YOGIC LIFESTYLE Archives - Page 9 of 12 - Aura Wellness Center


How does Yoga Build Self-Acceptance?

Based on the advice from the 14th century author of “Hatha Yoga Pradipika,” we aren’t the only civilization to think too much. In his teachings, he says: “Abandon all thoughts, then don’t think of anything.”

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Benefits of Yoga Teacher Continuing Education

Have you been familiar with yoga? Well I have heard from a lot of people that yoga has its own way of making the body function at its optimum state. The health and fitness benefits of yoga have long been reported by experts and via scientific research. But first I’d prefer to give you short details pertaining to yoga. Yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which means “union” taking place between the mind, body and spirit. It originated in India where there is a physical and mental discipline together with meditative practices of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Give yoga a try and learn what it can do for your body, your mind, and your soul.

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Yoga: Your Path to Inner Peace

Yoga is a deeply enriching practice, which produces positive results that cover the spectrum – from increased flexibility, to reduced pain, and a heightened sense of well being. Yet, some will ask: “What about inner peace?” How can the daily practice of Yoga lead to greater levels of inner peace?

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The Value of Yoga in Everyday Life

Yoga psychology is the oldest and broadest body of knowledge about human psychology. It is as valid today as it was 5,000 years ago, encompassing self-management as well as the management of relationships, and dealing with all issues of life so that one may live harmoniously. How can we manage ourselves? How can we overcome conflict, and have peaceful and co-operative relationships with others?

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What is the Purpose of Yoga Today?

By Gopi Rao Around the world, many people wonder about the purpose of yoga today. Yet, the practice of yoga has become more and more widespread in the last two decades. Primarily advanced as a healthy, less strenuous form of exercise, yoga’s popularity is due in large part to the fit and actively healthy life …

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Yoga of the Heart: Anahatasana

For some Yogis or Yoginis, the emphasis on finding and keeping an ideal romantic partner can bring up a deep sense of loss for a relationship that seemed so perfect in the beginning, but then became unsustainable as time went on. This deep longing for a perfect romantic partner, who offers us unconditional love and unquenchable support all the time, can propel many of us into less than ideal partnerships. When these partnerships dissolve, our hearts may feel deep grief and loss for months, or even years to come.

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Yoga is a Safe Solution to Weight Control

Yoga practice was defined as practicing at least 30 minutes once a week for four or more years. Comparatively speaking, this is truly bare minimum, and many Yoga teachers used to say that this amount of Yoga will do nothing. How times change; Yoga has been keeping people fit for approximately 5,000 years, and its many health benefits are still a mystery worthy of more studies.

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