Yoga for Beginners at Home - Aura Wellness Center

Yoga for Beginners at Home

yoga certification course with dvdsBy Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP

Within the past 10 years, many instructors are interested in teaching online Yoga for beginners at home. Online videos are useful and convenient. If you were to ask any Yoga instructor, he or she would surely agree that videos are useful educational tools, but not all videos are equal. Yet, he or she would also probably admit that the right Yoga videos could enrich your experience. For the most part, video training helps our students gain more insight into this incredible health maintenance system.

Live or Pre-Recorded Classes?

With cloud-based video communication apps such as Zoom, it’s possible to learn or teach Yoga live. This gives brand new students a way to begin learning Yoga and receive live feedback. So, when does it make sense for beginners to use pre-recorded streaming videos at home? What are the main benefits of doing so? If a student understands the basics, pre-recorded classes make sense. In fact, pre-recorded classes take place when the student has time. For instance, videos offer exceptional educational value and can go a long way toward enhancing a student’s Yoga experience.

Can Students Learn Yoga from Scratch with Videos?

As educational and as well-made as Yoga videos can be, they may not be suitable for true beginners. There are plenty of instructional streaming videos about Yoga for beginners, but many personal variables can get in the way. By getting some live instruction first, you can ensure that you are practicing properly. With the guidance of a skilled Yoga instructor, you will receive the personalized attention that you need to get off to the best possible start. Therefore, learning the basics of Yoga for beginners at home with a video is a reality.

Live Classes Online

Looking for an at-home yoga workout that’s tailored specifically for beginners? Check out live subscription-based yoga classes. These classes are designed to help you ease into a regular Yoga practice, with each class building on the previous one. You’ll learn all the basic Yoga poses and breathing techniques, as well as how to connect your mind and body through movement. Plus, experienced instructors will be there to answer any questions you have and provide modifications as needed.


Pre-Recorded Yoga Classes

There are many subscription-based pre-recorded Yoga classes for beginners that you can do at home. These classes provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to properly do each technique. They also offer modifications for each pose, so you can make it easier or harder depending on your level of fitness. In addition, they often have music playing in the background, which can help you relax and focus on your practice. Of course, there are also many beginner friendly videos on YouTube and Daily Motion.

Developing Self-Confidence at Home

Practicing at home, when you feel self-conscious about doing Yoga in front of others makes sense. Under those circumstances, at home Yoga videos give you the opportunity to try different techniques before heading out to class. In effect, videos allow you to gain some much-needed confidence before stepping into a Yoga school. Videos also come in handy for people who travel a great deal for business. When used properly, streaming videos enrich a student’s Yoga training experience. Whether you’re just learning the basics, or have been teaching for years, there are sure to be videos out there that truly bring value to your life.

For Yoga Teachers Only

For experienced teachers who already have a good foundation in the basics of a particular style, videos, from different styles, can really broaden horizons. If you don’t live in a big city, for instance, you may struggle to find specialized Yoga classes. If you’re curious about Bikram, Ashtanga, Kundalini, or other styles of Yoga, but cannot find suitable classes in your area, streaming videos and DVDs are excellent alternatives. From the comfort of home, you can learn the basics of different styles and gain a lot of advanced knowledge about Yoga, in general. Indeed, this is also a great way to zero in on a particular style. Before signing up for teacher workshops, intensive training, or continuing education courses, you have a basic understanding.


Teaching Online

The global pandemic has forced many yoga instructors to take their classes online. Some may be reluctant to do so, but there are actually many benefits to teaching Yoga online. Yoga instructors should provide online Yoga classes for beginners and experienced students for a number of reasons. First, it makes Yoga accessible to everyone, regardless of their location. Second, online Yoga classes can be customized to each individual’s needs and pace. Third, online Yoga classes provide a more personal experience than large group classes. Fourth, online classes allow students to rewind and review sections as needed. Finally, online sessions are often more affordable than in-person classes.

Building on Foundations of Knowledge

In a word, continuing education is an important factor in teaching skills. Additionally, specialist teacher training courses with streaming videos or DVDs give an experienced teacher a foundation from which to expand knowledge and develop new teaching skills. Obviously, constructive knowledge in the hands of an experienced Yoga instructor can enhance a Yoga teacher’s skills and performance. At the same time, videos are a great way to introduce yourself to the public. Certainly, reaching out on the Internet with a “Yoga for beginners at home” program is a great way to meet new students.

