Yoga and the Svadisthana Chakra - Aura Wellness Center

Yoga and the Svadisthana Chakra

svadhisthana chakraBy: Faye Martins and Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP

Let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we delve into the fascinating world of yoga and the Svadisthana Chakra. Unleash your inner creativity, passion, and emotional balance through ancient practices that harmonize mind, body, and spirit. Join us as we explore the profound connection between yoga and this energy center in our bodies’ sacral region. Are you ready to unlock your potential for joy and fulfillment?


Understanding the Svadisthana Chakra

The Svadisthana Chakra, also known as the sacral chakra, is the energy center located in the lower abdomen. It governs our emotions, creativity, and sexuality. When this chakra is balanced, we feel passionate and connected to our inner selves.

Imbalances in the Svadisthana Chakra can manifest as emotional instability or lack of creativity. By understanding this chakra’s significance, we can work towards achieving harmony within ourselves.

To balance the Svadisthana Chakra, engaging in practices that stimulate creativity and emotional well-being is essential. This could involve practicing specific yoga poses, meditation techniques or incorporating affirmations into daily routines.

By delving deeper into the essence of the Svadisthana Chakra, we open ourselves up to a world of self-discovery and profound transformation. Let your creative energies flow freely as you explore this vital energy center within you.

Benefits of Balancing the Svadisthana Chakra

Balancing the Svadisthana Chakra can bring a myriad of benefits to your life. When this sacral chakra is in harmony, you may experience enhanced creativity and passion in everything you do. This balance can also help you build healthier relationships with others by fostering empathy and emotional intelligence.

By aligning the Svadisthana Chakra, you might find an increased sense of joy and pleasure in everyday activities. It can awaken your inner desires and allow you to pursue them with confidence and enthusiasm. A balanced sacral chakra can promote a healthy energy flow throughout your body, improving overall well-being.

Embracing the practice of balancing this chakra through yoga, meditation, breathwork, mantras, and affirmations can empower you to tap into your authentic self and embrace your emotions fully. As you cultivate balance in the Svadisthana Chakra, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities for growth and self-discovery.


Yoga Poses for the Svadisthana Chakra

Are you ready to explore yoga poses that can help balance your Svadisthana Chakra? Let’s explore some powerful postures that focus on this energy center in the lower abdomen.

One pose to try is the Bound Angle Pose, also known as Baddha Konasana. Sit with the soles of your feet touching and gently fold forward, allowing your hips to open and release any stored tension.

Another beneficial posture is the Warrior II Pose, or Virabhadrasana II. This strong stance helps cultivate inner strength and stability while encouraging a sense of confidence and empowerment.

For a more refreshing option, consider practicing the Reclining Bound Angle Pose, Supta Baddha Konasana. Lie comfortably with pillows supporting your back and head, allowing for deep relaxation and rejuvenation of the sacral chakra.

Remember to listen to your body as you flow through these poses, honoring any sensations or emotions that arise. Embrace this practice as a nurturing journey towards harmony within yourself.

Breathing Techniques for Balancing the Svadisthana Chakra

Breathing techniques are vital in balancing the Svadisthana Chakra, also known as the sacral chakra. One powerful method is Pranayama, which focuses on controlling the breath to balance energy within the body.

One effective technique is Nadi Shodhana or alternate nostril breathing. Sit comfortably with your spine straight and gently close one nostril while inhaling through the other. Then, switch sides and exhale through the opposite nostril.

Another beneficial practice is Kapalabhati, or skull-shining breath. This involves rapid, forceful exhalations followed by passive inhalations to cleanse and energize the body.

Ujjayi breathing, often used in Vinyasa yoga, involves constricting the back of your throat slightly while breathing deeply through your nose to create an oceanic sound.

Incorporating these breathing techniques into your yoga practice can enhance your connection to your emotions and creativity while harmonizing the Svadisthana Chakra for overall well-being.


Meditation for the Svadisthana Chakra

Meditation for the Svadisthana Chakra is a powerful tool for balancing and activating this energy center in the lower abdomen. Find a quiet and comfortable space to sit or lie down, close your eyes, and begin by focusing on your breath. Allow yourself to tune into any sensations or emotions in this area of your body.

Visualize a glowing orange light radiating warmth and vitality at the sacral chakra. With each inhale, imagine this light expanding and growing brighter. As you exhale, release any tension or blockages in this energy center. Feel a sense of fluidity and creativity flowing through you as you meditate on balancing the Svadisthana Chakra.

You can enhance your meditation practice with specific affirmations related to the sacral chakra, such as “I am creative,” “I embrace pleasure,” or “I am connected to my emotions.” Repeat these affirmations silently or aloud during your meditation session to reinforce positive energy flow within the Svadisthana Chakra.

