YOGIC LIFESTYLE Archives - Page 3 of 12 - Aura Wellness Center


Changing Habits with Yoga

On an emotional level, a regular practice of Yoga postures, breathing exercises and meditation techniques will quickly elucidate thinking patterns that create negative emotional states. Frequently, just slowing down enough to step on the mat and be present will immediately illuminate our own angry, impatient, self-critical, or negative states of mind. Instead of becoming more angry and impatient with ourselves, this awareness presents us with the opportunity to gently nurture and patiently reorient ourselves towards a more positive state of mind.

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Essential Guidelines for Yogic Practices

Yoga is a science that aims at the harmonious development of the body, mind, and soul. It is a methodical way of attaining perfection, through control of the different elements of human nature, both physical and psychic. It is a process of continuous transformation. Inner perfection comes about gradually.

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The Meaning of Yoga

Any change, in the normal behavior of the mind, can be an altered state. When we get angry, it is an altered state of consciousness; when we go to sleep, it is another altered state; and when we express ourselves, we create altered states. There are some experiences, which bring the mind down towards the gross, instinctive, and rational plane; and other experiences that go beyond the instinctive and rational level, which are probably best expressed by the term “intuitive states of mind.”

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Health Costs Today and Yoga

Physical forms of yoga should be, if possible, practiced on a hardwood floor to provide the optimum surface for balancing and pose posture. Be sure to clear a wide space free of furniture, toys, books, or other distractions or potential safety hazards. Keeping the space clean and free of clutter is an important factor in removing all possible mental distractions from the area so that you can be as relaxed and stress-free as possible. Cuing your iPod or music library with peaceful instrumental music can also soothe and relax your mind.

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Reducing Back Pain With Yoga

Yoga is one of the easiest and best ways for us to look after our physical wellbeing. The reason for this is that yoga exercises are so incredibly simple that they can be performed by even the most out of shape person and the more regularly you exercise the healthier you become. Yoga is also an efficient way of releasing stress and tension. During our normal workdays certain blockages develop around the body and that’s results in a number of vital organs not getting enough oxygen and other nutrients they need to function efficiently. Yoga designed to stretch different muscle groups in a particular ways that will remove these blockages from the body and the blood flow will bring all the oxygen and other nutrients to all body organs.

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Prana Vidya – Energy Knowledge

There is no doubt that we have been making mistakes on the mental plane, that we have ignored the mind; and this is how we have become sick and unhappy. When we take to the path of Yoga, the most important thing for us is the spirit, then the mind, and then the body. In the materialistic philosophy, body is alpha and omega, but in Yogic philosophy, body is not the first and last. This physical body is not everything; it is just a small portion of our infinite existence. We have to maintain this body correctly, but not through medicines, tranquilizers, and nutritious food alone. We have to supplement right thinking, philosophy, principles, and beliefs. More than that, we have to develop the art of Dhyana Yoga, wherein the eyes are closed, but the mind is expanding and becoming more and more brilliant – more aware. Where this little world of name and form alone is not there – but where the infinite existence is before us in an ever expanding vision of universal life.

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