Yoga for Insomnia
Through Yoga-nidra, Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and a regulated lifestyle, you can recapture that childhood experience in adult life…
Through Yoga-nidra, Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and a regulated lifestyle, you can recapture that childhood experience in adult life…
Turning off an overactive mind at the end of the day is crucial to being able to rest deeply. An overly anxious or busy mind that is always in “doing mode” drives the sympathetic nervous system to remain on as the mind simultaneously continues to plan what to do next. This is all too true for many Yogis and Yoginis even after a modern day mini-crisis, such as making it to the bank or post office before the stroke of 5, comes to an end. If you find that you often operate on the adrenalin rush that your own body produces in response to an unending series of crises throughout the day, you probably have difficulty falling asleep and sleeping uninterruptedly throughout the night.
By Faye Martins Does yoga for sleep and relaxation work? There are many reasons to stay up at night. Sometimes, we worry, and some of us don’t get enough physical activity during the day to be tired at night. Additionally, some of us are addicted to lousy television programs, and some of us wake up …