Incorporating Svadisthana Chakra Practices into Daily Life

Incorporating Svadisthana chakra practices into your daily routine can bring balance and harmony to your life. Start by setting aside a few minutes each day for yoga poses specifically targeting the sacral chakra, such as hip-opening postures like Butterfly or Pigeon pose.

You can also practice breathing techniques like Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) to help regulate energy flow in the sacral chakra. Meditation focusing on visualizing a warm, orange light at your lower abdomen can further enhance the balancing effects.

Carrying a piece of orange calcite crystal throughout the day can remind you to stay connected to your creative and emotional center. Embracing activities that spark creativity, such as dancing, painting, or journaling, can also help nourish and activate the Svadisthana chakra.

Integrating these practices into your daily life can cultivate a deeper connection to your emotions, creativity, and sensuality while promoting overall well-being.


Mantras for the Svadisthana Chakra

Mantras are powerful tools for balancing the Svadisthana Chakra, also known as the sacral chakra. By reciting specific mantras, you can tap into the energy associated with this chakra and bring harmony to your emotions and creativity.

One potent mantra for the Svadisthana Chakra is “Vam.” Chanting this sound can help unlock your creative potential and enhance your ability to express yourself freely. Allow the vibrations of “Vam” to resonate within you, connecting you to the fluidity of water – a key element associated with this chakra.

Another mantra that resonates with the Svadisthana Chakra is “I feel.” Repeating these words during meditation or yoga practice can cultivate a more profound sense of emotional awareness and acceptance. This mantra encourages you to acknowledge and honor your feelings without judgment.

Incorporating these mantras into your daily routine can support your journey toward balance and alignment within the Svadisthana Chakra. Experiment with different mantras and see which resonates most strongly with you in enhancing your sacral energy flow.

Affirmations for the Svadisthana Chakra

Affirmations are powerful tools that align with the energy of the Svadisthana chakra. Repeat positive statements like “I am creative and passionate” to ignite your inner fire. Embrace affirmations such as “I allow my emotions to flow freely, bringing me joy and balance.” Visualize a vibrant orange light swirling in your sacral area as you affirm, “I honor my body and treat it with respect.”

“I embrace pleasure in all aspects of my life, finding joy in every moment” is a mantra that resonates deeply with the Svadisthana chakra. Affirming “My emotions are valid and guide me towards growth” helps release any blockages hindering emotional expression. Say aloud or silently repeat affirmations that resonate with you to strengthen your connection to this energetic center.

Integrating these empowering statements into your daily routine can elevate your sacral chakra’s vitality and harmony. Let these affirmations become a part of your self-care practice, nurturing the essence of creativity and passion within you.


Incorporating Svadisthana Chakra Practices into Daily Life

Incorporating Svadisthana Chakra practices into your daily routine can bring balance and creativity to your life. Start by setting aside a few minutes each day for activities that stimulate this chakra, such as yoga poses like the Bound Angle Pose or the Crescent Lunge.

You can also incorporate breathing techniques like the Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) to help release any blockages in the Svadisthana Chakra. Meditation focusing on envisioning an orange light in the sacral area can further enhance its energy flow throughout your day.

Try repeating mantras like “Vam” or affirmations about embracing pleasure and abundance. Carry these positive vibrations with you as you do your daily tasks, staying mindful of how you interact with others and yourself. Embrace creativity in all forms – from cooking a new recipe to doodling during breaks.

By weaving Svadisthana Chakra practices seamlessly into your everyday life, you invite harmony and vitality into each moment.


As we wrap up our exploration of the Svadisthana Chakra and its connection to yoga, it’s essential to reflect on the significance of this energy center in our lives. The Svadisthana Chakra, located in the lower abdomen, governs our creativity, emotions, and relationships. By understanding and balancing this chakra through yoga practices, we can enhance our ability to express ourselves authentically and connect with others on a deeper level.

We can stimulate the flow of energy through specific yoga poses tailored to activate the Svadisthana Chakra, such as hip-opening postures like Pigeon Pose or Bound Angle Pose. Incorporating breathing techniques like Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) can further support balance within this chakra by calming the mind and harmonizing our emotions.

Meditation focused on visualizing a bright orange light at the sacral area can also help clear blockages in the Svadisthana Chakra. Mantras like “Vam” or affirmations emphasizing self-acceptance and emotional fluidity can be powerful tools in maintaining chakra harmony throughout daily life.

By integrating these practices into our routines consistently, we pave the way for a more vibrant and balanced existence where creativity flows freely, emotions are processed healthily, and relationships thrive.



