The Miracle of Self-Help through Yoga Practice - Yoga Practice Blog

The Miracle of Self-Help through Yoga Practice

miracle of self-helpBy Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP

What is the miracle of self-help in Yoga? Can Yoga make miracles happen? Can we make miracles happen? How often do you hear people hope or wish for a miracle? Many people perform wishful thinking, but how much action do they put into their wishes? Let’s look deeper into our daily Yoga practice, in order to recognize miracles – whether they are big or small.


The Art of Observation

When we sit down to meditate, it does not have to be a chore. There are many forms of meditation. One of them is through mindful self-reflection. This is not a time for self-destructive criticism, but for objective observation.

When we take the time to observe without judgment, it becomes easier to see, and appreciate, the many miracles that take place each day, which is evidence of the miracle of self-help.

Observe the impact you have made on others. Have you made someone smile? Do you encourage anyone to pursue their hopes and dreams? Have you made success possible through transferring positive feelings toward them?

These may seem like small matters, but karma is a chain of small matters, which are the result of initial action that “set the wheels of motion” into a concerted action.


Coping with Pain

Many people are not aware of how much good they do for others, until the results of initial action become apparent. Consider this: Yoga, in all of its forms, is designed to end or reduce suffering. This may not seem to be a miracle to you, but it makes a big difference to someone who is in extreme pain.

If you have pain from sciatica, all you can think about is pain. Yet, if you visit a Yoga teacher, or therapist, and as a result your pain goes away, it would seem like a miracle.

Pain, suffering, or being handicapped can bring about emotions, such as anger, depression, helplessness, self-doubt, and many more negative feelings. Any physical problem can challenge your mental and emotional ability to cope with it.

Worse yet, our spiritual health can become challenged. There are those who suffer and blame everyone for their problems. This is extremely unhealthy for many reasons; stirring up negative energy does not resolve problems and can make problems worse.



In the past, our ancestors sacrificed each other in order to end suffering. At this point in time, we consider ourselves civilized, in comparison to our ancestors; but when suffering is overwhelming, it becomes easier to take a rational thought and toss it out the window.

We are still human and unbalanced emotional health can take a toll on anyone. Yoga is a system, which allows one to train the mind for those times, when we are challenged by life’s struggles. This is the miracle of self-help, which occurs in life through daily Yoga training.

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4 thoughts on “The Miracle of Self-Help through Yoga Practice”

  1. Dear Paul,
    When someone loses confidence in everything in life because he does not foresee a solution to his problem but disillusions, the biggest miracle of all is the faculty to resolve to hope, to nurture it and keep it vivid. Hope in itself is a miracle for it prevents us from falling into
    cynicism, anger and bitterness.

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