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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Practicing yoga at home offers many benefits for beginners. One significant advantage is its convenience—you can roll out your mat anytime. There is no need to rush to a studio or adhere to a specific class schedule; you’re in control of your practice.

Being at home creates a comfortable and safe space to focus on yourself fully without distractions. It allows for a more personalized experience tailored to your needs and preferences. Moreover, practicing yoga in familiar surroundings promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety levels.

By practicing at home, beginners can progress at their own pace, building confidence and self-awareness. This autonomy fosters a deeper connection with body and mind, enhancing overall well-being.

Incorporating yoga into your daily routine at home cultivates discipline and consistency, improving physical strength, flexibility, and mental clarity over time. The journey of self-discovery through yoga begins within the walls of your sanctuary – embrace it wholeheartedly.

Setting Up Your Studio for Recording Online Classes

Setting up your studio to record online yoga classes is crucial in ensuring a seamless experience for your beginner students. The first thing to consider is finding a quiet, well-lit space to practice without distractions. Natural light can enhance the ambiance of your videos, creating a calming atmosphere for viewers.

Investing in a good-quality camera and microphone will significantly improve your online classes’ audio and visual quality. Consider using props like yoga blocks, straps, and blankets to demonstrate poses effectively to beginners who may need extra support.

Creating a simple backdrop with minimal clutter can help maintain focus on your instructions and movements during the class. Remember to test different angles and setups to find what works best for you and provides clear visibility for your students.

Organizing your space and keeping all necessary equipment within reach will save time during recordings. Prioritize comfort by using a supportive mat that cushions joints during extended practice sessions. By setting it up thoughtfully, you can create an inviting virtual environment that enhances the learning experience for aspiring yogis tuning in from their homes.

Essential Equipment and Props for Teaching Yoga Online

When teaching yoga online, having the right equipment and props is crucial to creating a professional and engaging experience for your beginner students.

Invest in a high-quality camera that can capture clear video and audio to ensure your instructions are easily understood. A stable internet connection is also essential to prevent disruptions during your classes.

Yoga mats are indispensable for both you as the instructor and your students. Encourage beginners to have their mats for hygiene purposes and comfort during poses.

Props like blocks, straps, and blankets can help beginners with limited flexibility or strength modify poses. These tools enhance alignment and support proper form while reducing the risk of injury.

Natural lighting can brighten your space, creating a welcoming atmosphere for virtual classes. Consider adding plants or calming decor elements to elevate the ambiance of your online studio.

Investing in essential equipment and props enhances the quality of your teachings and creates a more immersive experience for beginners practicing yoga at home.

Teaching Different Styles of Yoga Online

When teaching yoga online, it is essential to explore various styles to cater to different needs and preferences. One popular style is Hatha Yoga, which focuses on basic postures and breath control. Vinyasa Yoga emphasizes flowing movements coordinated with the breath for a dynamic practice.

For those seeking a more gentle approach, Yin Yoga targets deep tissues through passive poses for longer durations. Restorative Yoga promotes relaxation and stress relief by using props for support in restful positions. Ashtanga Yoga follows a specific sequence of poses linked with precise breathing techniques.

Bikram or Hot Yoga involves practicing in a heated room to enhance flexibility and detoxification. Kundalini Yoga incorporates dynamic movements, breathing exercises, meditation, and chanting for spiritual awakening. By offering diverse styles in your online classes, you can introduce beginners to the vast world of yoga practice from the comfort of their homes.

Troubleshooting Common Challenges for Your Beginner Students

As a yoga teacher guiding beginners through their practice, you may encounter common challenges students face when starting their journey. One challenge could be flexibility – some beginners may struggle with certain poses due to tight muscles. Please encourage them to move gently and listen to their bodies.

Another challenge is balance—maintaining stability in balancing poses can be challenging for newcomers. Offer modifications and props to help support their alignment. Breathing techniques might also be complicated for beginners who are not used to focusing on their breathing during movement.

