Lotus Flowers, Yoga and the Ajna Chakra - Aura Wellness Center

Lotus Flowers, Yoga and the Ajna Chakra

about ajna chakra

By Faye Martins and Gopi Rao

Welcome to a world where the mind meets the body, ancient wisdom intertwines with modern practices, and the lotus flower blooms in harmony with our inner energy centers. In this captivating journey through yoga and the Ajna Chakra, we delve into the profound connection between these mystical blossoms and the art of self-realization.


As you embark on this exploration, prepare to unlock hidden depths within yourself and discover how these delicate petals have been revered for centuries as symbols of transformation, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. Let us immerse ourselves in the rich history of lotus flowers in yoga and uncover their significance in guiding us toward greater awareness.


The Lotus Flower and the Ajna Chakra

The Lotus Flower and the Ajna Chakra are intrinsically connected in yoga. The Ajna Chakra, also known as the third eye chakra, is at the center of our forehead, symbolizing insight, intuition, and spiritual awareness. Here, we access our inner wisdom and better understand ourselves.

Like the lotus flower emerges from murky waters to blossom into beauty, so does our consciousness expand through meditation and yoga. The lotus represents purity and enlightenment—an exquisite reminder that amidst life’s challenges, we have the power to rise above and transcend.

In yogic philosophy, each chakra has a corresponding element—Ajna Chakra aligns with light. This connection emphasizes clarity of thought, perception beyond physical limitations, and heightened levels of consciousness.

By incorporating lotus flowers into our yoga practice or meditative rituals—whether in visualizations or physical representations—we can further deepen our connection with Ajna Chakra. Just gazing upon these delicate petals can evoke tranquility and open pathways for spiritual growth.

Together with focused breathwork (pranayama), mantra chanting (chanting OM), or specific asanas (such as child’s pose or seated forward fold), incorporating lotus imagery can enhance our ability to tap into this powerful energy center within us.

So, let us embrace this beautiful union between lotus flowers and the Ajna Chakra. This symbiotic relationship guides us toward greater self-awareness while reminding us to stay grounded even as we reach for higher realms. As you delve deeper into your practice on this path of self-discovery, allow yourself to be inspired by nature’s most elegant metaphor—the unfolding beauty of the sacred lotus flower.


The History of Lotus Flowers in Yoga

Lotus flowers have a rich and ancient history in the practice of yoga. Dating back thousands of years, these delicate blossoms have captivated practitioners with their beauty and symbolism.

In the early days of yoga, lotus flowers were often depicted in sacred texts and artwork. They were seen as a powerful symbol of purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. The lotus flower’s ability to rise above murky waters and bloom into something beautiful resonated deeply with yogis seeking inner transformation.

The significance of the lotus flower is also closely tied to the Ajna Chakra or third eye chakra. This energy center is Located between the eyebrows and is associated with intuition, clarity, and insight. Just as a lotus rises from muddy waters to blossom above the surface, so does our consciousness expand when we activate this chakra through meditation and yoga.

Over time, practitioners began incorporating actual lotus flowers into their yoga rituals. Placing a fresh or dried flower on your mat during practice can help create an atmosphere of serenity and focus. During meditation sessions, some even use essential oils derived from lotus flowers for aromatherapy.

Exploring the history of lotus flowers in yoga allows us to connect with ancient traditions while embracing their timeless wisdom. By incorporating these sacred blooms into our practice today, we can honor the past while journeying toward personal growth and self-discovery through yoga’s transformative power.


The Meaning of the Lotus Flower in Yoga

The lotus flower holds deep symbolism in the practice of yoga. With its roots buried in the muddy waters, it emerges as a stunning blossom on the surface. This journey mirrors our spiritual growth and transformation through the practice of yoga.

In yoga philosophy, the lotus flower is associated with purity, enlightenment, and divine beauty. As the lotus rises above its murky origins, we can overcome our challenges and limitations to find inner peace and clarity.

The unfolding petals of the lotus represent our journey towards self-realization. Each petal represents a different aspect of our being – physical body, breath, mind, intellect, intuition – all coming together harmoniously to awaken our consciousness.

Furthermore, each color of the lotus holds significance in yoga. The white lotus symbolizes pure spiritual perfection, while red symbolizes love and compassion. Blue represents wisdom and serenity, while pink signifies devotion and spirituality.

By meditating on or visualizing the image of a blooming lotus during yoga practice or pranayama (breathing exercises), we can tap into these qualities within ourselves. It serves as a reminder that even amidst chaos or difficulties, we have an innate ability to rise above it all and embrace our true nature – radiant and full of potential.

When you step onto your mat or sit for meditation, allow yourself to be inspired by this beautiful flower. Let it remind you that just like the lotus blossoms from muddy waters into something extraordinary, your life can flourish with mindfulness and conscious effort.


How to Use Lotus Flowers in Yoga

One of the beautiful aspects of yoga is its ability to connect us with nature and harness the power of natural elements in our practice. One such element is the lotus flower, which is significant in yoga philosophy. The lotus flower symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth.

To incorporate lotus flowers into your yoga practice, create a sacred space for yourself. Find a quiet corner or area where you can place a fresh lotus flower or a picture of one as an altar centerpiece. This will help create a serene atmosphere and set the intention for your practice.

