Yoga Teacher Training Blog - Aura Wellness Center


Are You Qualified to Accept Pregnant Yoga Students?

As a newly minted prenatal yoga teacher who is eminently qualified to teach pregnant students, you’ll want to stay away from particular techniques. Poses that require women to rigorously twist their abdomens from side to side can ultimately compress this region of the body. During the first trimester, women should likewise avoid jumping in and out of asanas, headstands, handstands and other poses that require them to hold their bodies in a delicately balanced position for several seconds. As an instructor, you should also advise women to avoid abdominal work. Since the stomach area is designed to expand during pregnancy, women can forget about the “no gain, no pain” methods for training their abs until after the baby has been born. Compressing the fetus is just not in your baby’s best interest.

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The Purpose of Postures in Yoga

For instance, the practice of Warrior II may quickly highlight a lack of concentration and a wandering mind. As you practice Warrior II, take a moment to see if your mind quickly becomes bored with holding a steady drishti, or gazing point on the horizon, as you hold the posture. Does this lack of patience and focus translate into a lack of patience and focus on daily tasks at work or at home?

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The Benefits of Online Yoga Teacher Training

Just as Yoga poses (asanas) increase the body’s strength, spiritual exercises increase mental fortitude. Your students live hectic lives filled with emotional stressors. Spiritual Yoga exercises can build up mental reserves, making it easy for your students to navigate the challenges of life. When your students spend several hours a week, communicating with themselves and their Greater Power, they are building up their emotional strength. Your Yoga classes will empower your students to live a more peaceful, enjoyable life.

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Yoga Practice for Seniors

Whether you are a practitioner or you have taken a few yoga teacher certification courses, you know that a regular practice helps to keep the body the body young. In fact, some seniors who practice yoga refer to it as a “fountain of youth.”

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Yoga Poses for Runners

If you are an avid runner, you may experience classic running injuries over time. Some of the more common injuries that runners experience are torn Achilles’ tendons, sore knees and a tight lower back. Alternating the surface on which you run will help to ameliorate knee injuries.

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Teaching a Detoxifying Yoga Class: Twists

Detoxifying Yoga postures also help to encourage the physical removal of waste products through the lymphatic system, which is one of the primary ways that the body has of cleansing itself. Of course, a balanced, regular practice of Yoga postures and cleansing pranayama exercises helps to detoxify both the body and the mind. By including specific twisting asanas into the sequence of postures that you are teaching in your Yoga class, you will further increase the beneficial detoxifying benefits of the practice.

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Yoga and Health

Yogic meditation also reduces the level of stress in the body, thus increasing the overall functioning of the human organism, and reducing the risk of stress-related illnesses such as heart disease. Stress is often a result of an over-committed, busy schedule. Both practicing hatha yoga and meditating slow us down and encourage us to ground in the present moment, relax, and enjoy life. Through regular practice of asanas, pranayama, and meditation, yoga can help regulate the thoughts that pass through the mind, improving the health of the mind and of the inner being.

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