Patience is key; remind students that progress takes time and consistency. Additionally, lack of focus or distractions at home can disrupt the practice. Encourage creating a calm space free of disturbances for a more focused session.

Teaching Basic Yoga Breathing

As a yoga teacher guiding beginners through their practice, teaching basic yoga breathing techniques is foundational. Breathing is the essence of yoga, connecting mind and body in harmony. Start by introducing diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing. Encourage students to inhale deeply through the nose, expand the abdomen like a balloon, and exhale slowly.

Explain the concept of pranayama, which controls and regulates breath for energy flow. Teach nostril breathing exercises like Nadi Shodhana to balance both brain hemispheres. Guide students in Ujjayi breath or “ocean breath” for calming effects during asanas.

Emphasize mindfulness on each inhale and exhale to cultivate present-moment awareness. Remind beginners that it’s okay if their minds wander; gently bring focus back to the breath without judgment. With consistent practice, basic yoga breathing becomes second nature—a tool for stress relief and grounding in daily life.

Teaching Fundamental Poses

Simplicity and alignment are essential when teaching fundamental poses in yoga to beginners at home. Start with foundational poses like Mountain Pose (Tadasana) to help students find their grounding and focus on proper alignment from the ground up.

Move to gentle seated poses like Easy Pose (Sukhasana) or Child’s Pose (Balasana) to introduce relaxation and stretching. Please encourage students to listen to their bodies and honor their limits while exploring each pose.

Transition into standing poses such as Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) or Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) to build strength, balance, and flexibility. Emphasize the importance of breath awareness throughout the practice, guiding students to synchronize movement with breath.

Incorporate a mix of forward bends, backbends, twists, and inversions to offer a well-rounded experience that targets different muscle groups. Remember that each student is unique; encourage modifications and props as needed for individual comfort and safety.

Teaching Mindfulness Meditation Online

Teaching mindfulness meditation online opens a world of tranquility and self-discovery for beginners in the comfort of their own homes. As an instructor, guiding students through moments of stillness and reflection can be incredibly rewarding.

Creating a serene virtual space is critical to fostering a sense of calm during online mindfulness sessions. Please encourage your students to find a quiet corner free from distractions where they can fully immerse themselves in the practice.

Begin by inviting participants to focus on their breath, gently bringing awareness to each inhale and exhale. Remind them that it’s okay if thoughts arise – the essence of mindfulness is acknowledging these thoughts without judgment, simply letting them pass like clouds in the sky.

Encourage gentle movements or stretches to help release any tension held in the body before settling into a comfortable seated position. From there, guide them through visualization exercises or body scans to deepen their connection with the present moment.

Remember, teaching mindfulness meditation online requires patience and empathy. Allow your students space to explore this practice at their own pace, nurturing their journey toward inner peace and clarity with each session you lead.

Teaching Basic Yoga Nidra

Teaching Basic Yoga Nidra can be a transformative experience for beginners looking to dive deeper into yoga. This guided form of meditation allows students to enter a state of conscious relaxation while remaining aware and present.

When introducing Yoga Nidra to your students, emphasize the importance of finding a comfortable position where they can relax fully. Please encourage them to let go of any tension in their body and focus on following the instructions with an open mind.

Guiding participants through body scans, breath awareness, and visualization techniques can help them achieve deep relaxation and inner peace. Remind them that it’s normal for thoughts to arise during Yoga Nidra; the key is not to attach to them but to observe without judgment.

As a teacher, create a soothing atmosphere by using calming music or soft lighting during the session. Allow ample time for your students to slowly transition from the practice and reflect on their experience before concluding the class.

Using Lesson Plan Templates for Teaching Online Classes

Crafting a structured lesson plan is essential when teaching yoga online to beginners. It provides a roadmap for your class, ensuring a smooth instruction flow and engagement throughout the session.

Utilizing lesson plan templates can streamline this process by offering a framework to organize your content effectively. These templates can help you outline the sequence of poses, breathing exercises, and meditation practices you wish to incorporate into your classes.

By using pre-designed templates or creating customized ones, you can save time and effort in planning each session. This allows you to focus more on delivering high-quality instruction and catering to the specific needs of your beginner students.

