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Chakra Theory

Yoga Poses for the First Chakra

To practice Uttanasana, stand at the top of your Yoga mat in Samasthiti with your feet parallel and hips’ distance apart. With an inhale, raise your arms over your head. With an exhale, slowly bring your arms down along the sides of your body until they reach your knees, shins or toes.

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Yoga Poses for the Third Chakra

Yoga poses that help to balance and energize the Manipura Chakra include vigorous Sun Salutations, Warrior poses, core abdominal work, twists and energizing pranayama exercises. On the other hand, supported backbends will help to cool an overactive Third Chakra.

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Practicing Yoga to Strengthen Intuition

In the seven chakra system, the sixth chakra (ajna) – known as the third eye – is the center for creativity, intuition, and clear thinking. It is also associated with the pineal gland. Because the lower five chakras must be balanced for the third eye to “open,” working on those chakras is the first step in developing the intuitive self. Then, special exercises can strengthen the sixth chakra.

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Activate the Solar Plexus with Pranayama Exercises

Many standing Yoga poses and pranayama exercises help to strengthen and activate the Manipura Chakra. The Ha Kriya is a very powerful Kundalini Yoga breathing technique for activating and re-energizing the Third Chakra.

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The Seven Main Chakras of Yoga

The word “chakra” literally means wheel. Traditionally, they are thought to be energy centers with the body. Chakras generally do not correspond to any western idea of the anatomy of the body. More commonly they are thought to be part of the subtle or astral body rather than the “gross” body. Kundalini Yoga attempts to awaken these energy centers though meditation. In Kundalini Yoga, seven Chakras are recognized (Tantric Buddhists recognize only four).

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Sunflowers, Yoga and the Svadisthana Chakra

As the sun travels toward her yearly zenith point, her warmth and energy begin to permeate the earth, coaxing new life to emerge from its winter stasis. With each passing day, we begin to witness the perennial growth of abundant flowers and plants. The sunshine and warm temperatures also bring bears out of hibernation and the bees back to the business of making honey! Traditionally, the Incas worshiped the yellow color of the sun as a symbol of optimism, happiness, pleasure, and wealth.

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Red Tulips, Yoga and the Muladhara Chakra

The central chakra that forms the very root of our seat on the earth is the Muladhara Chakra, which is also aptly named the Root Chakra. According to ancient seers and Yogis, this chakra emanates the deep-maroon color of the red tulip. It is the first of seven chakras that follow our spinal column from the pelvic area all the way to the crown of the head. A balanced and healthy Root Chakra is integral to allowing us to stand in a balanced and healthy way on the earth.

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