Yin Yoga Poses to Relieve Anxiety - Yoga Practice Blog

Yin Yoga Poses to Relieve Anxiety

Yoga poses to relieve anxietyBy Jenny Park, Faye Martins, and Gopi Rao

Are there any Yoga poses to relieve anxiety? This is a common question instructors answer every week. Anxiety is a state of agitation and hyper-arousal that is fueled by adrenalin and cortisol. When in a crisis situation, an extra shot of adrenalin can be incredibly helpful. It may assist you in the landing that big deal you have been chasing, finishing a challenging 10k race or saving somebody from a dangerous situation. Unfortunately, when adrenalin and cortisol continue to circulate throughout the body from constant daily stress, these otherwise life-saving hormones can degrade the health of both the body and mind.


How Does Yin Yoga Poses to Relieve Anxiety Work?

Yin Yoga focuses on soothing, grounding, restorative Yoga asanas that turn off the overdrive switch. The long, supported holds in Yin Yoga help the body and mind to relax and release tension, both mentally and physically. Specific Yin Yoga poses to relieve anxiety will aim at increasing flexibility throughout all of the connective tissues of the body.

The long holds in Yin Yoga create a gentle traction and compression that helps to flush out toxins and lubricate the joints while releasing tension in the surrounding connective tissues. A regular practice of Yin Yoga will complement a more active “Yang Yoga” practice such as Power Yoga or Bikram Yoga.

Over time, your level of flexibility and joint mobility will increase allowing for ease of movement and an overall sense of well-being. When we feel held and supported, anxiety begins to ebb. In Yin Yoga, many asanas may be practiced in a supported fashion with block and bolsters in order to create a sense of being supported and nourished.


Understanding Anxiety and Poses

An anxiety attack is often evidenced in the body by shallow breathing. Yin Yoga postures that open up the heart area will allow your breathing to become unrestricted. Practicing Fish Pose in a supported fashion will open up the entire upper torso including the throat area. Practicing Supported Wide Angle Pose will help you to ground, feel nurtured and aid in pratyahara or the withdrawal of the senses from the outside world, giving you a break from seeking solace or stimulation outside of yourself for a period of time.

Supported Wide Angle Pose

To practice Supported Wide Angle Pose, sit comfortably on your Yoga mat. Take one complete Yogic breath. On your next exhale, extend your legs and open them in a comfortable “V” formation. Place a Yoga block on floor in front of you so that your forehead can rest comfortably on the block. Adjust the height of the block depending on your level of flexibility. Inhale and as you exhale, bend forward resting your forehead on the block. Place your hands on your knees, shins or ankles. Hold this posture for three to five minutes while breathing deeply. Finish practicing Supported Wide Angle Pose by slowly returning to Easy Seat and pausing for a few moments to feel the reverberation of energy throughout your entire being. Specific Yoga poses to relieve anxiety exist within the Yin and Restorative styles.


Yin Yoga Poses to Relieve Anxiety Today

In today’s fast-paced world, anxiety can feel like an unwelcome companion. The constant hustle and bustle often leaves us feeling overwhelmed. But what if there was a way to carve out some peace amidst the chaos? Enter Yin Yoga—a gentle yet powerful practice focusing on stillness and deep stretching.

Yin Yoga is about slowing down, which can be incredibly beneficial for managing stress and anxiety. This mindful approach allows you to connect with your body profoundly, promoting relaxation and emotional balance. If you’re searching for effective yin yoga poses to relieve anxiety, you’ve come to the right place! Let’s explore how to incorporate this calming practice into your life and find serenity one pose at a time.

Pacing Yin Yoga Poses for Anxiety Relief

Yin Yoga is a slower-paced style that contrasts sharply with more dynamic forms of yoga. It emphasizes long-held postures, allowing the body to relax deeply. This practice targets the connective tissues, promoting flexibility and joint health.

One of the most significant benefits of Yin Yoga is its ability to calm an overactive mind. By focusing on breath and stillness, practitioners can cultivate mindfulness—a powerful antidote to anxiety.