Furthermore, having a well-organized lesson plan can help you maintain consistency in your teachings and track progress over time. It also enables you to adapt flexibly during class while meeting key learning objectives.

Incorporating lesson plan templates into your online yoga teaching practice can enhance your efficiency as an instructor and the overall experience for your students.

Creating Lesson Plans for Teaching Online Yoga Classes

Creating lesson plans for teaching online yoga classes is crucial to delivering practical and engaging sessions to beginner students. Start by outlining the objectives you want to achieve in each class, whether introducing basic poses, focusing on breathwork, or promoting relaxation through meditation.

Consider the flow of your class, beginning with a gentle warm-up, moving into more dynamic sequences or poses, and ending with a calming cool-down. Incorporate variations and modifications to cater to your students’ different levels of experience.

Include specific cues for alignment and breathing throughout your lesson plan to help beginners understand the foundational principles of yoga practice. Integrate themes or intentions that resonate with your students, such as gratitude, self-care, or mindfulness.

Keep your lesson plans flexible to adapt to online yoga students’ needs and feedback. Embrace creativity in designing sequences that promote physical strength, flexibility, mental clarity, and emotional well-being.

Using Aura Wellness Center’s Blog for Research

Reliable resources are key when teaching online yoga to beginners at home. Aura Wellness Center’s blog is a valuable tool for research and inspiration in crafting your classes.

Their blog offers a wealth of information on different styles of yoga, meditation techniques, and tips for teaching effectively to beginners. You can explore articles on setting up your space, incorporating props, and creating lesson plans that engage and motivate your students.

Delve into their posts about breathing exercises, fundamental poses, mindfulness practices, and even Yoga Nidra guidance. These insights can help you structure your classes confidently while catering to beginner practitioners’ needs.

Utilizing Aura Wellness Center’s blog as a resource hub can enhance your knowledge base and refine your teaching skills to provide meaningful experiences for your online students.

Embracing the Journey of Teaching Online Yoga

Teaching yoga online can be a transformative journey, both for the instructor and the students. Embracing this path requires dedication, creativity, and an open heart. As you guide beginners through their practice from the comfort of your own home, remember to stay grounded in your intentions and connected to the essence of yoga.

Each session is a chance to share physical postures, wisdom, compassion, and mindfulness. Approach each class with authenticity and empathy, creating a space for students to explore their bodies and minds freely. Embrace any challenges that arise as opportunities for growth and learning.

By teaching online yoga, you can inspire others on their wellness journeys. Stay true to yourself as you impart knowledge and guidance. Remember that every breath your students take connects them deeper into their practice—a beautiful reminder of your impact on their lives.


As we wrap up this ultimate guide to teaching yoga for beginners at home, let’s take a moment to reflect on the critical points covered throughout our journey. From understanding the benefits of practicing yoga in the comfort of your own space to setting up your studio for online classes, we’ve delved into various aspects of guiding beginners through their yoga practice.

We explored essential equipment and props needed for online classes, taught different styles of yoga virtually, troubleshot common challenges beginner students face, and explored basic breathing techniques and fundamental poses. Additionally, we touched upon mindfulness meditation and the rejuvenating practice of Yoga Nidra.

You can effectively engage with your students by utilizing lesson plan templates and creating structured plans for your online classes while imparting valuable knowledge. Remember that every step you take in teaching online yoga is part of a fulfilling journey toward helping others discover the transformative power of this ancient practice.


As you embark on your journey to teach yoga to beginners at home, remember that patience and practice are essential. Embrace the challenges and celebrate the successes along the way. Teaching online yoga can be a rewarding experience for you as an instructor and your students who are beginning their yoga journey.

By following this ultimate guide, setting up your studio, understanding the benefits of practicing at home, teaching different styles of yoga online, and mastering fundamental poses and breathing techniques, you’ll be well-equipped to offer valuable lessons to beginners in the comfort of their own space.

Remember to stay connected with your student’s progress through feedback and adjustments. Utilize lesson plan templates and resources like Aura Wellness Center’s blog for inspiration and guidance. With dedication and passion for sharing the transformative power of yoga with others, you’re sure to impact beginner yogis worldwide positively.

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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