During meditation or pranayama (breathing exercises), you can visualize yourself sitting on top of a blooming lotus flower. Imagine that with every breath you take, the petals open up further, This allows more light and energy to enter your body. This visualization helps stimulate the Ajna chakra between the eyebrows, also known as the third eye.

Another way to use lotus flowers in yoga is through aromatherapy. Lotus essential oil has calming properties that promote relaxation and deepen meditation experiences. You can add a few drops to your diffuser or mix it with carrier oil for self-massage before starting your yoga session.

Practice asanas (yoga poses) that require grounding and stability. When practicing standing postures or inversions, imagine roots growing from your feet into the ground. Picture your lotus roots reaching deep into muddy waters but remaining balanced and steady.

Incorporating these practices into your daily routine allows you to connect deeply with nature’s beauty while enhancing your spiritual growth through yogic principles. Explore this ancient tradition and discover how using lotus flowers in yoga can improve your physical practice and nourish your mind-body-spirit connection.



As we have explored the significance of lotus flowers in yoga and their connection to the Ajna Chakra, it becomes clear that these beautiful blossoms hold a deep spiritual meaning. The lotus symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and transformation – central to yoga practice.

By incorporating lotus flowers into our yoga practice through visualizations or physical representations such as mudras or poses, we can deepen our connection to our inner self and tap into the wisdom and intuition associated with the Ajna Chakra. Just like a lotus flower rises above murky waters to bloom in all its glory, we, too, can rise above obstacles and limitations on our journey toward self-realization.

When you step onto your mat or sit for meditation, take a moment to visualize yourself as a vibrant lotus flower opening up at your third eye center. Feel the energy radiating from this sacred space within you as you embrace the transformative power of both yoga and the Ajna Chakra.



Remember that symbolism is subjective, so feel free to explore what resonates with you personally when integrating lotus flowers into your practice. Whether using imagery during meditation or adorning your space with fresh blooms or artwork depicting lotuses, allow these powerful symbols to enhance your connection with yourself and deepen your spiritual growth.

Let us embrace this ancient tradition passed down through generations by infusing our modern-day practices with elements such as the beautiful lotus flower. By doing so, we honor those who came before us while nurturing our spiritual evolution.

Go forth in grace and beauty, and may we all blossom into our best selves! On your yogic journey with an open heart and an awakened mind – like a radiant lotus blooming under warm sunlight!

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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Ajna Chakra and Yoga

By: Virginia Iversen, M.Ed

According to ancient Yogic texts in the Hindu compendium of scriptures, the human body has seven major energy centers along the front and back of the spinal column. Additionally, two of these significant energy vortexes are found along the head. One of these energy centers in the head area is located at the point between the eyebrows. This point is known as the Ajna Chakra.

About Ajna Chakra

The Ajna Chakra is the seat of ability to summon or command the world’s creation, sustenance, and dissolution. Additionally, this chakra is essentially said to be the dwelling place of divine energy. Finally, the third eye is the power source to manifest and dissolve physical reality at will.

In the center of the Ajna Chakra is a scintillating indigo-blue lotus flower with two white petals. Yogic texts mention these white petals symbolize Shiva and Shakti. They are the primordial male-female couple representing the unending cycle of creation and dissolution.



The indigo-blue lotus flower at the center of the Ajna Chakra pulsates with numinous beauty. The indigo-blue light is symbolic of divine beauty in many Asian spiritual traditions. In Hinduism, Vishnu is frequently described as the Lotus Eyed One. His skin shines with the same indigo-blue of the lotus flower at the center of the Ajna Chakra.

These are some of the stories that hold the indigo-blue lotus flower as a central element. In our daily lives, we meditate on the ability of this beautiful flower to grow out of the mud. This meditation reminds us of the power we have in making lemonade out of lemons.


Keeping the Ajna Chakra healthy and balanced will help keep your endocrine system healthy. Balancing and harmonizing your Third Eye Chakra will keep your entire body functioning well. In addition, this chakra’s health will help nurture your creativity, insight, and inspiration.

Yoga Practices to Stimulate and Balance the Ajna Chakra

Several Yoga practices can help to stimulate and balance the Ajna Chakra. These practices include physical Yoga postures, pranayama exercises, and chanting the bija mantra of this chakra, “Aum.”

Therefore, chant Aum while holding your gaze in Shambhavi Mudra, and the effect of your practice will be much stronger. Shambhavi Mudra means to gaze at the point directly between your eyebrows in an unremitting fashion.

About Chanting

Chanting for five to ten minutes after a healthy asana practice is advised. Of course, balancing postures are effective for practice. You can begin chanting Aum while holding Shambhavi Mudra.  Then,  sit on a pillow or in a chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.

Firstly, rest your palms gently in your lap or on your knees. Secondly, you may wish to light a candle. Wrap a meditation shawl around your shoulders to comfort and create a sense of sanctity. Thirdly, close your eyes with your internal gaze focused on your Third Eye Chakra. Repeat Aum audibly or silently with each exhale. Lastly, let the sound resonate throughout your entire body.  Your cultivating energy expands and nurtures your Ajna Chakra.

© Copyright – Virginia Iversen / Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

5 thoughts on “Lotus Flowers, Yoga and the Ajna Chakra”

  1. The Ajna is the seat of the ability to command the creation, sustenance and dissolution of the world.
    Its really good that healthy and balanced Ajna Chakra can help to keep our endocrine system healthy.
    Thanks for this great article about Ajna Chakra.

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