The meditative nature of Yin encourages self-reflection and emotional release. As you hold each pose for several minutes, your body learns to let go of physical and mental tension.

Moreover, this practice activates the parasympathetic nervous system—the part responsible for relaxation. This shift helps reduce stress levels while fostering a sense of peace long after your session ends. Engaging in regular Yin Yoga can transform how you manage anxiety in daily life.


Five Yin Yoga Poses for Anxiety Relief

The Supported Child’s Pose offers a gentle embrace. The soft stretch calms the mind and encourages deep breathing, making it perfect for those moments when life feels overwhelming.

Butterfly Pose opens the hips while fostering vulnerability. As you fold forward, tension melts away. This pose invites introspection and stillness, creating space for peace to enter.

Reclined Twist releases built-up stress in the spine. Lying on your back, this twist creates a soothing sensation that helps quiet racing thoughts. It’s both grounding and refreshing.

Legs Up the Wall is all about surrendering to gravity. Elevating your legs improves blood circulation, while anxiety dissipates slowly into the floor below.

Savasana wraps up your practice with pure relaxation. Here, you let go completely, allowing any lingering worries to drift away like clouds in an open sky. Each breath becomes lighter as calm envelops you.

A. Supported Child’s Pose

Supported Child’s Pose is a gentle yet powerful position. It invites relaxation and deep breathing, making it an excellent choice for anxiety relief.

To begin, kneel on your mat with your big toes touching and your knees spread wide apart. As you fold forward, let your torso melt between your thighs. For extra support, place cushions or blankets under your forehead and chest.

This pose encourages introspection while creating space in the body. The gentle pressure on the abdomen can soothe the nervous system as you breathe deeply into this vital posture.

Focus on releasing tension from each part of your body. Feel how each exhale allows stress to dissipate slowly. Supported Child’s Pose cultivates a sense of safety and calmness that resonates long after you rise from it. Embrace its nurturing qualities; it’s a refuge during turbulent times.

B. Butterfly Pose

Butterfly Pose, or Baddha Konasana, is a gentle yet powerful posture. It encourages the body to open while inviting a sense of calmness.

To enter this pose, sit on the floor and bring your feet together. Allow your knees to fall outward like butterfly wings. If you feel comfortable, you can lean forward slightly for a deeper stretch.

As you settle into Butterfly Pose, focus on your breath. Inhale deeply through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth. This rhythm helps quiet racing thoughts.

The magic of this pose lies in its ability to release tension in the hips and lower back. These areas often hold emotional stress, making this pose particularly effective for anxiety relief.

Stay here for several minutes, allowing each breath to melt away worries and fears. Embrace stillness as you connect with your inner self during this nurturing practice.

C. Reclined Twist

The Reclined Twist is a gentle yet effective pose for easing anxiety. It invites relaxation while promoting spinal mobility.

To enter this pose, lie on your back and draw one knee into your chest. Let that knee gently drop to the side as you exhale, moving it across your body. Extend your opposite arm out in line with your shoulder. This creates a beautiful twist through the spine.

This position offers a calming stretch for both the lower back and hips. It also encourages deep breathing as you stay present in the moment, allowing tension to melt away.

Hold the pose for several breaths before switching sides. Each inhalation can bring fresh energy, while each exhalation releases stress and worry.

Incorporate this simple yet powerful pose into your routine whenever anxiety feels overwhelming or you seek tranquility amidst the chaos.

D. Legs Up the Wall

Legs Up the Wall is a restorative pose that offers deep relaxation and relief from anxiety. It’s simple yet powerful, making it accessible for all levels.

To practice this pose, find an open wall space. Sit sideways with your hip against the wall and gently swing your legs up, resting them vertically along the wall. Your arms can rest at your sides or on your belly.

This position promotes circulation and helps to calm the mind. The gentle inversion encourages blood flow to the heart and brain, which may reduce feelings of stress.

Take slow, deep breaths as you remain in this pose for several minutes. With each exhale, let go of tension while fully embracing stillness.

