technique. During this process, explain the benefits of what you are showing them. It is much easier to digest information by doing than by telling.

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Yoga Studio Policies for Preventing Harassment

The yoga studio should be a place to focus solely on the practice. By ensuring the space remains quiet and contemplative, you can reduce harassment complaints. Make sure students know that they should not bring loud or disruptive devices into the studio. This means no cell phones, tablets, or MP3 players. To ensure your students remember this rule, post signs outside the studio for them to see upon entrance. If a student is being disruptive, use gentle reminders to ensure the studio stays a comforting and meditative space.

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