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Teaching Yoga Postures with Awareness

By Faye Martins and Kimya Singh Teaching yoga postures is an art. Your techniques will set you apart from others. You can endear yourself to your students with small details like your selection of music or the use of fragrant aromatherapy sprays or essential oils. However, your ability and the techniques used to engage students …

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Sequencing Vinyasa Yoga Classes

The abdomen is the most problematic area for most people. Luckily, there are many effective yoga poses for this area. Try practicing bellow breaths before you begin. Boat pose is by far one of the most efficient asanas for the abdomen. It can be brutal, but beginners can hold on to their thighs or knees. Of course, the Planks are great and Camel and Cobra will give your abdomen a great stretch.

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Teaching Chakra Visualization During Yoga Nidra

Bhakti Yoga practitioners also have an intense longing for oneness with their Guru or teacher. An enlightened teacher who awakens the inner divinity of a student will embody divine love and grace for that student. The student’s Guru will also act as a mirror for the student, reflecting the student’s positive and negative qualities back to the student, so that the student may go through the alchemical process of purification and live more fully in the awareness of God’s love and presence within his or her own heart.

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Yoga Certification Online Reviews

Enterprise and activeness predominates in the awakening of inner energy within Pranayama applications of Prana Sciences. This exercise helps a great deal in warding off inertia and indolence and instead zest and zeal manifest. Because the mind is conjoined to such acts the basis of all successes emerges. For this the mind has to be tamed and educated. It is definitely difficult (but not impossible) akin to training ferocious animals like tigers etc. in a circus. Without inner strength it is impossible to attain via other means. It is will power that helps us act wholesomely in social transactions, helps make our personality of high stature and ethics and helps overcome inner taints on a war footing. That conscious energy generated on the basis of Prana Science gives us joy in the form of enterprise and activeness.

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Benefits of Online Yoga Teacher Training

The cost of in person instruction also includes hidden costs that must be added to the tuition cost of the training course. Hidden costs would include the cost for tutoring, study materials, membership, application, enrollment fees, and other hidden fees that the institution may choose to include. You do not have these additional hidden costs with online Yoga training.

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Preventing Back Injuries in Yoga Class

Other tips to avoid back injury are to keep your spine elongated and use your abdominal muscles. It is also wise to wait until you have successfully strengthened your back before attempting more complex asanas such as wheel, plow, and even camel.

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Chair Yoga Promotes Student Safety: Inclusion

There are many different populations of students who can benefit enormously from a practice of Chair Yoga. Some of the specialized groups of students who benefit from a supported practice include older students, students who are recovering from head injuries, students who are healing from surgical procedures, and students who may be living with long-term, chronic diseases that affect their balance, coordination and their ability to stand for extended periods of time.

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The Evolution of Becoming a Yoga Instructor

Decide where and how you will approach your teacher certification. Will you take the minimum required 200-hour program or go for a 500-hour program? Will you do an intensive course over a month or spread it out over a longer time frame on evenings and weekends? It is important to consider your budget and time restrictions. In addition, make sure you feel comfortable with the teacher, as they will have a huge impact on the result.

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