Yoga Poses for the Sixth Chakra - Yoga Practice Blog

Yoga Poses for the Sixth Chakra

yoga poses for the sixth chakraBy Faye Martins

What are the best yoga poses for the sixth chakra?  The Sixth Chakra is known in Sanskrit as the “Ajna Chakra.” This chakra is also known as the Third Eye Chakra. It is where spiritual insight and vision dwells. The Ajna Chakra is associated with the color indigo-blue and the element of light. It is located between the eyebrows and slightly above the line of the eyes.

When this chakra is activated through spiritual initiation, practices or other life experiences, a Yogini or Yogi may develop the capacity for clairvoyance and a strong ability to manifest his or her dreams in the world through creative visualization techniques.


Introduction to the Sixth Chakra

Have you ever felt a deep sense of intuition guiding your decisions? Or perhaps you’ve experienced moments when your creativity flows effortlessly? These sensations are connected to the sixth chakra, also known as the third eye or Ajna. Positioned between your eyebrows, this energy center serves as a powerful gateway to perception and insight.

Balancing the sixth chakra can enhance your mental clarity and deepen your spiritual awareness. It’s about more than just seeing; it’s about perceiving life through an intuitive lens that allows for greater understanding and wisdom. As we delve into yoga poses specifically designed for this chakra, you’ll discover how they can help unlock these profound capabilities within you. Let’s explore how nurturing this vital energy center can enrich your mind, body, and spirit.

More About Yoga Poses for the Sixth Chakra

What else should you know about yoga poses for the sixth chakra?  A chakra can become blocked or unbalanced through difficult life experiences, negative internal thought patterns and the contraction of physical tension and holding. When a chakra is unbalanced, its rate of spiral vibration slows down, and the individual is unable to manifest the energy of that particular chakra in the world.

There is a sense of being stagnated or blocked in the chakra area that has become closed down. It is also possible for a chakra to become over-stimulated and unbalanced. An over-stimulated chakra may predispose a Yogi or Yogini to hyperactivity in the area of the over-stimulated chakra’s range.


Yoga Poses for the Sixth Chakra’s Health

When the Sixth Chakra is blocked, we may experience eye problems, memory issues and an inability to see the whole picture. When the Sixth Chakra is over stimulated, we may experience headaches, difficulty focusing, racing thoughts and even hallucinations. In order to open and/or balance the Ajna Chakra, Yoga poses that stimulate or sooth this area are important.

Supported Forward Bends, such as Yoga Mudra, help to gently stimulate the Ajna Chakra. Pranayama exercises including Nadi Shodhana gently stimulate the Third Eye Chakra. Practicing meditative techniques that focus on a withdrawal of the senses also help to calm down and balance the Sixth Chakra. The following is one of the best yoga poses for the sixth chakra.

However, the classic version starts from Lotus Pose, with may not agree with the knees. Therefore, below this film, I have added modified directions from a kneeling position. Please know that you could modify Yoga Mudrasana and practice in a wheelchair. So, don’t be discouraged by the classic version.

Recommended Yoga Poses for the Sixth Chakra

To activate the sixth chakra, known as the Ajna or third eye, certain yoga poses can help enhance intuition and clarity.

Child’s Pose is a gentle start. It encourages introspection and relaxation, allowing energy to flow freely through your body.

Another beneficial pose is Downward Facing Dog. This inverted position stimulates blood circulation to the head while promoting mental focus.

For a deeper connection, try Eagle Pose. This balance challenge helps sharpen concentration and brings awareness to both body and mind.

Seated Forward Bend allows for deep stretching of the spine and neck, fostering an open channel between your physical self and spiritual insights.

Incorporate Supported Bridge Pose into your practice. It opens up the heart space while grounding your energy—perfect for connecting with higher consciousness.


Benefits of Practicing These Yoga Poses

Practicing yoga poses for the sixth chakra offers a wealth of benefits. This energy center, associated with intuition and clarity, can be nurtured through mindful movement.

One significant advantage is enhanced mental clarity. As you engage in these poses, your mind becomes more focused and organized. This helps in decision-making and fosters creativity.

Another benefit lies in emotional balance. Regular practice encourages self-awareness, allowing you to connect deeply with your feelings. You may find it easier to express yourself authentically.

Physical health also receives a boost. Poses that activate the sixth chakra often improve posture and relieve tension in the neck and shoulders. This promotes overall well-being.

Many practitioners report an increased sense of inner peace after focusing on this chakra’s energy flow. It cultivates a profound connection between body, mind, and spirit.