Incorporating yoga practices that focus on the Svadisthana chakra into your daily routine can bring balance and harmony to your life. By understanding this energy center and working to keep it balanced, you can experience increased creativity, emotional stability, and a deep sense of connection with yourself and others.

Whether you practice specific yoga poses, breathing techniques, meditation, mantras, or affirmations targeting the Svadisthana chakra, the key is consistency. Make these practices a part of your daily life to reap the full benefits of aligning this energy center.

Remember that self-care is essential in maintaining overall well-being. Embrace the journey of exploring and balancing your Svadisthana chakra through yoga as a way to nurture not only your physical body but also your mind and spirit. Allow yourself the space to grow, evolve, and connect deeper through these powerful practices.

May you find joy, inspiration, and fulfillment as you delve into the profound world of yoga and unlock the potential of your Svadisthana chakra. Namaste!

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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Sunflowers, Yoga and the Svadisthana Chakra

By: Virginia Iversen, M.Ed

As the sun travels toward her yearly zenith point, her warmth and energy begin to permeate the earth, coaxing new life to emerge from its winter stasis. With each passing day, we begin to witness the perennial growth of abundant flowers and plants. Of course, the sunshine and warm temperatures also bring bears out of hibernation and the bees back to the business of making honey! Traditionally, the Incas worshiped the yellow color of the sun as a symbol of optimism, happiness, pleasure, and wealth.

If you live in a temperate climate that was quite cold this winter, the very advent of the spring like temperatures and the return of the warmth of the sun’s rays may be inspiring a new found hope and optimism for creative projects, both large and small. In fact, this energy of optimism is embodied by the resiliency of the sunflower. Indeed, the sunflower is a classical symbol of the sun. Lastly, the vermilion-tinged yellow of the sunflower is also symbolic of the Second Chakra, known in Tantric Yoga as the Svadisthana Chakra.


Sacral Chakra Charactristics

The Second Chakra is located a few inches above the Root Chakra and just below the navel area. It is strongly connected to one’s place in the world in terms of a sense of home and belonging. The Second Chakra is said to have six petals according to ancient Yogis. These petals resonate with the seed mantra “yam.”

This chakra is also strongly correlated with the element water, which is depicted by the silver crescent moon. In the process of balancing the Second Chakra, we are asked to embrace the watery, emotional elements of life and to let life ebb and flow with the symbolic tides.

Although this ebb and flow of life experiences (and frequently the people in our lives) can be painful, allowing things to flow and change is critical to the health of the Svadisthana Chakra. Therefore, the shadow aspect of the Second Chakra is a clamping down of one’s creativity and sexuality, as well as being mired in issues of jealousy and betrayal.

Signs of Imbalance

Staying mired in these shadow emotions will ultimately close down one’s creativity and hamper a Yoga practitioner’s ability to sustain a nourishing home base. Firstly, symptoms of an unbalanced Second Chakra usually include an inability to experience pleasure, resistance to change and being out of touch with one’s own emotions. Secondly, Sacral Chakra imbalances may also be manifest by discomfort in the hips, lower back and reproductive organs.

Thirdly, healing a Second Chakra imbalance includes the ability to release deeply held physical and emotional tension in the pelvic and hip areas through Yoga postures. Additionally, if you have a history of sexual abuse, you may want to seek the support of a professional therapist as you gently coax your Second Chakra back into a vibrant state of well-being.

Finally, along the path, you may become conscious of experiences that are best integrated with the help of a professional who can offer you therapeutic emotional support and perspective on your experiences.


Restorative Seated Wide Angle Pose

Restorative Seated Wide Angle Pose is one of the most profoundly relaxing Yoga asanas. This posture is used for opening up the groin and pelvic areas of the Second Chakra. If you would like to practice this Yoga pose in a restorative fashion, you will need props. Suggestions are a bolster, a rolled up blanket, or a pile of pillows to rest your head on while you are in the posture. Seated Wide Angle Pose is usually practiced at the end of a Yoga class, just prior to Shavasana.

When you are ready to practice Restorative Seated Wide Angle Pose, come to a comfortable seated position on your Yoga mat with your legs in a wide-angle position comfortably far apart. Place your bolster, blanket or pillows in between your legs. With your next exhale, gently drape your upper body over your bolster. Then, use a blanket or pillows and rest your forehead on the Yoga prop you are using. Allow your energy to cool down and rest on the support of the earth.

Let the stress and tension melt away as you breathe deeply and evenly. For the next several minutes, just rest and relax as you allow your senses to be pulled inward. When you have completed your practice of Restorative Seated Wide Angle Pose, sit up, place your Yoga bolster or blanket to the side, and come back into Easy Seat. Pause for a moment and feel the quietude within you before moving into the final poses of your Yoga practice.

© Copyright – Virginia Iversen / Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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