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Warrior III for Innovation

When our prana is sluggish from too much muscular tension, stress and toxicity, our creativity is also dulled. Choosing Yoga poses and sequences that increase the circulation of prana will ignite the creative spark within you.

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Yoga Poses for Courage

Bakasana is another wonderful Yoga pose that promotes a feeling of courage, strength and balance. Start by squatting down on your Yoga mat with your feet 4 to 6 inches apart. If you do not have the flexibility to keep your heels flat on the mat when you squat down, please use a folded blanket to create a firm and comfortable foundation for the pose.

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Yoga Poses for Emotional Healing

Two wonderful beginning standing Yoga poses that help to develop skills of present awareness, balance and wholeness are Tadasana or Mountain Pose and Tree Pose. Practicing Mountain Pose in a very aware manner will help a trauma survivor to simply feel more and be more in his or her body.

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Yoga of the Heart: Anahatasana

For some Yogis or Yoginis, the emphasis on finding and keeping an ideal romantic partner can bring up a deep sense of loss for a relationship that seemed so perfect in the beginning, but then became unsustainable as time went on. This deep longing for a perfect romantic partner, who offers us unconditional love and unquenchable support all the time, can propel many of us into less than ideal partnerships. When these partnerships dissolve, our hearts may feel deep grief and loss for months, or even years to come.

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Bow Pose for Creativity

There are a number of Yoga poses, breathing exercises and contemplative techniques that will help to fan the fires of creativity and give you the energy to bring your creative projects to completion. Back bending Yoga poses are profoundly effective at releasing unproductive holding patterns all along the front side of the body.

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Yoga Asana: The Pros and Cons of Headstand

According to William Broad, author of The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards, Headstand is one of the most risky poses yoga offers. He notes that any pose like Headstand, which can torque the neck, can tear arterial linings, causing blood clots and, ultimately, strokes.

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