Legs Up the Wall creates a serene environment where worries melt away, leaving you refreshed and more grounded in the present moment.

E. Savasana

Savasana, often known as the Corpse Pose, is a profound way to surrender tension. In this pose, you lie flat on your back with arms at your sides and palms facing upward.

This position encourages deep relaxation. It allows both the body and mind to release accumulated stress. Anxiety begins to melt away as you focus on your breath during Savasana.

While it may seem simple, mastering Savasana takes practice. Allow yourself to embrace stillness for several minutes fully. Feel each muscle relax into the earth beneath you.

Visualize any anxious thoughts gently drifting away like clouds in the sky. This intentional act of letting go creates space for peace and calmness.

Savasana isn’t just an ending pose; it’s vital to restoring balance within yourself. Integrate it into your routine not just after practices but anytime you’re seeking tranquility.


Tips for Incorporating Yin Yoga into Your Daily Routine

Integrating Yin Yoga into your daily life can be simple and rewarding. Start small by dedicating ten minutes daily to a pose or two. This makes it easier to fit into your schedule.

Create a calming space in your home where you feel at ease. A quiet corner with soft lighting and comfortable props will enhance your practice.

Consider setting reminders on your phone. These gentle nudges can encourage you to pause, breathe, and stretch throughout the day.

Practice mindfulness during these moments. Focus on your breath, allowing thoughts of anxiety to drift away as you settle into each posture.

You might also join an online class or community for support and motivation. Connecting with others who share similar goals can boost commitment while enriching the experience of discovering yin yoga poses that effectively relieve anxiety.

Other Techniques to Enhance the Benefits of Yin Yoga for Anxiety

Consider pairing your practice with mindful breathing techniques to amplify the calming effects of yin yoga poses to relieve anxiety. Focusing on deep, rhythmic breaths helps ground you and enhances relaxation.

Incorporating aromatherapy can also elevate your experience. Essential oils like lavender or chamomile create a soothing atmosphere that complements the stillness of yin yoga. Just a few drops in a diffuser can set the mood for tranquility.

Journaling after your session may provide additional clarity. Reflecting on sensations and emotions experienced during practice allows for deeper self-awareness and understanding of anxiety triggers.

Meditation is an excellent addition to any yoga routine. Taking just ten minutes post-yin to sit in silence can cultivate mindfulness and further reduce anxious thoughts. Each technique contributes uniquely to creating a holistic approach toward managing anxiety through the gentle art of yin yoga.



Yin yoga offers a gentle yet powerful approach to managing anxiety. Practitioners who focus on long-held postures and deep breathing create space for emotional release.

The poses highlighted in this guide—like Supported Child’s Pose and Legs Up the Wall—target physical tension and mental stress. Each pose invites relaxation while fostering mindfulness.

Incorporating these yin yoga poses into your routine can transform your relationship with anxiety. Regular practice encourages self-awareness, helping you respond to stressors more calmly.

Beyond the mat, combining techniques such as meditation or aromatherapy can amplify the calming effects of your yoga practice. Together, they nurture a holistic approach to well-being that addresses both body and mind.


Practicing yin yoga can be a transformative experience, especially for those seeking relief from anxiety. By incorporating these specific poses into your routine, you can create a calming sanctuary that nurtures both the body and mind. The gentle stretches and prolonged holds of yin yoga promote relaxation, reduce stress levels, and help to cultivate a deep sense of inner peace.

Making time for these practices doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. Dedicating a few minutes each day to one or two poses can significantly improve your mental well-being over time. Consistency is key; small steps often yield the most profound changes.

Additionally, consider enhancing your practice with techniques like mindfulness meditation or breathwork. These complementary practices can amplify the benefits of yin yoga and further support your journey toward managing anxiety.

Embracing Yin Yoga poses as part of your self-care routine may offer you relief and tools for navigating life’s challenges with greater ease. Whether you’re new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, there’s always something valuable waiting on the mat for you—especially when nurturing tranquility amid life’s chaos.

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division


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