Linda Brown - Aura Wellness Center

Linda Brown

Dear Dr. Jerard:
In October 2011, I completed my Certification with High Honors, from the Aura Wellness Center. From the very first phone call to Paul, in regard to Certification Training, he gave me his undivided attention. His gentle and reassuring responses to my numerous questions confirmed in my heart that I had made the right decision.
I wish to profoundly thank you and the Aura Wellness Center for placing my Yoga feet on the path of a life-long journey! I teach Yoga at Colonial Heritage, an active adult community in Williamsburg, VA. I am one of only 20 RYTs in Williamsburg, and have brought Gentle Hatha Yoga to over 80 new students. Presently, I teach 70 different Yoga poses. Occasionally we practice all 70 poses during “Strolling Yoga” . This requires two 1 1/2 hour Monday classes.
As I observe these beautiful and amazing men and women, in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th decade of their lives, I am humbled and pleased to see their steady improvements in strength and balance. It gives me tremendous joy to teach meditative Mantras to help clear their minds and declare an intention. I see their serene faces as they sit in Lotus Pose with eyes closed and I know beyond words that they have made the connection between mind and body.
I wish to express my love and gratitude to you and the Aura Wellness Yoga Center and each of the wonderful people I have welcomed to Yoga. You have changed my life.
Linda Brown, RYT

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