Modified Yoga Mudra Pose from a Kneeling Position

To practice Yoga Mudra, begin by kneeling on your Yoga mat and sitting on your heels. If your knees are sensitive, place a folded blanket under them. Clasp your hands behind you. Take one full Yogic breath. With your next exhale, raise your arms up behind you until you feel a good stretch and bend forward, placing your forehead on a block or on your mat depending on your level of flexibility.

Gently press into the Third Eye area. Hold this posture for three to five breaths. With your next inhale, come up. Switch the direction of the clasp of your hands and repeat. When you are finished with the posture, sit quietly for a few minutes and feel the opening in both the Fifth and Sixth Chakra areas.


Tips for a Successful Practice

To cultivate a successful practice for yoga poses targeting the sixth chakra, establish a serene environment. Choose a quiet space where you feel comfortable and free from distractions.

Focus on your breath. Deep, intentional breathing helps center your mind and enhances your connection to the third eye area. Try inhaling deeply through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth.

Set an intention before each session. This could be seeking clarity or enhancing intuition. An intention can guide your practice and deepen its impact.

Listen to your body. Respect its limits and avoid pushing yourself too hard. Gentle adjustments are key in achieving balance without strain.

Integrate meditation into your routine. Spend time visualizing indigo light surrounding the forehead area as you hold each pose, reinforcing energy flow within this chakra system.

Understanding the Importance of Balancing the Sixth Chakra

The sixth chakra, known as the Ajna or third eye chakra, plays a crucial role in intuition and perception. When balanced, it enhances clarity of thought and spiritual insight. This energy center helps us connect with our inner wisdom.

Imbalances can lead to confusion and lack of direction in life. You may find yourself struggling to trust your instincts or make decisions. People often experience anxiety when this chakra is blocked.

Balancing the sixth chakra promotes mental clarity and emotional stability. It encourages creativity and imagination, allowing you to see beyond the ordinary. Embracing practices that focus on this energy center fosters a deeper connection to oneself.

Recognizing its significance can transform how we approach challenges. A well-balanced sixth chakra paves the way for enhanced self-awareness and personal growth, enriching both daily life and spiritual journeys.


Additional Practices to Enhance Chakra Balance

To further enhance your sixth chakra balance, consider incorporating meditation into your daily routine. This practice allows you to focus inward and cultivate clarity of thought. A quiet mind can deepen your connection with intuition.

Sound therapy is another powerful tool. Chanting specific mantras associated with the third eye, such as “Om,” can resonate deeply within this energy center, activating it more effectively.

Aromatherapy contributes significantly as well. Essential oils like lavender and frankincense promote relaxation and mental clarity, making them perfect companions for chakra work.

Engaging in creative activities—like painting or writing—can also aid in expressing thoughts that might be stuck in the sixth chakra. Creativity opens pathways for insight and self-discovery.

Ensure you maintain a balanced diet rich in antioxidants to support cognitive function. Nourishing your body will provide the foundation needed for spiritual growth and healing.


The sixth chakra, also known as the third eye or Ajna, plays a vital role in our overall well-being. When balanced, it enhances intuition and clarity while fostering mindfulness. Practicing specific yoga poses can help open and align this energetic center.

Incorporating yoga poses for the sixth chakra into your routine promotes physical and mental stability. Poses like Child’s Pose, Downward-Facing Dog, and Seated Forward Bend are excellent choices. They not only facilitate energy flow but also allow for deep introspection.

Regular practice of these poses brings numerous benefits. You may experience improved concentration, heightened awareness, and emotional balance. Additionally, it supports relaxation by alleviating stress.

To maximize your practice’s effectiveness, create a calming environment free from distractions. Focus on your breath as you move through each pose to deepen your connection with the chakra energy. Listening to soothing music or using essential oils can further enhance this experience.

Beyond yoga poses for the sixth chakra itself, consider meditation or visualization techniques focusing on intuitive insight to enrich your practice even more. Journaling about experiences during these sessions can provide valuable insights over time.

Embracing practices that nurture the sixth chakra opens pathways to greater self-awareness and understanding of one’s inner self—a journey worth taking whether you’re new to yoga or an experienced practitioner seeking deeper connections within.


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3 thoughts on “Yoga Poses for the Sixth Chakra”

  1. Pranayama exercises and meditative techniques that focus on a withdrawal of the senses also help to calm down and balance the Sixth Chakra. Thanks for nice sharing.

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